Killer Perk Idea - Time Lost

If a survivor unhooks another survivor within the first 10 seconds of that person being hooked, the rescuer receives an exposed status. The exposed status lasts for 40/50/60 seconds.

This can punish those people who go for quick, ballsy saves and counters the in-your-face BT rescuers (hence the name).

Thoughts or tweaks to the perk?


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    This + Make Your Choice kinda makes it seem like it will almost always be such that the rescuer will be exposed. This isn't me saying this is a bad thing; rather I am simply pondering whether it would be a good idea to make such a thing happen.

  • VCDiamondFinder
    VCDiamondFinder Member Posts: 117

    It seems a lot like make your choice,I think maybe to make it better it could cut the exposed time in half and give the killer and aura seeing ability of whoever unhooked them for 10/20/30 seconds, or maybe even counter borrowed time in some way?

  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    You can already down the insta saver pretty easily. Plus this means if you chase the saver you are instantly in another chase. Thats good

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    @TAG Yeah I think maybe the time exposed could be slightly reduced, but the perk doesn't affect how MYC works. If anything, it's like a proximity MYC for risky savers.

    @VCDiamondFinder I agree that the timer could be lowered. I wasn't sure what an appropriate time of exposure would be so I just used the same as MYC.

    @Nea_Death_Experience My issue is less with the people you see rush the hook, but the people who wait for you to turn your back and get the unhook without being hit. Then you are back in square 1 where 3 ppl are able to do gens and you are in a chase with someone else. And I don't want to always tunnel vision the rescued person and wait for the BT to run out. That's my reason for coming up with this perk idea, as it's an issue I often come across.

  • VCDiamondFinder
    VCDiamondFinder Member Posts: 117

    As a survivor who uses borrowed time, I think this perk could be really good for the killer, especially in times when the killer doesn't have NOED, and the save happens right in front of the exit which ends up saving both survivors since you can down them both. However if the issue is turning your back or my scenario, then nerf exposed to roughly 10/15/20 with aura reading to 5/7/9 and a cool down of 40/30/25 so it's a bit balanced but can't be abused

  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    Okay i understand now. Forgive me.

    I think a better thing for this would be make the grab easier when saving but I know that would ######### on people who do ssves when there are only 2 people left

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Doesn't need its own perk, they'd just have to reset the range to 0 on make your choice....