Favourite and least favourite maps as a survivor

Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

As a survivor what are your favourite maps, and which maps can you not stand, and discuss why?

For me my favourite maps are Springwood, Autohaven Wreckers, Macmillan Estate (Except Shelter Woods), and Crotus Prenn Asylum. As I find these are the easiest to the loop the killer.

My least favourite maps are The Game, Lery's, and Shelter Woods. With these three maps I just seem mostly to get bad games, and have no idea where to really run, as Shelter Woods is so open, and Lery's and the Game are like a maze (I've been playing this game for nearly a year, and been rank 1 as both a survivor and as a killer).

EDIT: I don't really like the Swamp either.


  • tgrab
    tgrab Member Posts: 70

    Haddonfield, blood lodge and suffocation pit always brighten my day.

    And I lerys, shelter wood and autohaven make me livid.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Léry's and Azarov's are very survivor friendly maps, I hate them, but I feel lucky when I get them as survivor.

    As killer, my favourite is Shelter Woods. Really screws up BL users, but in general it's the best map for any killer.

    And believe it or not, I love the Game map both as survivor and killer.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I feel with Lery's it's good for stealthy survivors, but not really great for survivors who go for more a chase/loop/distract the killer play style.

    I just find Lery's and the Game like a maze, I find it hard to plan a chase route. It's probably more on me, as I always go into negative mindset when I get both of those maps, and just focus on trying to get the most amount of bloodpoints as possible before I die. Instead of trying to learn the map.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
    edited May 2019

    As a survivor I've always liked the game. I remember my friends warning me that it sucked for survivor but I rarely play The Game and lose if the killer is not a spirit, trapper, or hag. I just think its a very refreshing looking map and though I still don't know all the loops for it, or the whole layout; that hasn't stopped me from having mostly ggs. Just being on that map feels like a nice change. As a killer I hate that map because although it is supposed to be in my favor, I don't know the whole layout and so I can't predict survivors as well in some places. For example: You know if you play hag or trapper you want to put a trap where the huge funnel vault is? I don't know how to get there, I have to get there on accident so I would be wasting my own time consciously trying to look for it.

    I also like Temple of Purgutation as a survivor and killer. It's a huge and beautiful and fun map. Mainly survivor sided but even during some of my worst games there usually say everyone or some people survive I can at least have them all ready on death hook. I just think it would be better if it were smaller or had more dead areas for killers. Maybe just 1 more.

    I strongly dislike most MacMillan estate maps as a survivor if I'm not running deja vu. I just suck on those maps very bad because most survivor games I do there we get gen locked.

    I also hate torment creek as a survivor because I rarely get killers who arent good at gen patrolling and map pressure on there.

    as a killer I hate Disturbed Ward because survivors are too stealthy and I get confused there if I dont have decent tracking perks. And sometimes I like to play without perks/addons to test how good I am at predicting/tracking without.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    As survivor I love Haddonfield, Badham preschool, the swamp maps, and Red Forest. I hate Azarov's, Shelter Woods, and the Game.

    As killer the only maps I actively dislike are Coldwind because I main Michael Myers and all that corn blindness is not good for tiering up.

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    My favorite maps as a survivor are the coldwind ones, but the favorite out of them is definetely The Thompson house, it's got way too many safe pallets and loops, combine that with coldwind's type of "see-through" jungle gyms, it's kinda broken honestly.

    Next are Autohaven wreckers maps, blood lodge being my favorite.

    My least favorite ones are: The Game, Lery's, Yamaoka, and Ormond, I'm fine with Haddonfield and Badham preschool unlike others :D

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited May 2019

    Favorite- Haddonfield, Springwood, Blood Lodge, and both Red Forest maps.

    Least favorite- Lery’s, Shelter Woods, Suffocation Pit, Ormond, and The Game

    The swamp maps can either go really good or really bad

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Favorites? Probably Haddonfield and The Game. Haddonfield is fun to look at, and Gideon Meat Plant has loads of pallets.

