OP perk and addon.

Spirit + prayer beads + devour hope + thrill of the hunt. Start of the game me and a teammate spawn right in front of a gen, so we start working on it. 5 seconds later spirit decides to pop up right on top of me and pull me off. Then chases a teammate close by after hooking me, while a teammate unhooks me. After hooking that survivor, the killer uses bbq&chili to see the other random survivor on a gen and kills him while I heal and go unhook the hooked survivor. Spirit then has hooked the other guy and phases over and one shots me from devour hope 5 seconds after unhooking my other teammate. I get hooked and unhooked and then I go look and find the devour totem and see that thrill of the hunt is active! :) about 3 quarters of the way when the spirit and her beads come pull me off of the totem! I die and then she hooks somebody else and then a teammate finds the totem and gets to 90-95% she gets pulled off the totem and gets killed by the killers hand from devour and then the other 2 just get picked off like flies.
Gotta say I love the way some killers aren’t OP! :) maybe next game we can actually get 1 gen done!
First: 1 survivor perk can counter this Spirit addon
Second: Ohhhh no, 4/15 killers are viable with addons
Enjoy your day :3
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Yes,Prayer bead is known to be one of the best add-ons in the game.
But you can bait thrill of the hunt (against any killer)
Just tap the totem then sneak away,the spirit will waste some precious time.
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Useless comment
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The only stupid thing here is the prayer beads necklace.
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how about look at the worst/usual situation and not the best? You know, the one where you tap it and she comes running just to one shot you 10 meters away from the totem :)
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Only thing that needs changing is the Prayer Beads bracelet, that perk build can be used on literally any other killer and the results could've possibly been the same
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Woah I didn't know killers could use key add-ons cool! :P
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Not to mention they had that other addon to make her walk faster and it last longer! :)
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everything expect pulling us off the gens that easily
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But devour hope after 3 hooks needs a change
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@KillermainBTWm8 I tried to edit that but it crashed when I tried.
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Devour hope is fine. No hex totem is overpowered.
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A hex totem is overpowered when you don’t know there IS a hex totem.
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The combination is not stupid at all.
Thrill of the hunt doesn't work to the point where it's OP for other killers. Spirit though is an exception and probably rusty shackles Hag. Other than that, combo-ing both in my opinion is a waste of a perk slot. Now for Spirit it can be ridiculous, but I honestly wouldn't see a nerf just because of 1 or 2 killers. Now Prayer Beads is a whole other topic.
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That is what makes lullaby weak. Devour hope is supposed to surprise you.
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I wasn't referring to you in particular XD
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Just increase prayer beads' rarity. Pink addons are meant to be powerful.
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Prayer beads = dc. Im not giving the killer the pleasure of a fantastic game surprising and decimating us all. Let everyone dc and waste it. Whats the addon that gives survivors a guaranteed win again? This game kisses so much killer ass it makes me sick. I mean for crying out loud, Windows of Opportunity has a cooldown but Billy’s chainsaw doesnt. Lol.
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Not really its them saying their opinion to the post and it's quite a good one imo.
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Just eat it and maybe even try to survive against it? Just an idea...
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My comment is based on going against it many many many times. Its zero fun to play against imo. Its just unfair. Too many vr and ur killer addons are like this and survivors have nothing even close.
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Yeah let me just run spine chill every game because they added an OP addon to the game when they can just nerf it instead.
What a good comment lmfao
and don’t even start with the 4/15 killers because most of the games ARE 4/15 killers lmfao
useless comment still stands.
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If i had to against that many many many times i would complain as well, but that doesn't happen often... At least to me. (and i'm a survivor main).
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Not really just dont be blind. Yall are bound to find it by accident if it's four competent survivors. Comms or not.
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Not true at all. Stop thinking about the best games. Half of the people have a hard time finding totem places let alone knowing there’s even a devour totem on the map because survivors don’t get a notification. Plus they will try to be working on gens
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She's not getting nerfed. Accept it
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I personally don't think devour hope is OP or needs changing because it literally gets you a mori 1 out of 20 times because it always gets cleansed. The only reason I might use it is to delay the game because survivors will stop gens and search for the totem after you one shot someone or they see that they are exposed.
