billy saw = easy, LF saw = hard & underwhelming

Zender Member Posts: 178

Just saying. I see a lot of billy's out there and they get saws all the time plus they fly across the map (I have a 50 billy).

LF saw if you hit a blade of grass you go into a tantrum <eye roll> but but you can hit GROUPS of survivors <big eye roll>

Revamp LF please (I have a P2 LF).


  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    Disagree, all the top killers have one thing in common .... mobility/map pressure. I am talking about nurse, spirit, billy, and maybe hag.

    Heck even look at the rework they did to freddy, the ability to jump to a generator. Travel time across these big maps is the bane of the T3 killers plain and simple.

    Bubba's chainsaw is only good for downing the occasional survivor. If you have ever downed two survivors at one time that were not going for the hook save its a christmas miracle.

    Pallet break speed with chainsaw is slow too, I would say its no faster than just breaking it the normal way.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    I don't particularly main LF, but I would say he is in my top 3 most played killers. His power absolutely blows if you don't have a speed or charge speed add-on equipped. The tantrum is such a downside to his power as you bump into so many things that you weren't even looking at. He slows down when revving his chainsaw so much that if any loop or window is within the vacinity you're basically countered by the survivor. His steering and maneuverability are quite garbage, which helps aid in why you can easily bump into things. He either needs major buffs in his current state or a complete overhaul of his power. Without a doubt LF is the second worst killer currently (just above Legion and under Trapper), so he definitely needs some major work done to him. You can be good at playing LF, but there is no denying his power sucks currently and needs a change/buff.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Double-instadown without camping during a pallet loop:

    Double-instadown by zoning survivors behind the gen right at the start of a game:

    I could upload tons of multidown videos without camping - hell, I could upload a whole compilation but even then everyone would counter with "bUt tHoSe WeRE bAd SuRvIvOrS".

    My videos prove his multi-instadown works as intended period. I love Bubba and if he gets reworked just for rotation players who have no idea how to play him efficiently I'll be sad for weeks.

    Also I never said he was a top tier killer. He obviously is not with his average 115% mobility. But he is definitely decent - and decent is good enough for me. I don't want the devs to ruin his ability and make it an easy instadown without the ability to multi-down. That's what makes him unique afterall.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I haven't ever had issues using Leatherface's saw since my first ever game using him.

    Billy's saw is definitely harder to use, but I don't think it takes a lot of skill either. And for base Billy, that's absolutely fine.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Honestly please do upload a compilation. I'd be satisfying to watch at the very least.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    "bUt tHoSe WeRE bAd SuRvIvOrS".

    ... I mean, they were. Bubba is piss-easy to counter and literally doesn’t have a power against Survivors with half a brain.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Well, I guess I haven't played against a survivor with "half a brain" in the past months then as I 4k pretty much every single game unless one survivor gets the hatch. Or perhaps you're one of those rare god survivors that I have yet to see. You should upload some survivor gameplay of yours since you're obviously better than all the survivors I've faced in the past months.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    LF is the weakest killer in the game. You won't get to use his power against competent survivors.

    The only thing LF has going for him is his ability to camp.

    So yes, LF needs big changes.

  • ignoredprayers
    ignoredprayers Member Posts: 42

    Can we table the discussion on whether "leatherface is good or not" -- its a different subject.

    Here is one thing, at an absolute minimum that should be changed about his chainsaw specifically (what this thread was created for):

    He CANT fake rev his chainsaw like Billy can! Revving the chainsaw instantly slows him down, which removes the mindgame potential to try and trick a survivor to go for another loop. There is absolutely no reason that he shouldn't have this as well. Why in God's name can an objectively stronger killer (Billy) do it, yet not Leatherface?

    Another thing, the Chili add-ons NEED TO BE IMPROVED. They do practically nothing (yes, I understand what acceleration is, they are still hot garbage). They are some of the worst add-ons in the game for Killers, and thats saying something.


    -Give Leatherface fake-rev on his chainsaw (without impact total charge time).

    -Fix his $#!T chili add-ons

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Now that's a comment I can agree with. Leatherface needs some minor tweaks such as neutral movement speed while revving his chainsaw for mindgaming like Billy and a buff or rework of his (chilli) addons. Other than that he's totally fine, though. He does NOT need a full rework.

