ill never play low tier killers, if everyone is good they doesn't work

prettyf Member Posts: 442
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

yesterday i invested bloodpoints for low tier killers and now it feel so wasted

it doesn't works in my region hell i knew from theres no wm1 since 2days ago

low tier wm1 abilities all rely on how survivors play dumb and not adapted game

unless you use strongest addons of them like trappers bloody coil

i always called if killer is not a nurspirit always hits from survivors mistakes

and thats proved again i can loop their wm1 they can loop my wm1 its potato balance

low tier trash killers also rely on maps tons of em

i can full gen aggro in the game map and haddonfield but other people does samely

thats how we don't have wm1 killer players and lack of killer playerbase and only see nurse and spirit
