Stake out is underrated and needs a small buff

Stake out is one of the best perks in the game in my opinion. (feel free to make your own)
But lately with all these changes I thought about a small buff for this perk that might make it viable for other to take some notice.
At the moment it's stats read: [For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer's Terror Radius and are not in a Chase, you gain a Token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens.
When Stake Out has at least 1 Token, Good Skill Checks are considered Great Skill Checks and consume 1 Token.]
My version is this: [For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer's Terror Radius and are not in a Chase, you gain a Token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens.
When Stake Out has at least 1 Token, Good Skill Checks
are considered Great Skill Checks, Missing a Skill Check Counts as a Good Skill Check and consume 1 Token.]
Please give me your thoughts if you have any other ideas to make this perk better :)
I would prefer if Missing a Skill Check would prevent the damage and explosion sound, but it will consume 1 Token.
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That's what this would do.
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Wouldn't this effectively destroy Ruin's ability to slow down the game, or am I mistaken?
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I think the only buff it should receive is that you can click on the skill check wheel at ANY point in time and have it considered a great success.
You can of course opt to just not click and fail though. Maybe you want to create a diversion or escape the dream world (lol not with new Freddy at least).
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I use stake out a lot and I don't think it needs this kind of buff. It would be too much. I'd add 1 or 2 tokens you can get (so maybe 6 instead of 4 in total) but it's not an issue getting the tokens in the first place, if you're not against a 0 TR killer. If you want the most out of it, you have to stay in the killers TR. That's how it works.
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Stake Out+
Getting close to the Killer fills you with determination.
For each 10 seconds you are standing within the Killer's Terror Radius and are not in a Chase, you gain a Token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens.
When Stake Out has at least 1 Token, Good Skill Checks are considered Great Skill Checks, give you 2% more progression and consume 1 Token.
Maybe this?
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How? You still need to get tokens. And for most people this still wouldn't be worth carrying.
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I think they should up the max tokens definitely. 4 is too low. 6/8 I think.
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You'd only need to get one as long as you can avoid missing Skill Checks, as you would only lose a token if you miss a Skill Check. From there, Good Skill Checks count as Great Skill Checks, which basically means it completely blanks Ruin's penalty for only hitting Good Skill Checks.
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2% more gen rush per check... Lets not make Gens go even faster. The original suggestion of:
[For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer's Terror Radius and are not in a Chase, you gain a Token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens.
When Stake Out has at least 1 Token, Good Skill Checks
are considered Great Skill Checks, Missing a Skill Check Counts as a Good Skill Check and consume 1 Token.]
The only change should be the Good Skill Check should also consume a token or it completely negates something like Ruin as you could always do good skill checks on ruin and get credit for a hex skill check. Unless I'm misunderstanding what the OP was suggesting wrong.
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Oh never mind, I misread it. Yeah, that's too much.
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I would up the token amount. I love Stake Out. It's a way to counter Ruin if it spawns in a super unlucky spot and nobody can find it.
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The perk as it currently is, already counters Hex: Ruin and that is it’s primary purpose. I run it because it forces me to be near the killer, and it helps with laggy skill checks. Stakeout doesn’t need any kind of buff, and is perfectly fine as it is. I wouldn’t be against adding a couple more tokens, but any other change would be way overpowering, and I am definitely against that.
I in no way support the combining of Technician and Stakeout into one perk, which is what the OP is asking for.
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This would kinda make technician useless though....
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The amount of greats you would hit wouldn't change. You might hit a good instead of a miss, though, although that would still be affected by ruin (also you would be a silly goose since all you had to do was hit a good and you still messed it up).
It basically wouldn't be any better against ruin that it is now.
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My god, did you just say that ruin is a weak perk? It's unreliable, sure, but it's also one of the strongest perks in the game!
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I don't follow. Going by OP's proposal for Stake Out, all Good Skill Checks would count as Great Skill Checks as long as you had at least one token (as opposed to now, where you lose a token if you hit what would normally be considered a Good Skill Check). This means that if you just shoot for what would normally be considered Good Skill Checks while you have a Stake Out token and Ruin is active, because they count as Great Skill Checks, the net result for each Great Skill Check obtained via Stake Out is the equivalent of getting a Good Skill Check while Ruin is not active. This means that people who cannot consistently hit Great Skill Checks and would normally go for only Good Skill Checks can effectively play through Ruin with no penalty as long as they are able to collect at least one token from the proposed Stake Out and avoid missing any Skill Checks.
Is there something I'm not understanding here?
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Doesn’t it already do that? Lmao
oh but I’m sure they meant that it also consumes a token when you hit a good skill check
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You're right in that the current version does technically counter Ruin, but in practice, not really because you would need to keep acquiring tokens in order to keep cancelling out Ruin's penalty on Good Skill Checks. With this proposed idea, one token would effectively cancel out all of Ruin's penalty on Good Skill Checks until you flat-out miss a Skill Check. It's a big difference in my eyes.
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@TAG The OP's proposal doesn't effect the way tokens work at all. The only thing they wanted to change was to make it so that completely missing a skillcheck would count as a good skillcheck(Like how a good = a great), basically moving each layer of success down a notch. The wording is weird but it's weird on the perk description too so fair enough. It would still eat the stocked tokens every time you hit space so they'd have to replenish them, same as always.
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Re-read the OP. They are saying for their idea that Good Skill Checks count as Great Skill Checks, Missed Skill Checks count as Good Skill Checks, and you lose a token if you miss a Skill Check. You don't lose any tokens if a Good Skill Check becomes upgraded into a Great Skill Check.
"When Stake Out has at least 1 Token, Good Skill Checks are considered Great Skill Checks, Missing a Skill Check Counts as a Good Skill Check and consume 1 Token."
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@TAG Sorry, I'd misread that last little bit as applying to the whole thing. Peanits probably did too based on their response being similar to mine. That would be ridiculous if only missed checks ate the token. Thanks for pointing out the exact line to me!
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don't you know that if U hit a great skill check, there ought to be 2% bonus? I think this perk should add more bonus like 3%,4% or 5%, if there has the hex:ruin, it still have some bonus (maybe 1% or 2%).
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Rise dead thread! May they post here again!
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My idea would give the 2% to the current bonus. So it doesn't become gen destroyer.
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Honestly, I think it is fine as is. I could see possibly giving it one extra token, but that's about it. The reason why more people aren't using it is because a lot of people are too scared to change from meta perks.
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"Stake out is one of the best perks"
"Stake out need a small buff"
Choose one
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I'd like to see it gain tokens while on hook. It has the same wording as Diversion ("...standing within the Killer's Terror Radius while not in a Chase...") but does not function the same.