Offering Screen Idea

Ever since I was new (the time of power vacuums and actually being afraid of old freddy) I've felt that the fact that there are only two offering types hidden from survivors is silly. Whenever you bring a mori there is a high chance survivors will D/C on the loading screen because, by hiding it, you've told them exactly what it is. The other hidden offering, separating their spawns, actually makes it harder to apply pressure to more than one survivor at a time and allows them to immediately start multiple gens at once. I only ever liked to use it for the mind game of tricking survivors into thinking I had a mori when I didn't and even then I was usually just hurting myself.

My suggestion would be to make all killer offerings hidden, excluding those that help survivors(Bloody Party streamers, Gateus, and event offerings) or those that conflict with a survivor offering (because if an offering gets tossed for conflicting, they know what it is anyway.)

I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts on this. I know it's a minor thing and I rarely hear people talk about it. But I feel it would help cut down loading screen D/Cs and provide a bigger mind game for killer offerings in general.


  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    You were afraid of old Freddy?

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    When I was new to the game yeah (I mean his whole thing was being able to walk all over rank 20s because they're new). I didn't understand how he worked so the idea that i couldn't see him made me panic far more than any other killer.

    Nowadays the only thing that truly terrifies me is trapper and that's because I have magnets in my feet. I swear I'm cursed to find the one pallet he actually had time to trap lol.

  • Netharon
    Netharon Member Posts: 29

    I agree with this. All non-BP offerings need to be hidden from the other side. Only survivors should see game altering offerings from themselves and only killers should see their own.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Ah, fair.

    As for the topic, frankly I'd just lose the offering screen altogether.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867
    edited July 2019

    I like it from an interactivity perspective. When a player does something providing immediate results causes a positive response most of the time. So if they were to pull something close to scrapping it I'd rather do what @Netharon suggested and still show BP offerings (sorry, accidentally posted before finishing)

    Edit: changed "we" to "they" because I'm tired and that wasn't what I meant

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    I think it's part of the "big picture mindgame" to guess what the opponent has. A Strode Realty Key indicates survivors may have BL, a Léry's offering should make you suspicious about a Pig or a Scratched Mirror Michael, MacMillan offering could mean darkened traps, and so on. So I'd generally oppose the idea. I believe there are better solutions:

    • nerf Ebony Mori (along with goddamn keys)
    • Extend the DC ban so it also applies when someone DC-s during loading screen.
    • (this is my favourite:) add more secret offerings that are no mories, but useful to killer: one that spawns additional dull totems, add Shroud of Union or Shroud of Binding to killer Bloodwebs (completely agree that Shroud of Separation helps survivors instead of hindering them... quite ridiculous)

    I'm sure there are other possible solutions, but generally, I wouldn't want all offerings to become secret.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    @George_Soros I can see what you mean about the big picture mindgames. Didn't really think about using maps to put people on edge for certain strategies while not actually using that particular strat. That's an awesome idea though, adding it to my list of ways to ######### with survs. Beyond that I agree with pretty much all of your suggestions. Ebony is BS for doing too much while Cyprus does to little (Green mori is perfect imo). The D/C on loading screen count is something that should've been done either way. And while I'm not sure how I'd utilize the dull totem addon idea outside of NOED plays I'd definitely love Union and Binding in killer webs. I'd use them so consistently a surv wouldn't even need to bring one. Though, if they add more secret items for killers instead of doing as I initially suggested I feel they should also add more secret ones for survs as well. Presently it's immediately obvious what they're doing as well. I just don't think about it as much because the shroud offerings work in opposition for them as well (putting everyone in one spot makes killers job easier and I swear that Vigo's shroud makes you spawn closer to the killer.)

    Thanks for commenting!

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Yeah it'd make sense to give some more secret offerings to survivors as well, preferrably something that makes the killer worry a little ... for both fun and fairness.

    I second what you say about Vigo's Shroud. I swear I'm always found first whenever I use one.

    Additional totems would help ToTH, plus, if survivors are the preventive types, it would give them more work to do aside from gens. NOED's mere existence is helpful to M1 killers: often I see them busily destroying dulls, even though I rarely use any hex perks.

  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151

    Was discussing this on fb in the dbd community group and I was saying that it makes sense to hide ALL killer offerings. The survivor ones are not really necessary but that could also help to spice up the game a little bit.

    Right now the killer has 2 offerings that are secret. Mori and Shrouds. Everyone knows that most of the time it's a mori so what's the point of being hidden when everyone already know what it is?

    Overall I think ALL offerings should be secret to spice the game a bit but most important make all killer offerings hidden until tally screen. Pretty much like it was done with the killer perks.