Killer bloodpoints needs balance to have a healthier game.

As the tittle says, killer bloodpoint economy for perks needs balance to have a varied gameplay as survivors.
Right now, every survivor is the same, just a skin, there is no point in maxing more than one as all play the same, people just level them to 40 to get the teachables and move to their main.
But killers are not, killers are different. If you want to use multiple killers instead of being forced to main a single one or play 5.000 hours, killers economy needs a rebalance, because as today you can't simply level up every killer and offer the survivors different gameplay, most of the people are forced to main a single one to have perks on him and leave the others just at level 40 to gain the teachables.
This ends with every encounter being against the same killers over and over, not because they are good or bad, but because people cannot invest in new ones the time that is needed to max them out.
I usually play 50 50 between killer and survivor and I am having that problem. Even if I want to use other killers, I am forced to play with hag and nurse or risk to not be competitive against survivors with the full stack.
Let's say that you need 750.000 to level 40, 1 million to reach level 50, and then 55.000 per level from there.
survivors have 65 perks and there are 17 survivors
To max a survivor you need:
1- points to get all the teachables: 16 survs *750.000 in bloodwebs to lvl 40 = 12,000,000 bp
2- Points to max a single surv with everyone:
195 perks (65 x 3 levels) 1 million to get 50 perks 145 left perks x 55.000 bw level = 8.000.00 bp
Total to have 1 survivor with all the perks, 12m+1m+8m = 21 million bp.
Now moving to the killers
16 killers, every one is different, so the math are simpler
60 perks x 3 levels = 180 perks
1- 50 perks = 1 million
2- 130 left perks * 55.000 = 7.150.000 bp
3- total, 8.150.000 bp per killer
4- 8.150.000 x 16 (every killer maxed) = 130 million bp
To have all the killers available to be able to compete against a single stacked survivor, you need to spend 6 times more bp
This isn't sustainable to have a healthy game where people use everything instead of nurse ad infinitum, we need to give variety to main killers instead of forcing them to stay on one or two of the whole roster.
This needs to be addressed, the asymmetry is putting a wall to most of the people to try the game in the full extension and jumping from one to another trying things and giving survivors the chance of playing against more than 3 killers.
To get the necessary perks it is often unnecessary to pump all the perks. Killers get considerably more bloodpoints (x3,5) for game, and also if the survivor dies(what happens very often), he loses items that are very rarely found on the Bloodweb. It's hard to say who the economy is cruel to in this game.
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Hint: survivors gain the same amount of points per time played as killers, and get to keep their items if they survive the trial. So no, it's not hard at all to say to who the economy is cruel in DbD.
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Most killers not play fair and get 4 BBQ if play smart. And killer can set Pudding (+20k-30k), but the survivors have a cake (+ 5k (get tunneled) +16k-25k). Killers get much more, although they lose addons. Survivors die (lose items and addons) in more than half of the games.
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I think you get it wrong.
this is not a fight for who gets more, this is needed to make killers be able to change the killer and offer survivors different games, instead of the same 3 killers 90% of the games.
Also addons, are not perks. Don't matter what you lose, also happens to the killer.
but perks are necessary to compete, and if you can't have it on every killer, there is no point to use other killer than the one where you have everything, because if you do, you will just end wrecked by the survivors who only need to max one skin
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Yeah, I have ruin on only 3 killers, including hag. So, I guess you know I'm maining one of those 3. The blood web is very greedy when it comes to great perks I've noticed....
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I agree the game economy needs rework. May be need a permanent BP boost or other measures for killers and survivors.
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I never have this problem honestly. I have plenty of killers and survivors leveled up to the point where I can use them and I don't play the game that often. Killer bloodpoint gain is amazing compared to survivor. 25-30k points from one game by default, plus 4 stacks of BBQ brings you to at least 50k. Killer can be leveled up so much faster where as survivor makes 15k a game maybe 20k on average so you have to play 30-40 matches and depending on how expensive bloodwebs are even that might not do it.
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Really? That sucks mate. I get Ruin, BBQ, Nurse's and other perks almost immediately in all of my killer bloodwebs. My first perk in my survivor bloodwebs is typically Self Care, followed by any exhaustion perk (except Jane's Head On because I never leveled her up)