Lag switching

Hello everyone, I play on Xbox one. I just wanted to know if people have encountered the same problem as me once in a while. So no matter the platform y'all are on please reply. Thanks. So I was wondering if people encountered the killers or survivors lag switching on them. I've noticed a lot more killers (the ones that you can escape all day from) doing so lately. I'm rank 5 btw. So between 5 and 10 I've had three games a night to where the ping would be great and then all of a sudden when we have 2 or 3 gens left no ones been hurt or hooked or of the games been happening a while cause the killers everywhere lag happens, and it mostly happens during a chase. I was wondering if y'all have encountered more of that lately as well. I know its not just me cause I play with a freind or sometimes two and they encounter it as well. And devs if you're reading this how do y'all plan on solving this. Will the dedicated servers help? Thanks for any replies. Killers please put you're input below as I know some of y'all encounter the same problem against survivors as well, thanks.
Yeah, I was playing survivor in SwF with a friend. We encountered a lag switcher when we got near the killer, which was very annoying. We are rank 5+ and playing on PS4. It was only when being near killer during a chase, or just being near or in its terror radius.