Can something be done about window vault spam?

Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

Not referring to a chase. Just any window or ledge that can be vaulted. I've recently had a string of survivors who vault spam as either a taunt, or an attempt to get my attention. The constant string of sound notifications are incredibly annoying. Especially if two or more jump on the band wagon. Maybe hit them with an exhaustion debuff after so many out of chase vaults, as a way of punishment? Excluding slow vaults, of course.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084
    edited July 2019

    At max there should be a cooldown for Notifications. Disabling Window Vault Spam is not needed as well as it should not be punished in a way that it is not done anymore. It is quite rare and even then, if someone wants to do this whole match, perfect, thats a 3v1.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893


    Well I don't consider it something that needs to be addressed I can understand why it's completely irritating when it happens.

    Having notifications constantly paying off repeatedly is the most annoying thing when you're trying to focus on what you doing as a killer. It's like a doctor just repeatedly shocking you and doing nothing else it doesn't really benefit them in fact that hinders them more but it is super annoying

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    The Entity blocking overused windows should persist out of chase, instead being triggered by fast vaults.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    @Volfawott to me this just sounds like a post from a killer main who doesnt like to lose, if it's at the end of the game and survivors are spamming vaults by the gate, just go over there and chase them out, it's simple as that, if you allow them to continue doing it because your not taking the bait to go see them tea bagging then they are just going to continue doing it until end game is in the last few seconds. In that case, just mute your tv lol and it's a case of using the vaults to distract the killer I.e probably a camping killer πŸ˜‚ then stop being camping douch and go get that moron spamming the vaults. So you see these a couple things that us players can do our selves to stop the announce, otherwise suck it as it really isn't a big deal lol.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893


    No mentalities like this don't help anything right.

    You know nothing about this person's playstyle yet you've already labelled them with the terms camper and douche.

    Toxicity is toxicity no matter how you choose to cut it. Well I'm not asking you to jump and advocate for what they're talking about at least have some consideration that something that just like something can seriously annoy you something can seriously annoyed them.

  • whyyoumad
    whyyoumad Member Posts: 2

    I agree πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Oh I was meant to say suck it up not suck it lol

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    I've had this happen once where a friend kept vaulting so I would lose his other friend due to the noise and distraction. It is something that could catch on and needs to be addressed before every match is like this for killers.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    They should should mute notifications if they keep coming from the same survivor when not in a chase, addtionally, Killers need to stop trying to get punishments set on survivors for things that don't affect a match.

    e.g Flashlight Spam, Tbagging, Window Vaulting.

    While I accept the notification sound could affect audio and make you lose a survivor, there's a far better way than punishing survivors for it.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Entity blockers are currently bugged, again. So they don't always spawn or they spawn, but don't block a lot of the time. Though a lot of notification spam from repeated fast vaulting is actually happening at palettes as they can't be blocked at all.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    It'd be funny if a survivor triggers several loud noise notifications in a shirt amount of time, their aura is revealed and the entity blocks the window or locker, and maybe even destroys the pallet they're vaulting.

  • sam
    sam Member Posts: 29

    i have a few solutions:

    • Deal with it.
    • Chase the survivor.
    • Deal with it.
    • Deal with it.
    • Complain on the forums.

    Hope this helps!

  • PandapocalypzexX
    PandapocalypzexX Member Posts: 25

    I think it's a valid technique. Like any annoying strategy in this game. It messes the killer up and let's the others finish gens. You could go for the bait and kill a guy.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I think its perfectly fine. It may annoy the killer but also gives them the exact location of survivors. It would be ludicrous to me if they muted it in some form!

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Jeez! Let survivors catch a break from all this bluff from killers. I play both sides equally just about, let me just say, mind game. Not all survivors are as wise as others, just use that gray (brain) thing in your head.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Just ignore it, if it's not endgame they are not doing anything useful by doing it which benefits you.

    If it's during EGC and it bothers you just go afk for a few minutes and they'll leave or die.

    If it's endgame but they 99'd gates or whatever and it bothers you go open the gate and then go afk for a few minutes.

  • Pebbles
    Pebbles Member Posts: 29

    Try to play like a good person, and you'll get less of this. I'm definitely a killer main, but I play a good bit of survivor just so I know how the other side thinks.

    Personally, I only do this as a survivor when the killer is tunneling/camping an especially weak survivor on my team, and I think I can take the heat away from them.

    However, I've had this happen to me as a killer even when I'm being non-toxic as all get out. I'm talking, no ruin, no BBQ, no noed (though, tbf, they can't know that) and only chasing a survivor that I haven't immediately previously hooked. Usually, when it happens this way, it's from a blendette, or worse orange smock Claudette, or a nea that fancies themselves no0b3. It tends to mean, "I've found an invincible loop, come chase me for 30 minutes while the rest of my team chunks out the gens". The WORST thing you can do is chase them in this instance. At best, you catch them quickly, but at worst you're choosing to chase probably the best looper out of the survivors in a spot that they're handpicking. That's just a numb skull maneuver, and you deserve to lose.

    However, choosing not to chase them is not costless either. If you're already not doing good, for instance they've popped 3 gens before you've caught anyone because you had the misfortune of having huntress on yamaoka estate, and just couldn't waddle your ass across the map fast enough. Then this bastard Nea starts window spamming, and you know that even in a 3v1 the other survivors have enough of an advantage to finish even if you do make the "right" move and ignore Nea. Now, you have to go through the game searching for the other survivors, probably P3 blendettes who make military trained snipers look like slouches at camo and stealth, without one of the killers most important toolset, their ears. Because of course, that Nea is never going to stop - the only enjoyment they get out of the game is being the center of attention and trolling the killer.

    They're three sides to every coin. I don't think survivors should have any massive penalty for doing this, but entity blocking being independent of chase might be a good idea. That, or just playing the majority of games like a decent human being and accept the 5%-10% of games with absolute ######### like hypothetical bastard Nea.* Alternatively, if you really think you're a hot shot and can take 'em, chase 'em down and slam 'em on a hook. Chances are, the other survivors will all come running to save their hero if you can manage to catch them quick, and you can snowball from there. Or not, and they rip through the last two gens.

    *This message not intended to discriminate against Neas or Claudettes. I'm sure there are some good ones out there. I haven't met any, though

  • Creepytaco
    Creepytaco Member Posts: 36

    Toxicity is definitely annoying. I never actually saw the point of survivors camping near a gate just to teabag either. Though when it blows up in their face it's hilarious, if only it happened more.