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Please remove aim assist or make it optional

Member Posts: 112

A super annoying mechanic. I’m sure most killers can agree that if anything it hurts expert killers.

So many times I try to lunge around a pallet and I end up hitting the pallet instead due to this mechanic. Or in general if you lunge around a corner you’ll usually hit an object rather than the person you aimed for.

Ive also noticed sometimes if I try to quickly hit and a survivor is in a weird place, it severely messes with the way my camera moves according to them.

if you REALLY insist on having this mechanic in the game killers maybe? Please let it be a toggle on or off feature in the settings at the very least.

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  • Member Posts: 1,109

    Yes, there are several times my swings have auto adjusted to something else and I would sit there like "Ya thanks game" Yes, as I was attempting to circle around the barrel I really wanted to just give it a nice smack.

  • Member Posts: 112

    @Hexyl I think the misconception comes from people falsely calling it auto aim, which it is not.

    It is 100% aim assist. I think if people would refer to it correctly it would remove the whole denial around the argument.

    Many other first person games and shooters also use this mechanic, but all of the ones I’ve known to have it allow it to be toggled in the settings. I’m sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble to implement

  • Member Posts: 2,744
    edited July 2019

    The Problem is Auto Aim and Auto Aim Assist are very similar they both guide you in a way what is in the game currently is in fact Auto Aim how i can prove this is based off the objects hit box when you are guided into an objects hitbox and it jerks you towards it thats auto aim 100% when my camera is not even looking at a survivor and i hit them its Auto Aim people just dont want it tweaked or touched because if we are being honest people still think 360's etc are op with the downside being you hit objects more.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    I saw his video too...

    A toggle to turn it off and on would be ideal. There have been quite a few times where I've missed hits thanks to this "feature"

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    Hey man 360's are op so therefore the devs had to add it :P

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    its not really aim assist though. it just detects a hit and then connects the animations which makes it feel a lot like it was an aim assist. if you weren't going to hit anyways then you wouldn't of hit. That being said an option to turn it off would be nice as it does seem to screw with peoples accuracy having their frame of view shifted without there own input and has screwed with mine. i personally don't feel its a bad feature, and like it has impacted me much, and im not sure i'd even notice it if it were gone, but even still. Its expecially distracting when it trys to connect an animation through an object showing what its really doing, but in the devs own terms you still have to land the actual hit for the game to count it, it just connects the animations after the fact which can throw off aim and accuracy. Important distinction. Not that it really matters at all tbh but yeah.

    theres an option on mobile for actual aim assist that shows what aim assist actually is, as the mobiles aim assist is incredibly intense maneuvering your camera to focus in on any survivor close by. i turned it on temporarily and had to immediately turn it off as it actually prevents you from moon walking or doing any actual tricks to hide your red light as your somewhat forced on the closest player.

    TLDR it would be nice to be disable'able but it would lead to lots more hits looking like they shouldn't connect, and its not technically aim assist even if it gives the appearance of it. You still need to land the hit and therefore have the skill to do so.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I've missed many hits due to aim assist while the survivors brag about how they "juked" me when it was aim assist :/

  • Member Posts: 112

    Aim assist, auto aim, or hit detection, I don’t give a damn what it’s called. Just please give us some the option to remove it lmao.

    I know for a fact that removing or at least giving us the option to remove this feature will not at all break or harm the health of the game at all. If anything it would remove one of the many frustrations of playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,726

    Since when does auto aim work with lunges? And if it does, why does 360'ing ever work?

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    It always has since I've been playing the game. The 360 breaks the aim assist or something along the lines of that.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Yes! I have been saying that this feature should be able to be toggled in the menu for a while now. It constantly causes me to hit walls during loops and occasionally I will miss a hit because of it. The worst thing though is when I'm about to chainsaw someone (Billy main) and the aim assist is like "nah, f*ck you mate" and stops my chainsaw right before it connects because for some reason it thinks it has locked on and connected when it really hasn't.

  • Member Posts: 2,529
    edited July 2019

    Looking at the tiny "settings" page in the game, the developers seem to hate every and any form of customisation, because BaLaNcInG. My bet its not gonna happen, sadly.

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    There was already a thread talking about this not long ago:

    This is what Peanits answered. Sorry about the "copy & paste", I don't know how to quote someone from another discussion.

    Peanits Dev∙Community Manager › Dev, Community Manager Posts: 2,891

    June 25

    This is partially true. There is no auto-aim, but the hitboxes are the same regardless of if you lunge or do a regular attack. The only difference between the lunge and the regular attack is that the lunge has the hitbox remain active throughout the entire lunge (and you move forward very quickly, of course), while the regular attack checks very briefly when you swing. The game only checks a cone shaped area in front of you regardless of the attack, not 360 degrees around you.

    With that said, there is no auto-aim, so to speak. What happens is that the game checks if you hit a survivor (if a survivor is inside of that invisible cone-shaped area) and then dresses it up by pulling you towards them and moving your camera. The important detail here is that you already hit them when this happens. You are not being given a hit because you were close enough, you already got the hit and the game is making it look better.

  • Member Posts: 6

    No, it is automiss, at no point should the survivor get any say in where the killer hits as they currently do.

    I agree though that it should be an option that can be toggled because it is ruining a game I used to enjoy.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Yeah auto aim has screwed me up with Billy so many times, 10/10 can relate xD

  • Member Posts: 811

    "if you weren't going to hit anyways then you wouldn't of hit"

    That's not right. The animatiom plays first (aim assist) and then the hit connects. You can test this by trying to lunge at a survivor on a hook while they're in the air being pulled by the Entity, your camera will automatically spin like crazy and end up looking up.

    The problem is: You're going to hit the survivor, it will connect, but the aim assist will move your camera, and will make you miss, especially on corners*

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