My idea how to balance (or make more enjoynable) DBD

YubelTheWitch Member Posts: 33
edited July 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

killers and their ability:

1)Trapper - increase number of traps around the map, reduce "drastically" the mvs (facing him is like facing a train, not a trapper).

2)Wraith - is fine, nothing to add.

3)HillBilly - 2 options:

- "gives to him a cd on his ability" or "Hillbilly can make a rush of "tot" distance" (honestly is without any kind of logic that someone can run around the map at non stop).

4)Nurse - increase a bit mvs, allows her to blink "only" one time and give to her a cd on her ability.

5)Mayers - i hate to say it perfect...nothing to add.

6)Hag - her traps should allows to body block instead to teleport (just because when she catch you is impossible run away from the hook and "from the basement", so, import the ability to teleport on her add-on "scarred hand" and that's it.

7)Doctor - annoying but balanced at the same time.

8)Hunterss - reduce "drastically" the mvs when she is ready to throw her axes and fix the hit boxes.

9)Cannibal - makes a bit harder to control the chainsaw but increase his mvs when he use it.

10)Freddy - rework incoming, nothing to add atm.

11)Amanda - is fine, very fine.

12)Clown - is fine.

13)Spirit - introduce the vault animation and remove the model when she is using her ability (the fact that she can mind joking you is unfair and without sense)

14)Legion - nothing to add.

15)Plague - for me is perfectly balanced.

16)Ghost Face - 2 options:

-"can't use his ability on open fields (like a Mayers, ######### is this madness)" or "remove completely the bar of exposed effect on a survivor if his ability fails (is without any sense that works the same way of a Mayers)".

Map changes:

1) Basement - 2 options:

-"Introduce a new entrance for the basement" or "make more larger the entrance of the basement" (is without any sense that when you are hooked inside the basement is almost impossible exit from it specially against a Lather face, Trapper and Hag...and sometimes even happens that the killer bodyblock the exit of it and you can't run away from it...c'mon, ######### is this madness)

2) Boxes - add 1 more boxes on the basement (for a total of 2) and make it both of them "really" rewarding and make them even more difficult to open them (so you have a "real" reason to go on the basement)

3) Map: The game - rework it.

Perks: (i'm going to talk about the unfair perks)


-Adrenaline: remove "only" the effects status such as deep wounds, exhausted and ecc.

-Balanced Landing: reduce the stagger from 75% to 50% (anyway nerf it).

-Borrowed time: Able the perk on both of survivors but "only" if the killer is "tot" meters of the unhooked survivor.


-Nurse Calling: the killer "recives" a sound notification whenever a survivor start an healing action and remove the ability to see the aura of those survivors.

-Hex: Ruin: revert the perk.

-Hex: Devour Hope: only when the hex start "one of it's effect" 1 of the remaining totems become a cursed totem.

-Barbecue & Chilli: 3 options

-"gives to the killer "only" more bloodpoints when you hook a survivor" , "remove the bloodpoints extra that gives the perk to the killer" or "make it as hex totem".

-Hex: Hunted Ground: Start the matches with 3 cursed totems "but" for each hex totem perk you have it, remove one of the totems of "Hex: Hunted Ground" (works the same way like right now but makes less rewarding for the killer if use to much hex perks).

what you think?

Post edited by YubelTheWitch on


  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Do you know this is a main killers forum, didn't you? Get prepared for the answers

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Killer's don't really need a nerf, in fact some of them require buffs or reworks. Also, why go after BBQ's bonus BP? it's not like it's getting you killed

  • YubelTheWitch
    YubelTheWitch Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2019

    so basically you are saying that you aren't enough bravery to say the truth about the game and the killers with this answer?i'm too a killer main but what does it mean? i tho there was people that know how to beat their chest and say what is right or not, even after that survivors get constantly nerf and never a buff, i prefere to be "rewarded" when i play a killer and prove "my skills" (and not perks that gives me vision where the survivors are or all those kind of bullshit) "I" want be rewarded and not the perks, this makes the game even more rewarding.

