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Grinds my gears...

Sigh! Most of my matches are a lot of fun. First match of the day, I messed up my first chase and chainsawed into a tree. I was like...OOOF. It snowballed from there. Someone used a cake in the lobby, so I thought I would grab some points and try my best at bbq stacks. This surv I'm chasing keeps dropping pallets, so I was farming the pallets. On the next pallet I thought..."I will let him stun me so he gets points too." We go around the map doing that...end of the match..."Moron, I pro palleted the ######### out of you!" I was like...ugh. Very irritating is all. Like, why say that to someone? Even if it is true? That just seems douchey. What is the point of being that way in a video game? Guess i'm old. Anywho, what gets on ya'lls nerves in games? Like what do you see as just ridiculously douchey.


  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,998

    The natural competitiveness of the game means it's not uncommon for players to be too dense to realize you're letting them win. You have to make it really obvious.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I had a guy that literally ran from pallet to pallet, didn't even try to loop, so I let him drop them, or at times I just couldn't reach him until the next pallet

    He was cocky that he chased me around a lot

    I have no idea how he managed to get to rank 2 without looping

    (I think I was playing Wraith, I'm not sure)

  • What i see as ridiculously douchey is the fact that survivor groups tend to speak to each other in the end chat about how they weren't able to save their friend because i was camping at EGC. I give 'em the passive-aggressive treatment. If they say it once i will say "Hey man i wanted a kill so i had to camp sorry gl hf next game" and if they continue i will bait them then report them.

  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 44

    Yeah, I had a team of four dwights who were all dressed the same...I couldn't keep track of who was who. Ended up killing two of them...they flamed I was tunneling..LOL!

  • Play the most tryhard way, then close the end chat on their faces. That's my mentality, and i am pretty sure those survivors would do the same. There's just no reasoning with some people. I know it won't get to you bud, you're too old for some jagaloons.

  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 44

    LOL! It is more embarrassing than anything. I don't know if that makes sense? When I see behavior like that it is just embarrassing. LOL! You sure are right! There is no deficit on jagaloons and jerkwaters!

  • Yeah well I don't know what's accepted as embarrassing anymore in this world.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Hey just learn to appreciate when you meet nice survivors. There are more of those than you'd think, it's just we remember the butthole ones. And you shouldn't care if someone had a cake, BPS or anything: the unruly types will not appreciate the fact you let them farm, and the mature ones will not mind so much that it didn't work out for them. Keep in mind, most players have a number of the best BP offerings anyway, so it's not such a big deal if they go to waste. And farming is horribly boring.

    Just try to win your games, always. If they're the rude kind of survivors, you can rub it their face, it feels good. The more chill survivors will still say gg and move on.

  • GuineaGamer
    GuineaGamer Member Posts: 44

    Yeah, I been watching some Twitch streams and there are players with like 100's of those cakes and party streamers! GOT O MIGHTY!