Redesign Yamoaka Estate

Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

I don't understand your reasoning to include such a large map with generators so spaced out apart, there's no reason this should be so huge. If you're not playing one of the few killers with good mobility you are mostly screwed on that map. You Reworked The Preschool, this and Haddonfield need to be next in the list.

Also, get rid of map offerings. Too many times these are abused by swf who for lack of a better word "tryhard" against a killer with one offering slot. You can get a swf with two or 3 map offerings of the same map just to damn ENSURE they get that Haddonfield.

All because your map design isn't that good.

If you want things to be randomized, let it be randomized.

One more thing, erase the splinter offerings as well please. Too many times I get a splinter in a mystery box just wasting my BP, no I don't wanna play as damn leatherface.


  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    There is only one thing that I agree with in this post and it is that the Yamoka Estate should be reworked. Often the gens will spawn further apart than other maps making only certain killers viable like you said. The grass also hides scratch marks which takes away the killer's main way to track down a survivor. The offerings should stay as they are a one time use and you lose it upon burning it. The only way the map offerings could be detrimental to your game is if the map is say Haddonfield and they all run Balanced Landing to loop you around the Strode house. However if you were to rework the map then this wouldn't be a problem. Keep in mind that the killer can do the same with map offerings where they use them because a certain map goes better with their build such as an impossible skillchecks Doctor on the Meat Plant or a scratched mirror Myers on the Institute. It can be used both ways. Splinters should stay because it lets new players test out what killers they like and might potentially buy. However I could see an option in the menu that stops splinters from generating all together for people who don't wish to see them.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Its like 2 maps reworks a year which is stupid

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Why killers don't ask for redesign of The Game map?

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    This is the worst map in the game IMO

  • WhoDatNinja
    WhoDatNinja Member Posts: 25

    Why are y'all killers complaing on large maps and gens being "too" spaced out. Stop your whining. Learn how to be a good killer. Killer is so easy to get a 4k and im a survivor main. If all gens were close to each other then survivors would never escape. Bad enough killers are faster and keep getting buffed and can shut hatches now your gonna complain about gens being too far? Ridiculous.

  • CptZombieSteve
    CptZombieSteve Member Posts: 2

    Boo hoo, another killer crying about somethig ignorant like always; whining about everything. Quit the game or quit whining about a map that doesn't give you easy kills. Either one is fine.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143
    edited July 2019

    Well have fun sitting on a hook while your teammates are on the other side of the map and can barely get to you when you hit second stage.... what's that? You would complain then because it affects you?

    Btw I know this happens because I'm not a "main" of either side.

  • Icbell
    Icbell Member Posts: 9

    As a Spirit main I don't really mind the Yamoaka Estate. I do find it to be quite spaced out and a bit hindering to get around and track survivors.

    I also play as a survivor and have played many games in the map and felt that it was a bit spaced out and caused a hinderance in reaching allies and finding generators.

    I feel as though if the map were shrunk just a bit it'd grant easier mobility for both killers and survivors.

    Killers would then have a easier time tracking surivors even with the tall grass and hiding spots, while survivors would have an easier time reaching generators and unhooking their allies.

    Overall reworking the Yamoaka Estate is not an immediate concern that needs to be focused on. Yes there are difficulties caused for both sides because of the large space of the map, but such things could be overlooked by players with the right add-ons and perks.

    As for removing map offerings, I believe it to be a poor decision. Offerings are used to add some sort of advantage or disadvantage to either side. By using a map offering that survivors know will support their perk setup they are furthering the game to their advantage. Killers do the same thing for their perk setups. While it is possible to have some groups of toxic swf, this is an online game. You have to remember that some people play the game for the sole purpose of causing annoyance and angering other players. Life will go on.

    As for the splinter offerings, I see no issue with them. I myself have never used them as I feel comfortable playing my favorite killers and am not yet ready to attempt killers I do not fully understand the basis of. As mentioned by someone else splinters let new players try out killers they might not have yet or simply allow them to see which killer they are comfortable playing as.