    @NuclearBurrito 3 more multi-instadowns just for you ✌️

    First video starts (and ends) with something I really like about Bubba. He can zone survivors and down them immediately unless they make the right read in a split second:

    Another multi-instadown granting me a quick win @ 5 gens:

    Aaaand another multi-instadown granting me a(nother) win @ 5 gens:

    Long story short: Minor tweaks and buffs = YES PLEASE. Complete rework? HELL NO. Just my opinion as a true Bubba main.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318
    edited July 2019

    i play LF when im having a bad day, and it always puts a smile on my face. his saw is op. easy to land, hard to juke, punishing, and satisfying.

    dont camp, just chase and saw people down.

    dont saw at windows

    pre-charge saw before a pallet for a free pallet break.

    if someone is looping a tree or something to try to get you to bump into it, turn away from the object and go the other way. gets em everytime.

    also, i havent bumped into anything the last like... 20 or so times ive played him. remember its better to be safe than accidentally bump into #########.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Yamaoka Thx for the clips <3

    Personally I have non-balance reasons for wanting to change him. So these kinds of video's would be able to convince me he shouldn't be changed. Specifically he's too similar to Billy. Yeah I know he has differences, but I feel he needs more to distinguish himself.

    Luckily changed does not equal rework. No way I'd want to remove multi-saws and stuff. They're so satisfying

    One thing that might be cool for example would be having the saw just keep going through stuff, thus no tantrum you can hug corners all you like. That'd play up his agility compared to Billy. Plus if he kept going through pallets then that would give him a lot of extra power against pallet looping.

    I'll toy with some other idea's. I'll ping you when I'm done, wouldn't want to ruin what he already has in the process of trying to differentiate him of course ;)

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  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    @Yamaoka Leatherface is SUPER easy to loop. Probably THE most loopable killer, but most M1 killers are extremely loopable.

    Even saying that I don’t think Leatherface is as bad as people make him out to be. Just compared to Billy he isn’t as much of a threat. He is more of a threat at close range, however his chainsaw charge should not slow him down as much as it does currently. His add-ons also need a rework. Those two things are the only changes I can think of. There isn’t really a way to make his map pressure any better sadly :/

    Just why play Leatherface when you can play Billy? If you wanna injure multiple people at the same time I’ll argue that Plague is a better option because she has better range and isn’t slowed down as much. Leatherface has A LOT of variables working against him. A good killer can do decent with any killer though.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476
    edited July 2019

    You evidently haven’t; if your Survivors are going down to an attack that needs to charge up, slows the Killer down to considerably slower than a running Survivor as it’s doing so, puts the Killer into an acceleration in which they literally need to wait just to be able to move faster than a running Survivor, and doesn’t even come close to reaching lunging speed at its maximum acceleration, then yes, the Survivors are extremely, EXTREMELY bad.

    I consistently 4K with Legion at red ranks. That doesn’t make him a good Killer. Likewise, just because you keep running into morons who somehow can’t loop and counter a Bubba doesn’t mean Bubba isn’t complete garbage, because he IS complete garbage. Just like when I 4K with Legion, it just means those Survivors are idiots.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    "hard to juke"

    for lobotomy patients maybe

    there's no hiding the fact that he's garbage and basically doesn't have a power against anyone who even knows how to play the game

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    "I cAn'T wIn As LeAtHeRfAcE wHiCh MeAnS LeAtHeRfAcE iS wEaK! REEEEEEE!!!!"

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    Well when I created this post I wanted to have a nice discussion on the topic. I don't think his primary ability needs completely tossed but there are some revamps that are needed.

    Whomever said that the chainsaw rev needs looked at is SPOT ON. You slow down when you rev, any smart survivor at a pallet will just loop you again. Because of this you really cant start your rev until the pallet has been dropped, this process takes about as long as just breaking the thing.

    Changes I want to see with LF: chainsaw rev does not slow you down, also if you are actively swinging the saw trying to hit someone it should cut right through pallets that are down or being dropped on you. This second thing here is the equivalent of having the "spirit fury" perk at all time but it's a nice enhancement without making him OP. I think this would bring him up to mid-tier killer.

