Nurse broken? Here is what you should do

HazeHound Member Posts: 814
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

I'm fed up with posts about nerfing nurse, she is fine.

I get it, survivors hate her because they can't braindead loop her. How about you try to play stealthy then?

She is literally the weakest killer against stealth. Try spine chill, urban evasion/calm spirit/iron will, dead hard. Its build that works wonders against every killer except mirror Myers. Even Hillbilly can't deny your dead hard because of spine chill and time it gives you to find pallet/disapear.

Dead hard. She has to hit you 3 times. With her fatigue its huge advantage. It has short delay, you must predict. If you wait for killer to start animation you will fail 90% of times.

Spine Chill. Early warning, huge advantage against anyone. Pay attention to mirror Myers tho.

Urban evasion. Another perk good against everyone. You can stealth even doctor with it. Without calm spirit. Good especially against nurse due to high potential of loosing line of sight.

Iron will. Every killer pays attention to sound. Nurse has ONLY sound unless she took bloodhound or shadowborn which are surprisingly not popular on her.

Calm spirit. The most underrated perk in game. If you are afraid of nurse, you are afraid of good players. Good players pay attention to the crows. It also helps with no sound on hit. It also counters two perks which are broken on nurse: infectious fright and iron maiden.

Every killer is stealthable. If killer is not actively chasing anyone he is wasting time. Time which killers simply don't have in this game. Don't get found, rush gens whenever you can. This game is so complicated, daaaamn...

Just play smart +_-

Edit: Don't even start about 5 blink nurse, its not even good. Just a meme. Super inefficient, its 3 blinks you should be afraid of.

Edit2: She is not even in top3 with biggest sacrifice ratio...


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    She can't blink through cars now, I noticed yesterday, LOL

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718

    I really can't wait for temp bans for leaving a match in progress :D

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    To be fair, it can be pretty hard to stealth on some of the maps (blood lodge for ex).

    But yeah, survivors are quick to dismiss stealth as an option. While it has become weaker over time, stealth can still be turned to as a form of recourse.

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    Now I know how to escape from every nurse, wait ... I do not play survivor lmao

  • Twinbros
    Twinbros Member Posts: 27

    She is just no fun to play against and almost a free win for killers. "Get good scrub!" Yea we haven't heard that one before, again you can say she's not broken all you want, still doesn't make it true. Obstacles are one of survivors greatest weapon against killers and she completely negates that . Couple that with the fact that the VAST majority of killers these days are running Ruin (which also needs the nerf stick).

    If you want survivors to stick around in games and not either DC or suicide you need to provide incentive. Telling them, "Hey you have a 3 percent chance of making it out alive!" Is pretty much a sure way of having people give up once they realize its a nurse game.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 700

    Hey remember when survivors could get a free escape from the nurse by running to any multi-floor area because i do, now that is no longer a viable tactic she's OP. It was survivors making looping the new meta that has caused mass ruins and nurses to be used so. I do a pretty decent job of avoid the blink out in the open because i'm not going to be predictable running around the same object. Don't be predictable and use stealth.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Anyone who plays nurse deserves her just the way she is. Nothing is wrong. If you spent all that time figuring her out and mastering her ability, that's called good gameplay. I try to play as nurse and do HORRIBLE. I play on ps4, and have been playing since release, have gone back to nurse multiple times and still can't get her down. So, to anyone who can utilize her properly, congrats! You deserve it.

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    Agree, if you play on PC, and iif you're noob like me, you need arount 200 hrs to master her, and after that you deserve 4k in 99% games, in June i have 2 games with 2k and 1 game with 0k, rest they're 3/4k and 3k only bc scummy surviors are making disconnect to give last person hatch. She's perfectly balanced as all things should be.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    @Twinbros saying that ruin needs nerf disqaualifies you from discussion. Its not even good perk. If do easy to counter things need nerfs in your opinion i can see why you think nurse is op. Funny enough you say about gitting gud, you truly need some more experience.

    @FredKrueger I feel the same.

    @noneofyourbusiness Nurse isn't as hard to get into as people say, you just need some thick skin and read about her. For example: one shouldnt try to predict survivors, rather playing by reacting to their movement here and now. Its impossible to juke nurse who plays that way (getting arround shack, not through beeing an example).

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    Imo Spirit when survivor is NOT injured, curving Billy on loops, even Huntres on some maps requires more skill than Nurse on my opinion.

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    She's NOT THAT hard like people say.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    I've had two experiences with Nurse that completely convinced me she's not invincible.

    1) Kept running behind her like a smooth criminal. I'm not even good at Survivor, she just seemed to never hear me over her own wheezing.

    2) Got utterly shown up by someone reading my blinks as Nurse, even walking straight up to me when I started charging because, apparently, you can't CANCEL a blink once you start, nor can you attack during charging.