Why is it that if i use Franklin's im trash

I play killer and the only two perks i rely on is franklins and whispers cause i cant find anyone. Ive noticed after alot of games im told im trash cause i have franklins on yet im going against 2 tool boxes, a medkit and a flashlight and 8/10 times im gen rushed yet im still called trash. Wasn't franklins put in the game for a reason and isnt it one of the killers main perks like the 3 for some killer, why do survivors make this such a big deal and get so salty over it im starting to hate playing cause ps4 survivors are the biggest cry babies i have ever played with or against


  • Ihitscenekids23
    Ihitscenekids23 Member Posts: 29

    I dont have a post game chat on ps4 thats only for pc players instead what this person did was send me a friend request and then a msg with it but usually its just them sending messages to me personally im just at that point where i dont want to play cause of it and i really like the game

  • Ihitscenekids23
    Ihitscenekids23 Member Posts: 29

    Thats what im doing its just annoying when its all the time is all

  • Ihitscenekids23
    Ihitscenekids23 Member Posts: 29

    I use freddy alot and everyone knows that freddy is one of the weakest killers to use until hes been redone so why their making it a problem is beyond me bcause its the only way i can counter the survivors

  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 44

    Yep. I have my chat communication turned off on xbox. Not just for this game, but any game in general. People get very salty and think a message will do harm. LOL

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Set your profile to private and they can't message you anymore. That's what I did. A lot of butt hurt people that get mad because they don't survive every match.

  • Ihitscenekids23
    Ihitscenekids23 Member Posts: 29

    Its already private as far as a I know cause when i go to my msgs it doesnt show their msgs but this one I think left a comment when he sent the friend request which again makes no sense

  • TheRealKnight32
    TheRealKnight32 Member Posts: 8

    Don't worry about what others say. Just enjoy the game how you want to.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Some Survivors are little too attached to their items.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    People just don't like losing their items, that's it.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Whenever a survivor throws insults at you after a match, you know you did something right. Enjoy it.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    You aren't trash.

    Use whatever perks you want.

    Re-check your privacy settings, I play on PS4 make sure all of your settings are on Friends Only, not friends of friends or public. This will reduce your spam and hate mail by 99% .. If people are circumventing your privacy settings report them to PSN. That's a bannable offense. Just make sure all your privacy settings are where they need to be first, and send them a screenshot of your settings and the offending messages.

    Lastly don't party, or accept invites from people you don't know while playing this game.

    This drastically increased my fun and lowered my stress levels when playing the game as both a killer and a survivor.

  • Ihitscenekids23
    Ihitscenekids23 Member Posts: 29

    I dont wanna ban them cause its not worth it i just wanna know why survivors wanna get salty over certain perk being used and when they are used on the weakest killer i just cant wrap my head around that

  • Ashkiin
    Ashkiin Member Posts: 52

    Don't you know? It's one of thousands different rules survivors decided for us for their convenience. Meanwhile they'll go 4 swf with every broken perk, item and loop milked to death and call you trash when 2 escape withva key lmao. Part of this community is disgusting, if you get messages through friend requests just report them imo. Maybe after a few suspensions from psn they learn.

    (this is so appropriatte, hope it's against rules)

    Honestly, It's sad that we need to be in private to play this game. I've recently gave up and done the same

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    There is one for survivor's, though. Don't bring in keys, take overly strong loops repeatedly, etc. So many killers get fussy over silly stuff, too, like sabboing hook. You're literally not doing the objective for something that usually doesn't pay off.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    If I play survivor and join a lobby where 3 people have toolboxes, I deliberately don't take a toolbox because otherwise I am effectively ASKING for Franklin's (or a lobby dodge).

    Keep using what you want, survivors don't care about your feelings when they bring in instaheals etc.

  • Haraak
    Haraak Member Posts: 119

    Part of this community is a bunch of snowflakes who really believe that you should care about their enjoyment. Smash them.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Franklin's is a must have perk for me.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I have my messages turned off and if they did that to me i'd report it as harassment to both PSN and the devs

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Anything that makes them have a disadvantage will upset them, sorry but that's how it is, you'll be insulted for using Ruin.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    @CoffengMin you actually can remove afew killer powers, like a trappers traps with a toolbox

  • PandapocalypzexX
    PandapocalypzexX Member Posts: 25

    Honestly anything you do in this game makes you trash.

    Just get used to being trash if you're gonna play a competitive multiplayer type game of any sort and enjoy your gaming life.

    Hate mails is good mail man.

    Let their Petty qualms feed your thirst for more hooks!!!!!!

  • PandapocalypzexX
    PandapocalypzexX Member Posts: 25

    Also just messaging back "GiT GuD ScrUb" works too

  • PandapocalypzexX
    PandapocalypzexX Member Posts: 25

    But ho early when making a build for a character or killer or anything in any game for you ever stop and think of how it's going to effect the opposing team?

    I bet you don't.

    I bet none of you do :)

    Because it's about winning. And the game provides you the tools to do it.

    No matter how annoying it is. It's irrelevant cause you're playing a game to win.

    Keep winning , my friends. With disregard to the people you're beating because who gives a #########. You're there to win.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited July 2019

    Franklin's and several other perks are 'trash' not because they're good or bad - though Franklin's isn't actually good or bad - they're considered 'dick moves' because their mechanic serves more to annoy than give legitimate purchase against the other team.

