It does sound similar and that demogorgon thing looks scary as hell. I have ti admit I don't know anything about stranger things, though. Anyone know whar kind of "abilities" that thing has?
Stranger things - I'm 90% sure it will be the upcoming chapter. (With believable proof)

Remember the sounds back that we thought might be pinhead, then it could be GhostFace? No, I put my bets on this extreme sound a like. Just hear it for yourself! Top it off with the tweet by Netflix that they're upcoming works with behaviour and they are both terrors!
And now wait in the video or go to the part where it says "Sound 3"
They really sound the same.
That's it, the demogorgon and a surviver probably. (Credit goes to stoned_primate on reddit)
It does sound similar and that demogorgon thing looks scary as hell. I have ti admit I don't know anything about stranger things, though. Anyone know whar kind of "abilities" that thing has?
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I'm sold.
Given that the franchise has already started pairing with other games, I think a collaboration with DBD is completely within reason.
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It often looks like this: (Not a fan of Stranger Things either)
It goes hostile mode everytime it's caught by an eye, rapidly proceeding to kill it's victim and which relies more on instinct than intelligence. It can detect blood and is from an underworld where it eats it's prey. It can teleport from it's dimension to ours. It's just a killing machine for food.
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You should be more than sold. Behaviours most popular game, which is also terror, is quoted in this tweet.
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Who will be the surv? eleven? :o
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I've been hearing of this guy called Steve. Looked at him, looks like he's at age since they said that all the characters in DBD are over the age of 18.
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I am hoping for a teen version of Eleven but that's my daydreaming lol
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Can it be, Quentin was not 17 in the movie?
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@Lidenis Oh wait, S3 is 5 years later, that would make Eleven 17 in Stranger Things season 3.
And yes Quentin is 17 in Nightmare on Elm Street.
So maybe there is hope!
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I don’t think it will be her since she is a major character and would have to be aged up a few years, if anything it would have to be an already dead character or one that they can write off
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I wouldn't want Eleven as a survivor. I dont want her character to be left without the telekinetic abilities as that would ruin the immersion. Plus I would hate to see her get hooked. I think Nancy or Steve would be a better candidate. Or Hopper as he's older than our teen characters and he's a cop.
For the killer, the Demogorgon would be cool but it's more of an animal than someone that kills just because they can. We'll see what happens though, and I love Stranger Things so I'll take anything we can possibly get
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@Salty_Huntress I mean, Quentin, Laurie, Ash are all main characters. So I don't see where this would be a problem.
Stranger Things Season 3 takes place in 1985, where she is already 17 years old. They could even make her older if they wanted to.
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I havent watch stranger things but my mom is a huge fan of it, a quick rundown on it?
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Hopper wouldn’t be a bad Idea for a survivor. Considering his ending.
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I hope it will not be a survivor/killer with a p2w perk like Ash.
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Personally I feel like BHVR is gonna make a Fallout Shelter/Westworld-esque mobile game for one of Netflix's other originals
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Fortnite got Hopper and the demogorgon. DbD will probably recieve it as well.
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The Jokes on all of us, we're actually getting a Hemlock Grove chapter!
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Unlikely considering this tweet:
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Scoops Ahoy Steve!
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I'm sure that means something but I'll be damned if I can find the correlation...
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He’s the head honcho of DbD.
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is this thing even a human? it looks like a monster. bhvr is only doing human killers tho
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I mean yes but isn't he also just in general part of BHVR? His involvement isn't proof that it's DbD related.
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They're also not doing clowns so don't expect a clown killer anytime soon.
Fr tho it's a monster but it has a humanoid body structure so it's not out of the question.
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Is it weird of me that I always thought it was spelled Demi-Gorgon? Like Demi-God or Demi-Demon?
Demi meaning "Half", and Gorgon referring to a very powerful mythological monster race. It made sense to me when the name was first uttered in the show while they were playing DnD that the boss they fought was a powerful Half-Breed Monster. The creature in stranger things even stood upright like a person, had all the same limbs, but was definitely a monster that resembled a half man half plant thing. Whereas Demo is just short hand for Demonstration, so Demogorgon is like saying Demonstration Mythological Monster.
