Own version of the balance skills of survivors and murderers.


Survivor skills

  1. Saboteur. Since breaking hooks is waste , need strengthen this skill. I propose to add a clause that with a 50% chance the hook will not recover.
  2. Open Handed.  Increase the radius of reading auras by 4/8/12 meters. Also make reading auras more necessary.
  3. Decisive Strike. Since rescue survivors often become the grave for the rescuer, then the "Decisive Strike" perk will not be imposed on the lifted survivor, but on the rescuer.
  4. Sprint Burst. In principle, balanced perk, but still want to make it a separate button.
  5. No Mither. Not really bad skill, killer had seen that survivor very beginning match was wounded. I propose change little skill. The survivor be complete The survivor begins to be completely healthy, but after receiving the blow can not be cured until the end of the match, as soon as the gate will be powered survivor can be treated. It is also possible to prohibit the killers to see the status of "weakening" in order to have the opportunity to rise and not immediately be raised by the killer.
  6. Vigil. You need to improve to 15/30/45 percent.
  7. Detective's Hunch. You need to add the reading of the aura of a killer.
  8. Breakdown. Just add the function to break the hook without the ability to recover, but with a 35% chance
  9. Wake Up! Allows you to see the gate on the entire map. Opening speed gate increased 10/15/25 percent
  10. Boil Over. is not so bad, but it can be slightly changed by the fact that the killer will be inverted control.
  11. Distortion. Add the function to restore tokens after a time or for certain actions.
  12. Head On. Add acceleration for 3 seconds after the stun killer.

Killer skills 

  1. Dying Light. Obsession speeds things up.(Repair,treatment,removal from the hook, etc.), but the penalty is increased by 20/30/40 percent
  2. Play With Your Food. Strikes reducing the token are considered if the blow is to obsession
  3. Franklin's Demise. Adds a chance that the survivor will not drop the item 30/20/10 percent
  4. Rancor. After the hatch is closed so as to impose on the obsession with vulnerability and the ability to kill
  5. Coulrophobia. In addition to the delayed treatment, also delayed recovery from the hook and rollback of the imposed effects such as fatigue, bleeding, etc
  6. Hangman's Trick. Reducing the probability of irreversible damage to the hooks by 20%
  7. Hex: No One Escapes Death. The movement speed will not be increased but reduced by 4/3/2 percent. It also doesn't interfere with the work of "Mettle of man" from any survivor state.


  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    I'll go through the rest later but that Decisive Strike means there's 0 risk of unsafe unhooks whatsoever and outright encourages tunneling

  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47

    I'm seeing mostly Killer Perk nerfs and Survivor Perk buffs here.

    Killers are supposed to be the Power Role but they aren't: the entire game is dictated by Survivor actions and if they play to win and not to be immersed and the have the skills, any Killer that isn't Nurse or Spirit will get bullied.

    If anything, Killer Perks should be buffed or stay the same power and some Survivor Perks should just be game mechanics: rather than making Sabotage be able to have the chance to make eventually all the hooks be gone, make it so that a Survivor can sabotage hooks without needing a perk and that items can boost the speed or make the hook stay broken longer.

    Instead of having a perk that lets you heal yourself, make it something a Survivor can just do, but still have the same penalties or maybe increase the penalties. One of the reasons Survivors focus only on gens or looping the Killer is because these are some of the few things they can do without taking certain perks. There are other reasons why, namely that these are the only things that matter in the game, but giving them flat-out more things to do without limiting their perk selection will encourage some players to explore more options.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    1) more rng!.... nope

    2) wdym by "making aura readings more necessery"

    3) No

    4) Double No

    5) Idk sure xd

    6) Why not 35/40/45 wowie don't make tiers so far apart from each other

    7) No, they need to make it last longer/work when anyone completes a gen

    8) Again rng

    9) It is practically that, buffing % wouldn't hurt

    10) lol no

    11) Sure, or increase the tokens either works

    12) After the ptb it wont need this

    13) Even more "Tunnel the obsession" .-.

    14) This would be really good. Like 15% ms always, Pair that with Play with your Food.... Disgusting

    15) nrg enough said

    16) IF it doesnt show the location then sure

    17) HM... Maybe not all of these but not a bad idea

    18) rng?

    19) Nope.