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Also, I don't understand why people get so salty about rare or extremely rare add ons. People only get a handful of these so I feel like every time I see them, I expect to have a harder time surviving because that's the whole point of the high cost and rarity of those add ons. Same with survivors....I just hate Franklin's Demise, that perk should be erased, lol
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And BBQ and chili....I hate that perk
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Yet at red ranks 80% of the games end with 2 people escaping.
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Totems spawn near gens genius.
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I saw a youtuber who said that he gets into a locker everytime someone gets downed and picked up if he's not close so I'd say there's a pretty easy counter.
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Once had a Michael who dominated us I was the first to go. After leading him for a while when the second to last gen was done he got to lvl 3 and Insta moride me after the last gen finished then everyone else soon followed suit. I was salty like the ocean but I quickly realized it took him all game.. Both pink add ons... First time it ever happened. Now I'm actually scared of Michael... BTW I too hate Franklin's demise.
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Also me to quote someone else I saw when he totems were first released and people called them OP:
They're not
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Yeah let me just run spine chill every game because they added an OP addon to the game when they can just nerf it instead.
Soooooooooo, you dont want adept, because the devs should nerf it?
Maybe the Father Glasses(Ultra Rare) could swap the rarity with the Prayer Beads(Very Rare).
But that should be enough.
Just look around were she is and confuse the spirit player.
If she has too much notification, then she cant handle it.
Spirit = Mindgames
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Firstly: the idea of dedicating your entire build to be "anti prayer beads spirit" is not very appealing.
Secondly: a lot of killers are more viable than you think with some specific addons unless you run into a group of 4 very good and organized survivors (which is not very common). However, if your definition of a "viable killer" is easy consistent 4k then the nurse is the only viable killer without any addons.
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I am assuming you mean spine chill? You would still need to pair it with Iron will in order to do well against a good spirit with prayer beads though.
Even if you decided that dedicating 1 or 2 perk slots is a good idea (which is not worth it in my opinion), there is no way to force your teammates to run the same build/perk. You have protected your self but everyone else is still vulnerable. So in reality, you still don't stand a chance if your teammates are being demolished. We all know it is a 1 vs 4 game and not 1 vs 1.
This is why in general a perk/build should not be considered as a counter play to a killer/addon, not unless the survivors know which killer they would play against before the beginning of the match.
In addition, your theory of a viable killer would be correct if you look at survivors as a single entity. But there are 4 survivors of different skill levels; 1 bad survivor out of the 4 can change the outcome of the match which is why I think your theory is not valid.
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Thats true.
In my opinion survivors should get more informations about teammates.
In the current version, survivors have tons of informations about the killer, but they doesnt have informations about teammates.
And thats bad for both sides, because killer player have less informations.
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You can run the cat perk and its done, but you want your meta op build with adrenaline dh etc etc. Well maybe you should twist it for every situation possible. Also you can have a teammate looking for her and pointing if he stops moving looking at your direction.
Also, its a rare addon.
And the thrill of the hunt can just be tapped and then sneaking away, making her lose some time.
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Knowing your teammates build before the beginning of the match is an interesting idea. I would like to see how the survivors use this information to affect the outcome of the match. It is also gonna decrease the gap between playing solo and SWF.
The downside is that a lot of people would dodge Claudettes with Urban Evasion.
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Tapping a devour hope totem is different than tapping any other hex totem. At this point in the game I didn’t even know devour was active because the totem was on the other side of the map. And he had already gotten 3 tokens. I tap the totem and then run wasting his time but he still gets to one shot us the rest of the game. Even devour hope with no tokens and thrill of the hunt, if used correctly can be very deadly. Those perks + trapper where the trapper can just place a trap right in front of the totem. But anyway tapping a totem against a competent killer while having exposed status never ends well lol
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Sounds like she had a good match! gg ;)
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4 toolboxes with bnp.