Can we adjust this ritual please?

Who else has looked at their daily rituals to find one that says "By your hand, kill one survivor with the (insert killer here)" and then goes on to realize you have no mori on that killer? Or in some cases you don't even have that killer leveled up? This ritual should be adjusted so you can only receive it for killers that you have a mori on. You could level that killer up to try and get one, but chances are you would spend more than 60k (the reward for completing the ritual) trying to get that mori.
Uhm, Rancor? Devour Hope?
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This is why I think the Cypress Mori should become part of the Killer's base kit. Or maybe just give the Killer a free Ivory Mori until they complete the ritual.
What if you don't have those perks or Killers (Hag is not included in the base game on PC)?
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This encourages you to play all killers. I only play 5 in the roster so I scrap the rest
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I get that, but it is still stupid that you lose out on points just because you didn't have a mori on that character
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Some people might not have those perks.
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You don’t lose out on points, you can replace it with a different ritual.
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There is an option to trash it. I personally want it to stay. 60k blood points is tasty.
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@johnmwarner and @KillermainBTWm8 I wasn't suggesting we get rid of it. I suggested that we only make it available to killers who have a mori in their inventory. I still want the points, but all my moris are on Billy, Myers and Clown and not the people it constantly gives me the ritual for.
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This, if I get it on someone without a Mori it stinks but I just delete it. It’s worth the chance to see it every once in a while
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Hence why I said KEEP IT! But make so the game can only give it to you on PEOPLE YOU HAVE A MORI ON when you do get it. Everyone seems to be missing the point of this post.
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That'd be nice. Since its such a "high bar" ritual if you don't have a mori or kill perk so your suggestion would make sense.
Sure rituals are there to make you try other Killers/Survivors but this one specifically only works if you use the Killer requested.
Or dump hard earned BP into them, a Killer you don't use, just to get back some of the BP you spent to get the mori.
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Exactly! Thank you for understanding what I was trying to say!
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God, i miss when rituals used to give you so many points (i loved getting 75k just from doing a wraith daily... it was tasty.)
i like the idea of giving that specific killer an ivory till you get it though. Itd be nice.
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That would work!
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I would give them the ability to kill the last survivor by hand if they have that ritual, that way it isn't overpowered and they have to actually down the last survivor in the trial to make use of it, making it challenging, but rewarding(and the last survivor would die anyways). Or give them a Cypress Memento Mori if they don't have any Moris until they complete the ritual(for example if they are given a Cypress Mori, and use it but don't complete the ritual, they're given another).
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Sounds good to me! It's just so annoying seeing it and knowing that even though you want the points, you have to delete it because you don't have a mori on that killer.
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There are some issues with just giving the killer a free mori. There might be a circumstance where the last survivor could actually wiggle out or something but now that's not an option. As for the second part, I could see that being abused to farm free moris.
I think a better idea is to just remove the ritual entirely. Or make it universal to any killer so that you're not stuck with doing it on a killer you have no moris.
IMHO, a lot of the dailies need to be changed. Some like Trapper traps dailies are mostly lucky based, while others like Freddy's Dream Chaser are just givens.