NoED, fair or unfair?



  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Can the killer walk over and break a totem that completely disables your adrenaline without you even knowing until it's time to use it? Didn't think so....

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250


    I usually see it on killers who spend the entire game chasing 1 person and then when they're finally dead, they use NOED to get 1 more.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Its so easy to deny NOED.. its perfectly fair.

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264

    The perk is perfectly balanced as it is right now(as all things should be).

    It has a powerful effect, but also a simple way to completely prevent it.

    It alone punishes gen rushing, and even if the killer doesn't have it the survivors don't know, so there's a risk reward in rushing the gens without doing totems.

    The power to prevent it is entirely in the survivors hands, its currently the only perk preventing gen rushing.

    The only thing needed to make things more fair and balanced is a totem counter so survivors know if all the totems are done or not.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393


    If you could use some text formatting - could be nice, it is hard to read through wall of text with no spaces and loads of CAPS and exclamation marks.

    Let me make it clear for you.

    MoM before rework - had no counterplay for all M1 killers, providing free health state to survivor. It could be nice for newbies, but it was highly exploited by experienced survivors to prolong chases to unbearable time. Unhealthy design.

    MoM now is nerfed too much, as always, they need to add safe unhook to actions that give token. Bad design.

    Old DS - had little to no counterplay, except for dropping survivor 3 times and pray that hook is close enough. Providing unconditional health state and prolonging chase. Unhealthy design.

    New DS - has counterplay in form of slugging, giving chance to survivor be healed by teammates and doing exactly what it meant to do all that time - counter tunneling. Good design.

    NOED and Adrenaline I've explained in post above, they are both risk-perk with good design. But, you can spend time to get rid of NOED in exchange of your time, Killer can't get rid of Adrenaline apart from killing everyone before last gen pops. Both perks serve as time management perks and serve properly.

    Ruin is perk that is good only against less-experienced survivors, I had 2 games as example as Hag yesterday, I run Ruin on her, since she's 110% speed Killer with setting time.

    One game Ruin was destroyed 40 seconds into match even before I've reached it. I still 4k that team despite of them having 3 toolkits with speed addons and 1 BNP.

    Second game was against 3 SWF + rank 4 solo twitcher, I checked his footage after game, he didnt miss once on great checks before Ruin was destroyed. You can check game from his perspective here from 43:10 timemark.

    Ruin is NOT one of the best Killers perks, its value becomes lower and lower as higher you climb in ranks. At red ranks it's barely noticeable.

  • OpenYoureyes
    OpenYoureyes Member Posts: 111

    Only the 1.000.000 times this comes out.

    Imho is a bad solution to reward somehow bad killers and punish trolling survs.

    Feels an old and overstressed game dynamic after 3 years...

  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 71

    For me NOED is similar to the perks like MoM, DS & Adrenaline. It's basically a second chance to do what you couldn't do in the first place.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I go out of my way to destroy totems sometimes the killer still has NOED and sometimes i'm the person that finds that out the hard way. At least i wasn't camped out of the game in the first 2 mins

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Until they put a totem counter on the survivor layout, don't talk about how easy it is to counter. Only 3 to 4 man SWF can do it easily. Solo groups have no way of knowing how many are done. Add in the trope of how to counter campers and tunnelers, you know the old "do the gens and leave" crap the defenders keep saying, and you have several situations where NOED is pure crutch.

    I considered old DS to be a crutch as well. Never ran it, and only run NOED if I'm using a full end game build.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    Unfair, but not overpowered. Why should killers be rewarded for failing their objective?

  • preetygoodforumsofar
    preetygoodforumsofar Member Posts: 81


    i know i can just shut down the perk by clearing all totem

    but when the killer is good nurse or other strong killer

    you won't have the time to look for totem

    especially on map like the game

    also the killer can force survivor to rush gen by camping all game

  • thomasnut
    thomasnut Member Posts: 113

    i love the comments from people who say this perk or that perk is a clutch perk only used by less skiled players. noed is no less a clutch perk than tool boxes, insta heal med kits, borrowed time, adren, balanced landing, sprint bursts, etc.

    If you truly have skill then you don't need any perks at all, correct?

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,312

    If everyone just cleansed dull totems they ran past NOED would rarely activate in the first place. Sure there's maps that are an exception with the right totem spawns like obscure corners on The Game and the corners of the map on the Swamp, but still.

    No denying it feels unfair and "lame" to get hit by NOED after not getting hooked all game, but at that point you already got to play to endgame so it's honestly not much of an issue in my opinion.

    Never expect or feel entitled to escape until you run out the gate or jump into the hatch, just like a killer should never expect or feel entitled to a 4k until the last survivor is dead.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Totally fair, I just don't think it's good design.

  • Mavi6568
    Mavi6568 Member Posts: 3

    Noed nerf when?or rework yes its unfair c:

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    100% fair.

    Do totems and there's no issue. Totems are literally next to gens most of the time.. there is no excuse to not do them. Unless of course you are rushing gens and just playing gen simulator.

  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186

    I haven't used NOED in ages, but it's fair, it's not even a "crutch" perk.

    It was a "crutch perk" back when exposed status was more rare, but now we have Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface, Hillbilly, Iron Maiden, Rancor, Redhead's Pinky Finger, Devour Hope etc.

    One-hit downs are not rare anymore, and everything that applies exposed has a requirement and a counter.

    NOED is useless until all gens are completed, and can be removed at any point during the game.

    Myers needs to charge up his exposed.

    Leatherface and Hillbilly need to be close, with survivors being somewhat in the open.

    Redhead's Pinky Finger needs to actually connect with the survivor.

    Devour Hope needs 3 tokens without being destroyed.

    See what I am getting at? It's no different to any other methods of exposing.

    If you call it a crutch perk, you need to let go of the old days of DBD.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Another one? God damn this needs to die. Now. I'm getting tired of all these NoEd posts.

    As for my opinion? It's fair. Grab a map, preferably a rainbow map, and hunt for the totems. There, the perfect co-

    No one is gonna listen to me. Why do I bother?

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    If anything at that point I think that the only way to have survivor actually give a ######### about cleansing dull totem is to make NOED baseline and incresae point for cleansing dull totem

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Anyone can make a bad-faith argument, just watch:

    NOED triggering is the killer's 'reward' for protecting their totems successfully.

    So yeah, when someone makes the bad-faith argument that 'NOED rewards failure', anyone can make an equally bad-faith argument back which shuts it down. This carries on, back and forth.

    The discussion will be repeated in a new thread not too long after and we get nowhere.

  • GraveHunter
    GraveHunter Member Posts: 328

    I'm fine with NOED, but why did they buff it so that tier 1 and 2 are also one shot... It was fine how it was before that buff. After that buff, 9/10 of my games involve people who use NOED.