    His add ons are almost an afterthought with precious few of them actually doing much.

    His power is punishing if you hit anything as well. Trying to think what other killer's power actively punishes you with a 5 sec delay?

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    I'm an ex- bubba main. Like youve stated hes a decent killer, not super great but definetely not the worst in the game.

    I'd hate to see the devs rework his ability, the only thing he needs changing is maybe buff/change some of his addons (like youve suggested), decrease/remove the slow when reving his chainsaw and change his tantrum a bit because the debris on some maps is ridiculous and its probably easier to change that than the maps.

    Also @Leatherbilly had an interesting idea on changing leatherface that might be for the better if you were interesting in checking it out.

    (P.S. fix the chilli addons -_- )

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    I think he said you only tantrum of you miss a pallet or survivor?

  • hahmraro
    hahmraro Member Posts: 96

    You will only get more than one down with LF if the survivors ''let you''. You may think you are a living god with LF, but truly, multiple downs with its chainsaw is not really up to the killer but rather the survivors.

    The Cannibal is good at punishing mistakes BUT Billy also does the same, but much, much more. The only thing it has going for him over Billy is multiple downs, but as I stated, it's not up to you alone as killer to guarantee that. The dependance on survivors playing on your power is what makes a killer low tier. Nurse and Spirit don't need that, that's why they are high tier.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I a ma Leatherface main, I find it super helpful to look down while Chainsawing, chase their feet and you get a better view if you're safe on turns, Leatherface isn't bad, yeah he may need number buffs but he is strong if you're strong with him.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Yamaoka As a former Freddy main I’m sad about the rework so I completely understand why you’d be sad if LF got changed. I have mained bubba before and he isn’t as bad as people say, most people just don’t know how to use his saw.

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    I managed to get 1-2 multiple downs not on the hook since writing this but honesty they were not playing attention while healing and should have seen me coming.

    windows end a chainsaw for LF, it would be cool if he could bust through the window (making it a door) on a few spots on each map if he’s in a chainsaw swing.

    also, after looking over his add ones man there really are only like 3-4 okay ones. I usually pick ones that reduce my rev time and/or cool down and that’s it.

    the ones that reduce noise are silly as is the one that doesn’t make the surv dying and the one that reduces tantrum duration.

  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    @GrootDude I get the chainsaw takes practice, I am P3 with him and decent with it.

    It is a power that punishes you for failure; like huntress getting stunned for missing a hatchet. Hit boxes on terrain are .... complicated in this game.

    not being able to pre-rev at a pallet needs looked at. If you rev you slow down, if you slow down smart survivors just loop you around again.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • Zender
    Zender Member Posts: 178

    @GrootDude yes, your punishment is you are not getting a down, your second punishment is you lose your most valuable in game commodity, time.

    should Ghostface get stunned for not landing an exposed hit? Maybe just a 2 sec one not 5 seconds ?

    should huntress get stunned for missing a hatchet?

    if nurse’s blink would be illegal or off the map does she lose the charge?

    maybe the clowns vials should hinder him if he goes into it? Or maybe if he just misses since he failed.

    my point is any power that punishes you for using it dilutes the killer down to m1 low tier status. Trapper is another example.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Nurse will likely lose the survivors if she misses her blinks, if huntress runs out of hatchets she has to drop chase to get more, if Spirit doesn’t phase to the survivors then she’s likely lost them, if Trapper doesn’t place his traps where survivors step then he has done nothing but waste time.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Hex: Denial

    Every time you bring up how obviously bad a killer is, 1/2/3 of the 5 mains the killer has across the entire playerbase will jump out of a locker and DESTROY you with FACTS and LOGIC about how they're actually good because you can 4K against stupid survivors using them.

    This effect persists until the devs rework that piece of garbage.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited July 2019

    @Hagging_Trapper Some of my clips were red rank highlights. People make mistakes at all ranks. Anyways I agree on the quality of life changes and minor tweaks. I also like the idea of @NuclearBurrito

    Quote: "for example would be having the saw just keep going through stuff (pallets)"

    The devs could make it so the award winning chilli addon does exactly that. Right now it's totally useless so why not change it into a true purple addon that changes the outcome of a game?