OP perk and addon.

ZacKdbd Member Posts: 99
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

Spirit + prayer beads + devour hope + thrill of the hunt. Start of the game me and a teammate spawn right in front of a gen, so we start working on it. 5 seconds later spirit decides to pop up right on top of me and pull me off. Then chases a teammate close by after hooking me, while a teammate unhooks me. After hooking that survivor, the killer uses bbq&chili to see the other random survivor on a gen and kills him while I heal and go unhook the hooked survivor. Spirit then has hooked the other guy and phases over and one shots me from devour hope 5 seconds after unhooking my other teammate. I get hooked and unhooked and then I go look and find the devour totem and see that thrill of the hunt is active! :) about 3 quarters of the way when the spirit and her beads come pull me off of the totem! I die and then she hooks somebody else and then a teammate finds the totem and gets to 90-95% she gets pulled off the totem and gets killed by the killers hand from devour and then the other 2 just get picked off like flies.

Gotta say I love the way some killers aren’t OP! :) maybe next game we can actually get 1 gen done!

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