Why are 80% of Wraiths I encounter bm'ers?

It seems weird. Am I unlucky or people have similar experiences? Currently I am rank 8 survivor but it happened on red ranks also.
I like being the 20%. 😋
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Thank you for being respectful player towards redpectful survivors. Maybe I shouldn't let it get to me but sometimes it is hard. I will go back to playing killer now because I can at least kill one person during the trial and punish bm'ers.
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What is bm'ing
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Oh, then glad to be a Wraith main on the 20% XD
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Like Wraith they hide behind the cloak of anonymity to carry out their evil deeds so they find him appealing. 🤷
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they're either super wholesome or super mean
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Tired of getting bullied by SWF, probably.
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I am also tired of toxic behaviour but I am not toxic. I just stop playing when it gets to me. Combine lobby times with toxic behaviour and you really lose the will to play this game.
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They also always have noed and like to camp by the hook :/
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I thought BM meant bad manners.
But yes, I have noticed that Wraiths are often trolls. 95% of the time I play him I'm not unless the survivor is a jerk.
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I guess it can mean bad manners as well.
I mostly see "BM" when people talk about the endgame chat, so that's where my mind went to first.
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I meant bad manners in general. Toxic in game behaviour included. Seems I am not the only one. It is weird.
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Bing bong is funny BM though. I enjoy it.
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I should probably try the same but sometimes it gets me tilted lol.
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I mean describe how they bm. Since everyone and their mum has a different interpretation of what bm is.
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I was in the 20% when i played wraith... good times
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Shaking their head after being looped for ages and finally downing you. Hiting you on the hook forever after they realised they couldn't mori you since you are on your first hook.
And most of them are camoers and tunnelers. Before you jump on the gun I know camping is strategy but camping after every hook is not fun when you are solo survivor.
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I, too, get tired of toxic SWFs, but I try not to take it out on other survivors. I've gotten to where I just horse around when I get a toxic SWF. They want you to get salty and try-hard. I just put around and don't put forth effort. Does not matter to me if they play along or not. So what if it is a wasted match, it usually gets them super salty in end game chat. That makes me smile....
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It's 'bad manners' - covers both in game and in chat. I suspect they are ashamed of those skinny bird legs they have and try to compensate.
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I generally force EGC on wraith just so I can ring the bell like time is up. Other than that I rarely find myself bming survivors. Since anything is bm anymore.
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So shaking the head is BM now?
By camping you mean staring you down or just hanging around the hook?
Before they hit you on the hook did you do something that made them angry at you? Maybe you were just too good at looping, you tbagging every pallet, or pointing whenever you had a chance, or insta healed in their face.
There can be many answers and cause doesn't have to be in the same game.
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I never tbag, point nor play toxic but people are still toxic to me regardless if I play killer or survivor. I never bring items to a game.
Yes shaking yout head is equal to tbaging how it is not?
By camping I mean hooking someone and not moving an inch away from it, waiting for tunnel.
@theArashi There are your answers so there is no excuse for being toxic to me.
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@NMCKE I think it's both :P
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Do you know in what hell wraith mains were living back then? I mean, it's still really hardcore to play wraith in red ranks. But least you can catch some people and pay back all the teabagging and BMing from 2016 and 2017 lol
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Mins the gen-rush issue that all killers face. Wraith is actually viable in many cases. Other than getting screwed over by Object of Obsession.
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Because they know the killer their playing is trash.........
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So punishing people for crimes they didn't commit is ok too?
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Just like you said "thank you for beeing respectful player towards respectful survivors", if survivor is beeing annoying ######### their chance of getting some toxicity back skyrockets.
Also if you were ######### in one trial, don't expect anything better during next trials. With current steam features its very, very easy to follow and identify players (even when they change names often). And that's good.
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They probably can't resist the urge to ring their bell when they finally have one.
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The only person I have ever nodded and bing bonged at as wraith was a Claudette who was teabagging me and nodding from the top of a hill exploit rock, long story short after ages of swinging to hit her/missing and finally hitting her down only for her to have unbreakable and self care I finally managed to climb up from sheer determination and destroyed her (she was on her final hooking) so I just nodded slowly at her as she died.
That’s it, the rest of the time I play as him or any other killer I never disrespect people even if they were being toxic to me (bar one incident with ghostface involving a Claudette who was clicking a flashlight and teabagging at the gate only to be cut down and hooked for it so I gave her a lil’teabag... I’m sorry, I know, but she had been annoying the whole match, just found it really funny her confidence to teabag got her hooked and turned it on her)
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Because all of the other ones are invisible so you can't see them.
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BM does mean Bad Manners...
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BM means bowel movement.
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Maybe not to you but if other survivors do that then killer might "discharge" on you.
Maybe previous game was extremely annoying for the killer and he is annoyed.
Or maybe he is just low ranked baby killer that can't catch a survivor.
Possiblities are endless and devs don't do anything to fight that so I guess we would have to deal with it.