Played as pig and got called a stupid noob

Hi everyone, I just played a match with a pig and I understood that she's the weakest killer in the game. I had SWF 4 survivors red ranks who do not make mistakes and do not fall for fake windows, etc... After 10 hours of pallet looping they finished the game and escaped, blocking the hook and teabagging. Well, may I please enjoy the game, Cote? I am tired of this toxicity. They were russians btw... As a decent survivor I can say, they made no mistakes.
Note : I play as survivor and respect all killers I loop, in most cases they don't get me, but this... I played this game so much, about 2 years and I still don't want it to rot due to community. Request : Ban toxic players PLEASE
All you can really do is turn off the ability to chat. I've done that on ps4 best decision i ever made
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What did they do to be toxic, be good at the game or tbagging?
If it's the latter then why all that post about how the match went?
If you can't enjoy a game just because someone tbagged you then online games might not be for you.
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PvP games*
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Teabagging and body blocking are part of the game - this is not something we would ban for.
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@Mr_Farewell @MandyTalk, they might be part of the game but the people doing it can still be super toxic. The number of times i've had some teabag me and then when they go down they'll dc and spend the rest of the match spamming me with hateful messages. Or they are good enough to escape and then spam me with messages of how i suck and they're better at the game then me.
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If you don't enjoy being hazed and tormented then maybe online games are not for you! <sarcasm>
One year later "News: DbD playerbase is 95% gone, remaining toxic players wonder where everyone went!"
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We've all been there. Many SWF teams deliberately derank to spoil people's day. Use it as a learning experience and if you eventually hook one, get right up to them and camp their face.
These games are the exception (unless you are red rank), so forget them and move on.
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I recommend getting Make Lobbies Great Again, yes that is mainly for blocking killers but if you do not want to constantly take toxicity like this then go ahead and use it and Shift+Click on the pings of the people you do not want to go against again so you do not run into these problems.
Yes it is stressful but we all go through those stressful situations just as @JawsIsTheNextKiller stated. When going against players on our own respective ranks or near. Take this situation and learn from it or act upon it instead of complaining about a couple matches of stress.
Honestly you have two choices when moving forward, either blocking them so you know who they are as if they name change then you will be able to know at least he is toxic or you learn and improve because there is no way they got away with a clean escape with no errors to follow.
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I don't see what's abnormal about this experience. Unless you were, like, Rank 16-. But there's been a rank reset, so even then.
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Is it a chat in dbd on PS4 or are you talking about messages on menu?
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They are referring to messages. As someone who plays on PS4, I can confirm that we do not have a post game chat. This makes things worse though because since we have no chat, players go to your profile and message your inbox constantly instead. The easiest way to fix this is by going to your setting and making it so only friends can add you to message groups which is what this person did.
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I main pig, she isn't the weakest
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I'm on ps4 and i've turned of messages but isn't there a way to turn off chat on pc