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Hey ######### Come Look At My Invalid Post

MoonMoon Member Posts: 4
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

I've been playing dead by daylight ever since it came out and after every game I always realize no matter how you play whether you be selfish or selfless the killer will still come out on top unless they're completely new to the game.
No I am not saying this because I am tilted and don't know how to play the game I am saying this because it's true.

Example: A couple days ago I played the Hillbilly which I never leveled up at all and I only have one perk. four games in a row I was able to down and kill everyone in the game. One of the games the people only had a couple green and yellow perks and the rest of the three games they had three to four purple perks some even used items like purple med kit with pink add on.

I bring this example out to show that if you know how to play the game perks don't even come close to doing anything except help slightly and even then some perks are pretty overpowered. Although they are buffing the Trapper and Freddy Kruger next update with some perk reworks. Perks like the Hex:No One Escapes Death can be considered a little over powered especially since the killer can easily 1 hit down you once the exit gates are powered.

Even then that's not fully what I'm trying to say I'm just bringing to attention and hopefully get an agreement on Killers being too overpowered. Without perks it'd be very easy for the Killer to win. With perks it just makes it slightly easier.

What I can suggest though to fix this problem is some form of communication between survivors whether it be typing or voice chat. I've played with a group of 3 other friends and it does obviously increase chances of surviving by a lot but not everyone is able to play games with a full group especially when you barely have the time to talk to randoms in the lobby pre game.

Post edited by MoonMoon on


  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    I'm sorry what.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    I just had a look at the nickname.
    Seems relevant.

  • Glebu
    Glebu Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2018
  • MoonMoon
    MoonMoon Member Posts: 4

    So what I'm seeing in the comments is that a bunch of low ranking people who think killer is underpowered lmfao.

    I can give a better example the jump scare Myers build easily used and you can end games pretty quickly and note this is rank 1 killer against survivors under rank 5 if you don't believe me how that's played then at this point the discussion is useless to people who are brain damaged.

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    I read this is brilliantly sarcastic and genuinely laughed out loud.  If this was actually not a parody taking a shot at SWF, then... wow... 
  • JarJarBlinks
    JarJarBlinks Member Posts: 18

    @MoonMoon said:
    So what I'm seeing in the comments is that a bunch of low ranking people who think killer is underpowered lmfao.

    I can give a better example the jump scare Myers build easily used and you can end games pretty quickly and note this is rank 1 killer against survivors under rank 5 if you don't believe me how that's played then at this point the discussion is useless to people who are brain damaged.

    Tell me, what are "low ranked people" to you? Cause if you're going by the post count then you're rank 22 in the Dead by Daylight world. Also, doesn't matter what you say. You're delusional if you think killers are OP. Kthx.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    @MoonMoon said:
    So what I'm seeing in the comments is that a bunch of low ranking people who think killer is underpowered lmfao.

    I can give a better example the jump scare Myers build easily used and you can end games pretty quickly and note this is rank 1 killer against survivors under rank 5 if you don't believe me how that's played then at this point the discussion is useless to people who are brain damaged.

    What i'm seeing is a person plagued by ignorance and a lack of knowledge.
    And also easily triggered by the harsh truth, lashing out with insults to protect their thoughts believed to be facts.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Please one of the top three Killers who all have a massive effectiveness gap between the other Killers and then uses it as an example to complain that killers in general are overpowered.
  • MoonMoon
    MoonMoon Member Posts: 4

    To think I was coming on here to see what other people thought but what I got was a bunch of childish ######### who favor killers most likely because they only play them 24/7 and low ranking obviously I meant people who aren't below 10. Apparently though I can't get any reasonable answers besides being called delusional, ignorant, and people laughing again to only be ######### when obviously I have a sense of reason in what I'm talking about but apparently this is the internet why would anyone be reasonable? Facts are facts killers are overpowered. survivors nope.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @MoonMoon said:
    To think I was coming on here to see what other people thought but what I got was a bunch of childish ######### who favor killers most likely because they only play them 24/7 and low ranking obviously I meant people who aren't below 10. Apparently though I can't get any reasonable answers besides being called delusional, ignorant, and people laughing again to only be ######### when obviously I have a sense of reason in what I'm talking about but apparently this is the internet why would anyone be reasonable? Facts are facts killers are overpowered. survivors nope.

    I mean, you said it yourself. Your post is invalid.

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405
    edited July 2018

    @MoonMoon said:
    To think I was coming on here to see what other people thought but what I got was a bunch of childish ######### who favor killers most likely because they only play them 24/7 and low ranking obviously I meant people who aren't below 10. Apparently though I can't get any reasonable answers besides being called delusional, ignorant, and people laughing again to only be ######### when obviously I have a sense of reason in what I'm talking about but apparently this is the internet why would anyone be reasonable? Facts are facts killers are overpowered. survivors nope.

    If you want a reasonable debate ask for one. Don't go and say "I am saying this because it's true." because you and I both know that you don't want your stance to change on the subject. Also yes, everybody is going to mock you because it is a widely known fact that killer is extremely weak. In general lets say that a chase lasts for about 40 seconds, with pallet looping, windows and infinite loops in large buildings I say 40 is fair for an average chase at rank one against a smart survivor. A generator can get completed in 80 seconds. So the killer loads into a game and finds his first survivor, lets say that takes about 20 seconds to get around the map. So once the chase ends you have three gens that are on the verge of completion. With the time it takes to pick up and hook a survivor I would say by the time you get to a gen after that or find another survivor three gens should be done on an optimal team. If this trend continues the killer only gets two hooks. If the survivors play optimally and stick to the generators there is literally no way that the killer can win. At most he can get one kill through camping. If your statement about "high hour killer bias" was directed towards me I'm a rank 1 survivor almost every season as well.

