Legion Confusion

I see that they made some changes to how legion plays. I am a little confused about which addons can stack? Can you stack the addons that apply the bleeds and cd reductions to wounds? I absolutely loved playing legion when he first came out. I like stabby stabby. With that, how can you tell what addons will stack and which will not? I know some specifically say "Stackable" however, some addons stack that do not have that flavor text. Thoughts?


  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    They all stack, unless I'm forgetting a certain combo.

    Pretty much everything in DBD stacks, even if it doesn't say so in its description.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    @GuineaGamer @ASpazNamedSteve

    Legion Duration add-ons dont stack no more, from my understanding

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    @SpacingLlamas Almost 100% certain that they do. Why do you think otherwise?

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    @ASpazNamedSteve I remember the devs saying so in their stream after his changes were out. Also I tried and two duration add-ons and it didnt seem to be any longer, could be wrong. Im not totally sure

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    @SpacingLlamas We can test them if you want.

  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 137

    OH man. Legion is by far my favorite killer! I am a 90's kid though...lol! SOO MUCH ANGST!! I never used his exploits or anything cause frankly, I stopped playing right after he dropped for a bit. I just came back and it seems his whole playstyle is different. What perks would be good on him now? I was thinking maybe basement legion?

  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 137

    Hmmm...so I just learned that "Save the Best for Last" procs with frenzy hits...so that is nifty! Does the Blindness hex as well I wonder?

  • Legion's Feral Frenzy works with Remember Me, Fire Up, Bamboozle (Pallet doesn't get blocked), I believe Franklin's Demise, Save The Best For Last, Play With Your Food, Sloppy Butcher, Hex: The Third Seal.

    Doesn't work with Exposed, I believe Dark Devotion, and Infectious Fright (Not that you will down anybody with Feral Frenzy.)

    A Nurse's Calling and Coulrophobia don't work with Mending.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Don't bother with basement builds for Legion as you will be much too far away from basement to get a survivor down there most of the time. If you're wanting a build that is highly played I would suggest.

    Save The best for Last

    Spirit Fury



    This above build is a more standard m1 killer build that in general works well. You're able to stack and maintain your STFL much easier with FF. SF and Enduring help you deal with palettes when your power is on recharge. Discordance helps with tracking multiple groups of survivors. This build is good if you've got none of the next perks.


    Hex: Ruin


    The perks above work well with Legion and can replace anything in the above build except STBFL. Thana synergizes well with Legion's playstyle, but keep in my Thana isn't as good as it used to be stat wise. Still at max rank and full team injured the survivors are 16% slower in action speed. Ruin supplements Thana's early game and if the survivors have problems finding the totem you can drag the game out pretty good. BBQ is an all round great tracking perk that's meta for every killer and really helps out with the bp grind.

    Monitor & Abuse

    Pop Goes The Weasel


    This set of perks aren't quite meta in general. The exception may be M&A as it is used quite a lot. Monitor & Abuse can be placed into a build to get your TR down so you can get closer outside of Frenzy so you have a better chance of hitting more than just one or two people during a Frenzy. Pop is another gen based perk that gives Legion a bit more power in the gen control area. Bamboozle is a personal favorite of mind as it cuts off a lot of nonsense window loops and makes Legion vault closer to their original vault which both looks and feels much better. The vault speed even applies to palettes, but no the entity blocker.

  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 137

    Awesome! Thank you for that! I get looped like crazy. I am not the greatest at that yet. This community is sooo cool! I am hoping a Bloodpoint event happens soon so I can just grind the heck out of the Meta perks. I know we just had one which I missed completely. Sad day.

  • The community is so cool?

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Any on hit perks will do wonders on him, his Frenzy can be good intel to get idea where other Survivors are.

  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 137

    So far! There are a few jagaloons in the after chat. Pretty toxic folks. But, for the most part nice.

  • Yeah, you're going to find good people, such as yourself, here and there in these DIVIDED forums. Divided, but we're all gamers.