

Comment if you agree


  • Luune
    Luune Member Posts: 43

    Maybe you should be more descriptive?

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    That dude dont described the stuff, so i ll try.

    FF isnt a treat. And i mean that beside first hit, its useless. And if survivor will simply hide in pallet, or vault the normal window (as normal, i mean windows at infinites, Jjyms and some main buildings, not the random walls) its just a wasting of time, trying to vault it, cause survivor ll have an option to run for the next object. Pallet vaults kinda tricky, and have more use, but they are so slow, that vaulting them while looping is kinda useless.

    Im mostly ok with legion changes, cause pre nerf - he was so broken asf. I hate 28 stabs legion, same on moonwalk legion. They were OP and had no counter. But all this stuff could be fixed with only two adjustments: no DW draining in TR, and inabillity to down with frenzy. Other stuff was mostly OK. But it was nerfed too. I dont get the reason, why frenzy movespeed was decreased, same with vault speed and infinite stabs during frenzy. Same on bloodpools during frenzy, and this ######### VFX on canceling the frenzy. Thats kinda too much.

    Then, addons... Thats kinda ######### too. Lets start with pins.

    To apply effect of the pin, you should hit survivor that already affected by DW. That will cost you 4 seconds stun, and survivor ll run away on hit boost. You are just loosing your time. And thats true for ALL the pins. Legion pin? Its useless, cause DW itself prevents from healing. Even with adrenalin pop it ll just remove the DW, so whats the point of this addon? I dunno.

    Then, goes Frank Mixtape and Deepwound study. Just gonna say, that with new DW system - they are useless. You should spent ~80 seconds to down survivor with FM. Thats kinda ######### for purple addon, isnt it? Instead of bringin back 28 stab legion, let FM and DWS give movespeed, vaultspeed, frenzy duration etc. Cause at this point - they are useless.

    And about DW itself... It should go down on any action, except mending (yourself, or another surv) and running. There is no reasons to wory about DW. If you got leaved immediately, there is no reasons of mending yourself, while you could do some gen for ~25 seconds before mending yourself, cause you get literaly no disadvantages of late mending. Mend action itself stops bleedout, so you may have no worries.

    Thats the stuff. And note for @Horror_Gaming, next time - describe your opinion

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Legion need help again so i agree. all he need is a DW effect rework , reverted fatigue (or cooldown add-ons buffed) and more control on map (increased FF duration or speed or both.)

  • Horror_Gaming
    Horror_Gaming Member Posts: 275

    No but it gives them the idea that leaving a killer at an unfinished state also isn’t acceptable nor professional as a development team.

  • Horror_Gaming
    Horror_Gaming Member Posts: 275

    If they at least buff deep wound to be more of a threat towards survivors then Legion becomes more of a fun killer again. Legion isn’t necessarily bad. His power just became to underwhelming after the nerf since all it does is take away time but the time it does take away really is not as effective as it could be.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I have mostly fun in mind.

    So I hope for a change what frenzy matters (that it is again faster) and that this penalty for a miss hit while stabbing goes away.

    The chase should feel great again, imo. I also think that those changes would not really hurt the balance in the game.

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272

    FF has so much disadvantages it should provided IK:

    No track with chase music you can completely lost your target

    Palette stun or miss cancel it with 4s fatigue

    You cannot down your victim

    very slow vault over palette

    Everyone with spring burst jut out run you

    Deep wound will not start if the target is withing legion's terror radius

  • Riddick
    Riddick Member Posts: 121

    I don't think a description is needed, but all of the above.


  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093