    I view Franklin's as situational, like No Mither, or all of Legion. The other team catches on quick, and pretty quickly the benefits can be mitigated by coordinated or just intelligent gameplay, and it becomes basically a wasted perk for a bit of wasted time.

  • s0cial_outc4st
    s0cial_outc4st Member Posts: 59

    I get the same stuff with NOED, it's not really a big deal just don't even respond and play how you want to play.

  • SaveUsY2K
    SaveUsY2K Member Posts: 43

    Either get a bit thicker skin or maybe find a new game/hobby

    You're not doing anything wrong, people just can't stand "losing".

    Don't care what people you've never met say to you after you kill them. Laugh and move on.

  • beastmode1694
    beastmode1694 Member Posts: 4

    Honestly at that point I just shootback with some smart ass remark to get them to shut up, most people dont like going back and forth and arent prepared for someone to defend themselves from their toxic behaviour

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    my favorite retort until i discovered my privacy settings was: "Yes! I too, do enjoy the taste of fingers!"

    few people responded back.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    I have nothing against Franklin's Demise. But this perk still deserves a little indirect nerf: the killers should not see the items of the survivors in the lobby.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    No....no they're not....

    Perks are the equivalent of a survivors power. They all have the same capabilities outside of perks of which some are only specific to certain survivors.

    There are survivor perks that mimic items...bottany and self care>med kits Proove thyself and leader>toolboxes. Sabo toolboxes come as a built in perk. The only thing you can't perk yourself into instead of an item is a flashlight.

  • Ihitscenekids23
    Ihitscenekids23 Member Posts: 29

    Well i use whispers and franklins cause I'm always being gen rushed and those two help me cause even with whispers i suck at killer which is why i NEVER get past rank 16

  • JnnsMu
    JnnsMu Member Posts: 249

    I disagree. A good team of survivors doesn't need any items to beat any killer that isn't The Nurse. Additionally, killer perk slots are really valuable and Franklin's doesn't even completely disable items. For example, you can still get a lot of use out of toolboxes before being hit.

    Using an item that you probably have hundrets of anyway to deny the killer a perk slot is a good deal for survivors.

    The only to reason flame someone for using Franklin's is frustration over losing an item. And that is definitely not a good reason.

    So no OP you are not an #########.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318

    because they are trash without their items, so they project. there are no rules.

    you bring a toolbox, im bringing franklins and a mori. just because i dont like you.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Fun DBD story for ya. 

    I was playing Cannibal at Lampkin lane. Got a rough team of SWF who were harassing me. One was particularly bad, a Feng. I was irked, so I took the bait and hunted her down. I used Franklin’s Demise to knock her super fancy toolbox out of her hand on the first hit. More chasing, then she eventually goes down.

    2 of her friends storm the hook and take her down before I can even reset from hooking. At the same time another one opens the gate. Rather than chase, I go back to that juicy toolbox sitting in the grass and stand over it with a revved chainsaw! She wanted it back SO BAD! Every trick to try to lure me away! Eventually the Endgame timer ran low and she had to leave! Lmao!!!! 😂😂

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Because they don't like losing 1 of their 200 Med-Kits they got from the infinite-supply Bloodweb.

  • NunoSobral94
    NunoSobral94 Member Posts: 4

    I also like the idea of Franklins perk. And if a survivor wants his item back go grab it where it fall. Also it doesnt affect me when i play survivor because i usually dont use items xD

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2019

    I use franklin's all the time on Hag, even if I see few items. (Minimum of 2 or more items, or one flashlight period)

    I find Franklin's slows the game down quite a bit because survivors looking for their items after being hooked or losing me in a chase are survivors not doing generators.

    I especially find Franklin's fun on Hag as one can place a trap down right next to the item (I often do it mid-chase as the items are hard to spot on the ground sometimes or someone else might grab it) because survivors tend to tunnel vision on the item (Especially McLoopyPants and their purple flashlight) and activate the trap, getting jumpscared or netting me a free hit.

    One could also do it with the Trapper and place the bear trap directly ontop of the item. Survivors can still grab it without even having to disarm the trap if they're close enough from testing in KYF but it's possible they might just run up to it and get their leg caught. I've never tried it with Trapper in an actual match.

    EDIT: Plague can also make use of Franklin's. Hit a survivor, and then puke on the item and you can infect it. If a survivor cleanses and goes to pick it up they get reinfected, although the duration is pretty short (35 seconds without addons, 45 seconds with the best duration addon although I am not sure if they can be stacked) so I don't know how useful it is, just something to consider.

    Rework Freddy might be really good at this considering the Snares are pretty large and look like they ought to be big enough to completely cover the item's pick up zone, meaning a survivor HAS to wake up if they want to get their item back without giving their position away.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    As a survivor i never bring an item in it ruins my bp net gain 0 spent to get 15-20k is far better than spending 15k to earn 25-30k and taking a higher chance of dying because my item giving me away just my two cents.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    The devs already said they can't control psn, or Xbox messages so sending a report to them is wasting your time just send it to your console report system unless you are on computer and they use the post-game chat Instead of whatever steam has

  • Ihitscenekids23
    Ihitscenekids23 Member Posts: 29

    But thats not my problem and just because some one uses a perk doesnt make them trash i dont call a killer trash cause they use things like ruin, noed,bbq and nurses or when they use a killer like ghostface and i cant see them

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    That was not me saying you're the problem here, you're fine. 😉

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,941
    edited July 2019

    Because Survivors want to use their items, didn't you read the Survivor's rule book for Killers?