    Least? Probably Lery's.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Favourites, probably Coldwind Farm, Springwood and MacMillan

    Least favourite: Haddonfield, Yamaoka (I get way too many trappers on this map) and ORMOND (those auras are literal dirt)

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Haddonfield and The Game are my favorites and I hate no map.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    My favourite maps as survivor is The Game (with Balanced Landing), Father Campbell's Chapel, Crotus Prenn sometimes (depends on whether I can make it to the main building, past all the dead zones), Coldwind Farm.

    My least favourite maps as survivor are The Game (without Balanced Landing), Haddonfield (I always feel like I struggle so much finding pallets.), Springwood, some autohaven maps (the ones with dead zones half the map), some macmillan maps (the ones with the huge dead zones) and Yamaoka.

    My favourites as killer are the Game, Father Campbell's, Springwood and Autohaven maps

    My least favourite maps as killer are Yamaoka, Mount Ormond, Haddonfield. I despise Lery's as Nurse and Huntress as well. Love it as Pig.

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    I like and dislike them all. Needs to be more unique maps as I am pretty much used to the lay out of them all. Its become routine.

  • FeelsVeryBadMan
    FeelsVeryBadMan Member Posts: 197

    My favourite Survivor maps are the OG ones. Autohavens, Coldwinds, Macmillans and Crotus Prenn Asylum.

    Most DLC maps are complete trash. Nice to look at, but the gameplay is horrible imo.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    As a survivor, obviously and what has been said multiple times already, Shelter Woods is my least favorite map, any version of Autohaven gives me high blood pressure. The huge deadzones, wall of cars, crap to run into or run around with weird gaps in between walls. Yamoaka's Estate is also terrible (for both killer and survivor I think). I also despise Lery's. For every window there are 2 doors. Also, big thumbs down to Swamp maps.

    My middle ground maps are Coldwind Farms, Gideon's Meat Plant, and Crotus Prenn Asylum, and Red Forest.

    Maps I like and usually have good odds of surviving on are Ormond, Springwood, MacMillians (other than SW and Coal Tower) and Haddonfield.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,218

    Favorite: Mother's Dwelling

    Least Favorite: The Game. Unless I'm playing Doctor.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911
    edited June 2019

    my favourite survivor map is thompson house

    my least favourite is shelter woods, the middle of the map is an enormous dead zone with a huge tree in the middle that serves no purpose gameplay-wise, and it has large dead zones elsewhere around the map

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Favorite would be the preschool. I like the almost all killers have really good pressence.

    Dislike just about all the really large maps. I've had so many games where the killer is never seen or they try to wait it out till gen patrol is located to a smaller area. Game gets real boring when nobody is there to hinder you.

  • s0cial_outc4st
    s0cial_outc4st Member Posts: 59

    My favorites are Haddonfield, Auto Haven Wreckers, and I have really grown to enjoy Coldwind Farm.

    Hands down my least favorite is Lery's though. Can't say I love the Swamp but I'm hating it less as time goes on.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Favorites:The Game and Haddonfield.

    I hate no map as survivor.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Favorite:Any autohaven map I like how open this map usually feels it's just a good feeling for me

    Least Favorite: Screw Lerys just no

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    Imagine downvoting someone for their choice in fav and least favorite maps. Petty.

  • WildDovami
    WildDovami Member Posts: 56

    I hate The Game. It's far too open. Easily get exposed.

    I love Haddonfield Lane. I think mostly because of the vibe.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Fav: Haddonfield, Crotus Prenn Asylum, Fractured Cowshed, Rancid Abattoir

    Haddonfield is great for hiding & intense moments. Both map variants of Asylum are just a ton of fun, lot of good loops, gen placements and ways to hide. Cowshed (I know us Killers hate it at times) but I love it aesthetically but also size wise. Rancid Abattoir is both a inside joke with my Girlfriend & I but I love how it's mapped out overall.

    Least Fav: The Game, Lerys, Bloodlodge, Coal Tower

    The Game depending on Killer honestly, some I'm fine with. Lery's feels about 8/10 times my fellow Survivors potato a lot. Bloodlodge and Coal Tower are too small and people go down really fast on these.

