Reason why SWF is balanced.



  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    When killers go up against a pack of randoms and annihilate them, everything is balanced to them. They say it's the survivors' fault for not working as a team. When the survivors a swf and work as a team, then these same killers cry swf is unfair.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    How about they just run a program that disables mics and in-game chat? You shouldn't be able to talk to someone half way across the map to give out the killers every move. Or, make it realistic. The killer can hear you talking, and the closer you are the louder it gets.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693



    Yeah, being omnipotent in a game based around misplays and gathering information is not useful at all, @darktrix

    Meanwhile, the killer is completely I'm the dark regarding survivor locations in real-time for 99% of the match.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265


  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    cant tell if this is bait or just a potato

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Sorry but no, SWF is not balanced. It goes Solo, Killer and then SWF in terms of strength. The game is designed and based around solo which is why SWF is so strong because it gives a full team an insane amount of information the game never intended for them to have.

    If the game was balanced around SWF, Solo would be an absolute nightmare and killers would be a lot stronger.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @darktrix I wouldn't go so far as to claim all killers ignore the woes of solo survivors. But you're onto something. We killers also have our biases, and most of us can't transcend them. Games can be tough for solo survivors: sometimes it's enough to have one idiot in the group who refuses to do gens, or instantly unhooks others, costing the whole game to all four of them. Killer role used to be a nightmare, but at this point, finally, it's not always the case. Lot of complaints from all sides, sometimes reasonable, sometimes not. But mostly it all comes down to who brings the stronger builds, items, and maybe most importantly, which map do we get.

    I don't think there is any other approach than accepting that both as survivor and killer, sometimes we have an easy ride, sometimes a game can be insanely tough. Being conscious about it helps a lot with frustration: I'm much more satisfied with a 2K against a well organized SWF group, than with obliterating a whole coterie of aimless solo survivors, stumbling through a game without a clue.

    Anyone here knows the card game "Bridge"? In professional bridge, scores are not simply registered on your points in a round, but the hand you were dealt is also taken into consideration. Or another example, I think if you go to some club in Japan where they play Go, first, they sit you down to play against the most experienced player. Then, judging from your performance in that game, they assess your skill level, and based on that, they give you a certain advantage in any game later, if you're playing against someone who is recognized as above your skill. This is not a condescending gesture, rather, it's a common understanding that games are much more fun if everyone has a decent chance.

    That's why I think we should see if someone joining are lobby are SWF or not, and maybe even their ranks. That way we would know how mean a build we should use. Of course, this would also require an attitude change. Some killers would just dodge SWF or high ranking players, some survivors would derank on purpose, and so on. 

    TLDR: SWF is not really balanced, but the game itself isn't either. Don't get too worked up about it.

    Sorry for wall of text.

  • Raidoku
    Raidoku Member Posts: 69

    If you D/C three times or twice a day should be banned for 24hrs cause that would limit D/C maybe but there does need to be a ranked mode and SWF isnt alalways balanced just means your usually in communication with your team mate they still could suck.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    If you mean blocking VOIP programs that's just not feasible. Even Steam itself has voice chat, and Discord isn't exclusively for voice chat either.

    And if somehow they did make it work people could just use applications on their phone or something if they really wanted to - it just doesn't work.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    The double standard is real around these forums.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Except that isn't what killers say at all. This fake claim about a double-standard is only being made because of the very well-cited double-standard where survivors defend the balance of the game on the basis that 'few survivors play optimally' whilst simultaneously calling for killers like the Nurse to be nerfed because of her maximum potential, which few Nurse players are capable of.

    @darktrix just pulled this nonsense out of nowhere. Killers complain of having little control over the matches and having to rely on survivors making mistakes, which is the opposite of saying 'everything is balanced' when killers win. The issue for killers is that win or lose, our own effort had only a marginal effect on it. Having to invent things that killers supposedly think or said saves on having to actually listen to killers though.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    Agreed, but SWF tends to be an obstacle to fun, unfortunately.

    It's not even necessarily the curbstomp; it's the toxicity first and foremost IMO.

  • NextKillerSpongebob
    NextKillerSpongebob Member Posts: 271

    dc's don't favor the killer, as they almost make sure the killer doesn't get a pip. SWF is not balanced, it's only good/fun for survivors while killers have to suffer.

  • Lumi83
    Lumi83 Member Posts: 66

    the only thing to me that sucks about solo queuing, as I do it 90% of the time I play survivor.. are people DCing after being downed first and if they are swf, their friends along with them. I do believe that survivors should be compensated, just as the killer, for any DC made by another survivor.. because, lets be honest... who does this DC really effect more? I just want a bit of fairness.

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