  • MoonMoon
    MoonMoon Member Posts: 4

    @Jack11803 I literally just changed it because apparently a bunch of childish ######### disagree like how am I suppose to be right when someone named "TrumpJunior" comments

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @MoonMoon said:
    To think I was coming on here to see what other people thought but what I got was a bunch of childish ######### who favor killers most likely because they only play them 24/7 and low ranking obviously I meant people who aren't below 10. Apparently though I can't get any reasonable answers besides being called delusional, ignorant, and people laughing again to only be ######### when obviously I have a sense of reason in what I'm talking about but apparently this is the internet why would anyone be reasonable? Facts are facts killers are overpowered. survivors nope.

    I mean, you said it yourself. Your post is invalid.>

    @MoonMoon said:
    @Jack11803 I literally just changed it because apparently a bunch of childish ######### disagree like how am I suppose to be right when someone named "TrumpJunior" comments

    You obviously a liar by your name!!! There is only one moon, AND ITS MADE OF CHEESE

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2018

    I am currently drinking.Is this real? Also, anyone wanna join me.. possible another cold blooded killer main who's a female?

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184

    Oh Neptune...

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @MoonMoon said:
    So what I'm seeing in the comments is that a bunch of low ranking people who think killer is underpowered lmfao.

    I can give a better example the jump scare Myers build easily used and you can end games pretty quickly and note this is rank 1 killer against survivors under rank 5 if you don't believe me how that's played then at this point the discussion is useless to people who are brain damaged.

    I don't know whats going on, and I don't want to. First of all to say killer is too powerful is, and I use this word seriously, delusional.
    Second the Myers build you mention here is only useful on Lerys or Gideon Meat plant, if this build worked outside of those maps then you were facing abyssmal survivors. Survivors being terrible is a survivor problem, not a killer one

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Rank 1 Surv here - KILLERS. ARE. UNDER. POWERED.

    You're welcome :^)

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @MoonMoon said:
    I've been playing dead by daylight ever since it came out and after every game I always realize no matter how you play whether you be selfish or selfless the killer will still come out on top unless they're completely new to the game.
    No I am not saying this because I am tilted and don't know how to play the game I am saying this because it's true.

    Example: A couple days ago I played the Hillbilly which I never leveled up at all and I only have one perk. four games in a row I was able to down and kill everyone in the game. One of the games the people only had a couple green and yellow perks and the rest of the three games they had three to four purple perks some even used items like purple med kit with pink add on.

    I bring this example out to show that if you know how to play the game perks don't even come close to doing anything except help slightly and even then some perks are pretty overpowered. Although they are buffing the Trapper and Freddy Kruger next update with some perk reworks. Perks like the Hex:No One Escapes Death can be considered a little over powered especially since the killer can easily 1 hit down you once the exit gates are powered.

    Even then that's not fully what I'm trying to say I'm just bringing to attention and hopefully get an agreement on Killers being too overpowered. Without perks it'd be very easy for the Killer to win. With perks it just makes it slightly easier.

    What I can suggest though to fix this problem is some form of communication between survivors whether it be typing or voice chat. I've played with a group of 3 other friends and it does obviously increase chances of surviving by a lot but not everyone is able to play games with a full group especially when you barely have the time to talk to randoms in the lobby pre game.

    I have no idea if this is serious or not and it's kind of scary. Please tell me this is some kind of sarcastic shitpost. Nobody could genuinely think this, right?

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @MoonMoon said:
    I've been playing dead by daylight ever since it came out and after every game I always realize no matter how you play whether you be selfish or selfless the killer will still come out on top unless they're completely new to the game.
    No I am not saying this because I am tilted and don't know how to play the game I am saying this because it's true.

    Example: A couple days ago I played the Hillbilly which I never leveled up at all and I only have one perk. four games in a row I was able to down and kill everyone in the game. One of the games the people only had a couple green and yellow perks and the rest of the three games they had three to four purple perks some even used items like purple med kit with pink add on.

    I bring this example out to show that if you know how to play the game perks don't even come close to doing anything except help slightly and even then some perks are pretty overpowered. Although they are buffing the Trapper and Freddy Kruger next update with some perk reworks. Perks like the Hex:No One Escapes Death can be considered a little over powered especially since the killer can easily 1 hit down you once the exit gates are powered.

    Even then that's not fully what I'm trying to say I'm just bringing to attention and hopefully get an agreement on Killers being too overpowered. Without perks it'd be very easy for the Killer to win. With perks it just makes it slightly easier.

    What I can suggest though to fix this problem is some form of communication between survivors whether it be typing or voice chat. I've played with a group of 3 other friends and it does obviously increase chances of surviving by a lot but not everyone is able to play games with a full group especially when you barely have the time to talk to randoms in the lobby pre game.


    ######### i pooped my pants... MOM"

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    Killers are not OP. If you play the game so much then you are going to better then others. There are a lot of matches where me and all the survivors lived. If the killer does not a lot of hours in the games then they are not going to do good.

  • AnIntellectualClone
    AnIntellectualClone Member Posts: 118

    Its always nice watching a person post something to get attention and be immediately trashed by the whole community.

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    This person has never played against tryhard swf squads.