    All in all, Yamoaka Estate should be reworked but is not an immediate concern, map offerings are quite useful depending on usage, and splinters are a fun way for new players to try out different styles of killers.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Its easily one of the worst maps in the game due the sheer size of the map alone, something it shares with all Red Forest maps, but it also shares the worst from the swamp maps..

    Yeah, its one of the worst (if not the worst) for sure.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    I feel if you added the fact that splinters still appear when you own all the characters then people would probably agree with you on that.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    The game is one of the smallest maps and is one of the best spots to run totems on bc they're usually better concealed.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Not every map needs to be The Game in size. Besides Yamaokas isn't necessarily big. It's very long.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867
    edited July 2019

    @prayer_survivor Tbh I have no idea why killers don't ask for a Game rework given every single pallet in the entire place is safe. Yet survivors ask for one constantly on their strongest map lol.

    And for the players complaining about the fact that killers want smaller maps: It's not that they want smaller maps, it's that most killers don't have the movement speed to pressure a larger map. Why do you think all the meta killers have high mobility? It's because they can handle any map and still win chases. No matter how good a killer is, their main enemy is time rather than survivors. If they can't cross a map quickly, they will lose unless the survs are extraordinarily bad. Yamaoka happens to be a map that requires a killer to lock down one side and give up another side. IE they're forced to wait out gens, which leads to a boring 3gen style game that no one enjoys.

    This is more due to the fact that as @PickCollins stated, it's a long map rather than a large one. If it were to have the empty middle area sliced out(or at least redistributed to make a square rather than a rectangle) it'd be fine.

    Edit: And in response to my own previous statement about it being Swamp 2.0. That's not necessarily accurate. Old swamp was easier to defend than this nonsense

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    It's a difficult map for killer, but at least it's a stealth map not so much a loop map. Sometimes you can crush the cocky type of survivors there.

    Positively a nightmare if you're up against immersed survivors, but at least that's fun... in a frustrating way.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    It sounds like you don't play killer at a high level. As someone who plays both sides at red ranks, I would argue that most maps favor survivors to some degree. Some are much worse than others. Very few maps are neutral. Even The Game has an extraordinary number of safe pallets to run an M1 killer through. Survivors should win Yamaoka Estate every time. The only way they lose is if they do the gens in a stupid order and 3 gen themselves at either end of the map.

  • BadgerT40
    BadgerT40 Member Posts: 48

    Tbh I play tons of killer and survivor and I love the map in both sides. Stop complaining and learn to work around the “issues”

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    No map should be allowed to be that big.

    It's amazing how many problem maps in this game could be fixed by shrinking or decluttering or both.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    BTW people defending this huge ass map or saying 'git gud' should be locked in a basement and forced to play 10 games of Huntress a day on maps of this size for a month.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    The size isn't the only issue. To many bamboo making it hard to track, to much junk making it difficult for Huntress doing long shots. Not enough pallets for survivors forcing them to be more stealthy (annoying and boring for the killer aswell)

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    I dislike yamoka because everything looks the same if you arent near a building. It is pretty large but that doesnt bother me too much if im a mobile wraith or experimenting with spirit. As for splinters i wish they arent shown on the offering screen since survivors think im running a mori and DC when llading in throwing my splinter in the dumpster since the game decides to burn it anyway.

  • WhoDatNinja
    WhoDatNinja Member Posts: 25

    No rework for gens should be done on any map. All maps are different so lets keep it the way it is. Every map shouldn't be easy for killers. Killers just need to get better and stop whining.

  • WhoDatNinja
    WhoDatNinja Member Posts: 25

    You're right i dont play killer at a high rank. Im a rank 3 killer and a rank 1 survivor but a survivor main cause killer is just too easy to get 4k. Ill never complain for killers. Survivor is where its at cause its more of a challenge.😉

  • Brisingr
    Brisingr Member Posts: 104

    @WhoDatNinja I'm calling BS unless you use one of the top three killers all the time. I'm a huntress main and sometimes I am at the mercy of survivors due to her low movement speed and powerful looping spots on some maps. Don't even get me started on the nightmare that is balanced landing either.