  • YubelTheWitch
    YubelTheWitch Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2019

    And with this? what does it mean? i am too a legion main but i'm enough bravery to say what is right and what not. I tho there was people that know how to beat their chest and say what is right or not, "I" want be rewarded and not for all the merit of the perks, atleast "not at all"; the perks should just help you a bit, but perks that gives you vision such as nurse calling, b&c and all kind of add-on (and i'm not talking about the notification sound) isn't rewarding, is just frustrating for the survivors and to ourselves to prove how really good we are.

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 537

    I agree with the hillbilly idea, is ridiculous he can use the chainsaw at any time and run wathever distance he wants

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    This literally just sounds like the kinds of suggestions Killer mains say that Survivor mains want as a joke which Survivors then (correctly) play off as a strawman.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Like seriously. You are trying to reduce the TRAPPERS movement speed.

    The trapper for crying out loud! That's like, one of the weakest Killers.

    And seriously, have you ever actually played as the Hag? She has an addon that provides the effect you stated and it honestly sucks except under very specific circumstances and even then only if you combine it with an ultra rare addon that increases your MS and also gives you a MS increase.

    Heck you're even trying to nerf the cannibal who is a candidate for worst killer after freddy. (trapper and wraith also being candidates)

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183

    thinks clown is fine, yikes.

    *litterally the weakest killer in the game

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Na. Clown is more towards the middle.

    He's not great but there are multiple Killers that are even worse.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Either way he still needs buffs

  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    I am a billy main and I agree with this too. But thats my survivor side. When I play billy his chainsaw isn't as big of a threat. I think this nerf would but hurt new billy players.

    I will be frank that I think about of these changes are not good.

    Legion needs a buff, he is worse than the old Freddy, BBQ is annoying but isn't OP. If anything it needs to see auras and have a cool down to make it no as easy to abuse on fast killers. Nurses, just no, don't touch it.

    Adren and Balanced landing suck to go against I know, but Adren rewards good play and on some maps balanced landing can't be used. Both these perks are hit and miss if all gens aren't done and you get a flat map.

    I like your idea for haunted ground but I think it should be that the hex totem takes up 3 spots and that way killers can't take the 4 hex perk build and it be as OP.

    I think adding another box is not worth it for the basement but the basement box should be more worth it and give a notification when the box is being touched.

    Basement opening should be wider but they wont do that as it would mean all maps would have to be redone.

    I have no clue how much killer you play but I would give buffs to way more killers than you identified

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Oh god someone who would even consider BBQ should be a hex totem. Sorry dude but some of these ideas are very biased.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    "Wraith is fine" is funny.

    "Nerf Cannibal" is tragic.

  • YubelTheWitch
    YubelTheWitch Member Posts: 33

    what is the problem about the wraith? is too strong you think? for me, is perfect like that

    about leather face is hard increase the mvs while in chainsaw but make it a bit more unstable when using it? where is the tragic on that?

  • YubelTheWitch
    YubelTheWitch Member Posts: 33

    what is the problem? you think the wraith is too strong? for me is really perfect.

    about leatherface why should be tragic? just increase the mvs when using the chainsaw but make it more unstable, what is the problem on that?

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    Wraith is notoriously pathetic, and Leatherface is considered the absolute worst Killer in the game now that Freddy's been reworked.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    edited July 2019

    Those changes would tbh be really bad. It wouldn't really be more enjoyable.

    EDIT: If you want more in detail comment i can do that

  • RexFulgur
    RexFulgur Member Posts: 8

    Disgusting list of demands. You'll kill the game this way? NERF NURSE? Get good! Nerf Billy t0o oVerPoWerEd!!! Just get skill and pallet loop him! NERF BUBBA? Please get out of brown ranks before you start commenting your game breaking ideas. As if killer is bad enough. You don't even know what it's like to be a red rank killer and here you are complaining like a useless typical brown rank. How many hours 100?

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    I miss the downvote button.

  • BloodyTapp
    BloodyTapp Member Posts: 108

    There are already solutions to "issues" you listed. You can heal outside the Killer's presence, not to mention your BBQ suggestions...

    Play some killer games instead of shittalking on forums and you'll understand why some broken perks should be working the same way they're working rn

  • YubelTheWitch
    YubelTheWitch Member Posts: 33

    after reading a bunch of your answers i wanna even quit this forum...and after i am bad...*pff*

  • RexFulgur
    RexFulgur Member Posts: 8

    Your welcome.