Moris should be limited per trial

Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

As it stands to me, there is little reason to burn an Ebony Mori because with the current ranking system if you Mori at most you can just black pip.

And then from a survivor standpoint, it's not enjoyable at all. I know that sounds whiney trust me, but really if you add moris in the mix with the amount of exposed perks and powerful add-ons it can be a steamroll and it's not fun for anyone in the match, as Survivor and even killer since you've essentially wasted time just to black pip.

If they incorporate a new ranking System for Killers which rates you comparatively to the type of killer you choose, instead of in game statistics I feel it would be too much of a reward for using moris all the time. As it can be quite easy matches when you use them.

Idk, tell me what you think


  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266
    edited July 2019

    I sincerely like main killer, I use the mori as an anti rush tool, if the survivors play only rush gens, because I have no other option than to use it. I think that the mentality that the survivors have is not repair but rush. One thing is to repair, and another thing is to go from gens to gens.

    FOXHOUND65KO Member Posts: 3

    Mori's are simply the counter to toxic survivors and SWF. Change my mind...

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    People use those offerings even against solos.

    Its a cheap mechanic and everyone who says otherwise is just biased.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Moris are broken. Im losing the game? Np, lets hook one survivor, lets camp around and lets tunnel when they save him. He's using ds? Np, i can use my skilled mori to prevent your escape and ruin your fun. Really. I still don't know why is still in the game. Doesnt require skill, its just there for bad killers without hands

  • battousan75
    battousan75 Member Posts: 15

    I would say mori should be on the game, but be active when a player has been hooked twice or will die if they are hooked.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I like facing killers with a mori. Its a testament to your skill if you can successfully survive with one hook or less. It emphasizes your mistakes by limiting your chances. I find them to be an excellent deterrent for the yolo behavior that seems to be so popular and a far more interesting way to be eliminated from a match.

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250
    edited July 2019

    "Outplaying" a survivor group with a mori is one of the most boring ways to win a game I can think of. I honestly wouldn't care if they're removed.

  • Vampy
    Vampy Member Posts: 67

    Mori is important... gotta dunk sweaty SWFs

    Original Mori let you kill before they even touched the 1st hook... those were better days

  • NVaquero
    NVaquero Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2019

    Survivors still failing to understand that the Killer is not an NPC but a real playing person. Killers are not playing to "entertain" you and give you "fun".

    The game is as it is; designed by its creators; and the goal of the killer is still to kill survivors, not entertain them.

    Moris as it is now, only allows for one kill, except for the pink one, which is very rare on the bloodweb. Should you be put on the hook, be unhooked, be chase and redown by the killer and get moried, it's not the killer's problem, and you still manage to blame them.

    If you cant take the design of the game or getting moried, maybe switch game ? I think, as previously said, that the mori is an excellent tool to counter certain survivors tactics. SMH. Again.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I've had a a handful of mori's come up as a survivor every time the killer has waited till there is only 1 survivor left to use it even when they didn't need to. When playing as the killer today came across a really toxic SWF group and would of loved an ebony mori for that game.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Ebony Mori is my Tbag to toxic SWF thank you very much

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Tell a lie there was a huntress with a nasty build that used a ebony mori after everyones 1st hook

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,029

    Green mori should be kept the same at least. It's actually a tool that can be used in emergency situations when you need to immediately remove a survivor.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I try to only mori on the death hook unless I'm losing pretty bad. It can be nice against SWF teams that are about to win and start bullying though.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Ivory mori should be base kit and allowable on 1 player after 4 survivors have been hooked at least once. This promotes and rewards killers that go out of their way to hook everyone. If you camp, proxicamp, and tunnel a survivor to death before all four survivors are dead, no mori.

    Ebony more should not exist.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    The ranking system for this game is broken to all manners of hell. If you care about ranked, find yourself another game. Its not like matchmaking works half the time anyway

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Ebony mori should be removed completely.

    1 mori kill a match should be the max.