    The remaining maps and variants are mostly fine, but don't stand out for me or I have bad history of potato survivors on em, where I do fine but they end up sucking (often 3 gening us on MacMillian) or too easy with some of the Aurohaven maps.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    Faves: Lerys and Gideon Meat for a change of big outdoorsy maps, I like the close quarters indoor style. I enjoy Temple of Purgation, as it’s quite unique.

    Least fave: Auto Haven Wreckers, simply because I seem to be on the map 80% of the time.... purely by chance too. Though I once had 3 Azarov’s keys in a single Bloodweb, which was salt in the wound.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    As survivor?

    In my opinion Lery's and the Game are the worst maps for survivor along with Shelter Wood, as Lery's and the Game are tricky to navigate during chases.

  • Doc
    Doc Member Posts: 94

    this is probably unpopular, but rotten fields (as killer too). I just like the warm theme of cold wind and rotten fields in particular seems to flow really well if that’s makes sense. Idk chases just are fun there. I also like lery’s and Macmillan estate.

    NIC0LASB0URBAKI Member Posts: 4

    As a survivor, I'm not sure if I have a favorite one, I really like Coldwind Farm tho, in all variants, and the Red Forests's Mother's Dwelling. I don't mind Yamaoka either.

    I hate Asylum, Haddonfield, Swamp, Institute, Preschool and the Meat Plant.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Killer or Survivor, I love Lery's and Gideon. They're actually ridiculously easy to escape and get 4ks in, because they have some of the least random arrangements in DbD, and yet I tend to run against people who haven't realized that.

    As a survivor, though, Coldwind and Haddonfield are by far the easiest to escape in. As far as aesthetics, I like The Red Forest maps in general.

    I dislike Yamaoka thoroughly. I don't get cornblind, I get bambooblind.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited July 2019

    Favourite? Coldwind Farm because lmao rip Killer. Ormond gets special mention.

    Least Favourite? Preschool and Institute. Special mention to Autohaven Wreckers because I get that damn map ALL THE TIME. 😐️

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    i aesthetically love the game but boy do i hate the gameplay there

  • Zertix
    Zertix Member Posts: 122

    Favorite: any map that is not shelter woods or backwater swamp.

    Least favorite: shelter woods; Bad RNG can ######### this map up really bad. I once played a match where in one side of the map there were two LT walls and 1 unsafe pallet, absolutely nothing in the middle except that useless big tree (as always). In total there were probably 8 pallets most of them were unsafe.

    In my opinion shelter woods needs rework more than Badham preschool.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I always enjoy seeing Haddonfield, not just because of the loops with Balanced Landing but because I like the way the map looks, Blood Lodge, Less penalizing if people waste pallets, and Ironworks just because it always seems to go over well.

    I hate Shelter Woods because it's too open, The Meat Plant because I can never tell where the killer is at and the double floors annoy the ######### out of me and Badham Preschool (before rework, haven't played on reworked version) because f*ck that map. All my games there end terribly

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    I love Coldwind, I become one with the corn. I hate The Game when I don't have balanced landing. And I hate any map that doesn't have enough open spaces, since most of my failed jokes are from getting stuck on trees and stuff. XD

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited July 2019

    Favorites have got to go to Coldwind and Red Forest. Both I feel like are fairly survivor sided which is good for me since I typically play survivor and favor it more.

    Least favorite is probably both asylum maps. The loops on that map are really small and aren't good, plus that map is one of the darkest which I hate cause it makes spotting the killer is a lot harder for me.

    Post edited by ASAPTurtle on
  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    As a survivor, my favorite realms are:

    • Coldwind Farm (corn blindness!)
    • Yamaoka Estate (bamboo blindness!)
    • Haddonfield (I've grown to like it, mostly because it's very survivor-sided once you learn how to navigate it)

    My least favorite realms as a survivor are:

    • Gideon Meat Plant (the upper and lower areas throw off tracking perks and are just a pain to navigate, and it's got a lot of map-specific claptrap in terms of finding generators and negotiating some of the drops to the lower level)
    • Springwood (it's just a bad map that's too cramped and hard to navigate)