How to play without a mouse?

I have been searching the internet for any guides, but it seems like I am the only Dead by Daylight player to play on a laptop without a mouse. Does anyone know how to last longer in chases where I can't look behind myself and how to know when to 180 with the red stain? I am actually surprised I have gone to green ranks, but it is getting out of hand on how 90% of my chases end with the killer mindgaming me when I can't see behind me. I can only use red stain and spine chill or initiative to survive chases long, so any possible tips?
Uh, just play with a mouse?
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How helpful, but asking for tips without a mouse. XD
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My car has no steering wheel, any tips how I can drive it without it?
That's what you basically ask. Buy wireless mouse and stop maaking bs threads.
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@Ember_Hunter The reason why you're not finding guides is likely because there aren't nearly enough folks out there playing games like DBD without either a mouse or controller. I sure wouldn't play such a game using only the laptop mousepad.
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Well, oof. That's why I am asking, don't bother if you don't know any tips :(
Yeah... Maybe I should get a mouse, but not right now, since not the age where I can drop in and buy a mouse for myself. XP
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I'd recommend just buying a mouse it's way better you can even buy a cheap af one it don't need to be $300 it's almost impossible to play optimally without one sadly.
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Well, now I feel bad for bothering you guys with my question :(
Looks like that's the only tip I'll be getting. Time to just learn by myself... :P
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Not much you can do sadly. You just gotta try your best until you get a mouse. Good luck though :)
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Ask your parents, most basic wired mouse costs couple of dollars. Pack of cigarettes costs more.
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See if your parents can get you a mouse. You could probably say it'll help with homework lol. xD Otherwise if you can hook up a controller, you can use a controller, too. You don't want to be without turning potential in this sort of game.
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the arrows move the camera, maybe you can get used to it
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If you're on windows 8 or higher, you can use the Ease of Access feature to control the mouse with the keyboard.
The downside to that is it typically uses the keypad, which not all laptops have.
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@Ember_Hunter I really do wish I could have been some help, but I simply have zero experience using the mousepad on a laptop for these types of games, nor does my wife or anyone I know. If I did, I would have helped as much as I could.
If feasible, though, as someone else has stated, ask your parents (or whoever) about a low-cost mouse. You can usually even find them at a Dollar Store. Unlike if you were playing an FPS, you don't really need a super-accurate gaming mouse for DBD to do what needs to be done.
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If you or any family member have a console XBOX or PS4 you can plug one in and use one of those controllers to play with.
Apart from that a mouse is your best bet even a cheap $5 one as without one you really won't have the same control and will be highly disadvantaged with the camera.
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You’re so ######### rude god damn
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I also had hoped to find out the same thing because when I bought my laptop I didn’t buy the mouse with it. I tried messing with the keyboard settings but it doesn’t help rip. Plus my fingers are too short to reach keys easily like the crouch button.
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While i understand you are probably not happy with that answer. Playing with a touchpad is going to give you a big disadvantage. But you can buy a mouse super cheap on amazon. Like <$10. Here is a wired one:
If you really need a wireLESS one here is another option:
These are $8 and $11 respectively.
If it is honestly a money issue then DM me, i'll buy you a mouse.
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See everyone? All of you are wrong, Reinami IS an angel is Oni's clothing! <3