Idk... Maybe I'm overthinking it.
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@Clogwench Deathgarden is a separate team he doesn't have much of anything to do with. That's the only other collaboration that would make a lot of sense other than a completely brand new game. And so far there is no adequately projectile focused monster in Stranger Things that I know of, so it would be very hard for them to do a Deathgarden crossover even if he was working that angle. Finally DBD is the much bigger game, and personally it is the one I'd want to partner with if I had an IP worth millions I was trying to promote.
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Which is why I'm saying I'm expecting a brand new game. It could be dead by daylight but I think people are jumping the gun way too fast considering the amount of other possibilities.
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That would be fantastic, im not gonna lie.
Demogorgon as killer
Barb as survivor 😎
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Mindflayer as a killer could be really damn cool.
Eleven is too young to be a survivor, but I could see them using Winona Ryder's character for it. Or Mike's big sister/the kids' 'mother' ;) Would be cool. not the most humanoid though for killer...unless they used the latest version of the demogorgon, or even Billy...?
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Personally I would prefer Hellraiser but I would be absolutely cool with Stranger Things. I hope the survivor is Steve.
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This. I really want original pinhead in the fog.
Stranger things would be cool and a good way to capitalize on its immense success to get more people to the game. I'd be happy with either... but just happier with pinhead.
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But MCote is only involved with DbD. If it was a new game why would he tweet a reply to Netflix?
Stranger Things is already getting two new games made by other companies. Another one made by Behaviour would be overkill.
Stranger Things has done crossovers with Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox. Why not DbD?
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First off I was under the impression he worked on more than just DbD. Even if he IS just doing DbD that doesn't mean he can't work on anything else.
Secondly, I never said anything about a Stranger Things game, I said I think it's going to be for a DIFFERENT series. Everyone just immediately jumped onto the Stranger Things hype train.
And third, I'm not saying it wont be Stranger Things. I'm not saying it can't be Stranger Things. All I'm saying is theres a LOT of other possibilities that it could be and people just have this tunnel vision as soon as Stranger Things becomes a slight possibility.
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Netflix announced this collaboration at the same time as the one with Epic Games and Roblox and now both Fortnite and Roblox are doing a Stranger Things event.
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I'd love a Stranger Things chapter! ** It would also be very fitting to be released in September 2019: as in Stranger Things the characters move from the real world to the Upside Down, so DbD will move from peer to peer to dedicated servers. @not_Queen @Patricia @Peanits I beg you: make it happen, please!
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that sounds is from GhostFace. The next killer is the 17.
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@SunderMun Eleven is actually 17 in the show. Same age as Quentin in Nightmare on Elm Street.
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Same instruments.
You can have your speculation, fine by me, but not convinced yet.
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I really hope its not Stranger Things. I was so happy its hype died down the past year.
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How can you guarantee that? Maybe it was scraps from the Q's for GhostFace and turned down, but the similarities between this and the actual track music is super similar.
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Well . . . at least I'll finally save a few bucks and skip a DLC. Stranger Things didn't impress me in the slightest.
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Please don’t include Hopper. Since Bill is coming to consoles, I think we already have enough old white men on the roster.
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I hope its barb
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I actually have to agree. Nothing against the show, I just couldnt watch past half of season one. Although if it IS and the killer is the demigorgon thing, I may buy it lol.
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Aside from the show being completely overrated and looking like some kind of cringe fanfic with the massive amounts of Mike and Eleven kissing scenes, it wouldn't surprise me if they capitalized on this in some way shape or form.
If this is true, then it is very possible the survivor could be Hopper, considering he could have as some people say "Jumped" into the upside down and wounded up in some different world with some being more powerful than The Mind Flayer and Demogorgon combined. However, we already have a cop survivor Ahem Detective Tapp so it would just feel a little out of place to have two cop characters in the game.
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Says it'll be out of place to have two cops when we have 2 killers with chainsaws, 4 killers with knife like weapons, and 4 killers who wear white masks.
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Is the fourth killer with a white mask supposed to be Trapper or Huntress? Obviously three of them are Legion, Ghostface, and Shape.
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I just grouped up legion as 1 but yeah you're right, Idk why I blanked on huntress. Should be 5,