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Should I get The Plague?

koo1aidki11er55 Member Posts: 2
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

Is the plague worth buying or should I wait for the next chapter?


  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    She's fun for me, my 3rd most played killer for fun!!! but she definitely isn't top tier if power is your concern.

  • juneau
    juneau Member Posts: 4

    no she is annoying don't be that guy.

  • DoofyGoofy
    DoofyGoofy Member Posts: 8

    Don't buy the Plague, wait for the next chapter pls.

  • Sakata
    Sakata Member Posts: 6

    Do not let people give judgement or make you feel pressured into not buying a DLC killer. She has had backlash but not anymore than Legion. She is a very interesting killer to learn and you would not regret it as once you learn how to play her you can learn how to counter her in a situation when playing survivor.

    For the learning experience buy her as she will not be going away anytime soon everyone.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    Save up shards.

  • CosmicScientist
    CosmicScientist Member Posts: 43

    Her mechanic of being sick isn't too fulfilling.

    Bloodsplatter on corrupt purge hits is annoying.

    You aren't the one choosing if a survivor is to be made sick or if you're an M1 killer. i.e. short, tight loops, with walls, are your bane (think if you would enjoy Huntress' weakness if you were a normal speed killer with short range hatchets that only work half the time).

    She ignores instant heals... until you use corrupt purge... but she can ignore Adrenaline...

    Survivors play with her mechanics more than she does, so don't expect to be the one directing the match, or having fun beyond trying to be a Billy with a less cathartic one hit chase.

    She has no map presence.

    Her worst case scenario in regards to fun is trigen + puking to have an alert similar to Surveillance + immersed survivors who you will never find and who will never do contagious gens. I think that made a match extend by 10 minutes for me.

    Her perks are dubiously useful. Presumably Corrupt Intervention helps killers with setup time better than Ruin but isn't as good as a hidden totem, Infectious Fright does help me as Pig and others find it useful on Myers, Dark Devotion removes your ability to guess if DS exists, is situational enough that I never use it outside of coincidence and is useless on stealth or M2 killers if either are your jam.

  • DoofyGoofy
    DoofyGoofy Member Posts: 8

    He asked for my opinion if he should buy plague, so I gave him a answer. It's obvious that in the end it's his decision but if he didn't want our opinions if he should buy plague or not then don't say "don't let people pressure you into not buying killers."

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Depends, if you play around rank 10 or below, you can buy her for variety. But anywhere higher than that, just don't: she's one of the most useless killers if survivors know what they're doing, and she doesn't even have decent teachables.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    She can be fun, but if survivors know the counter and can loop you turn into an M1 killer with essentially no power. It's really up to you at the end of the day but I wouldn't recommend it if you have other killers such as Spirit or even Ghostface that you have yet to buy.