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General Discussions

Exactly How The New Pallets Will Work: MUST READ BEFORE PLAYING PTB

Member Posts: 2,144
edited May 2018 in General Discussions
So, quick reminder for all players how the new pallets will work. I will sum this up as nicely as I can for it to make sense, as the devs do not always elaborate well.

How They Used To Be

So, with how pallets worked since version 1.1.1, the stun timing had been changed to occur at the beginning of the throw rather than the end, and it introduced the dreaded "vacuum" in which the Survivor's hitbox quite literally teleports to the other side of the pallet the moment they mash space. This would cause hits that you would otherwise feel like landed to completely whiff, to many killer main's frustration. This was not intended to cause such an issue, and coupled with Survivor hitboxes being smaller than Killers (which would negate the speed bonus of the Killer as they would have to take a wider path around the same obstacles), looping as we know it today was born.

How They Will Be Soon In the PTB

I will attach a clip someone made of the pallet changes discussed in an earlier PTB at the end, but I will now summarize them concisely in my own words.

Essentially, the main problem of looping is being addressed: The Accursed Vacuum. As stated before, this "mechanic" caused disgusting amounts of frustration for the Killer, and not due to any semblance of "skill," but rather the abusing of this mechanic. Now, pallets will function completely differently from before.

There are two main changes:

1. No longer will your "forward momentum" dictate which side of the pallet you wind up on. This is the change that completely removes the vacuum from the game. Before, holding forward is what would cause the Survivor to turn behind him and throw the pallet whilst moving to the other side.

Now, Survivors will MANUALLY have to move to the other side in order to properly throw the pallet. No longer will you be able to mash space and simply hold forward and laugh at the Killer while he eats a stun. You will now have to RUN to the OTHER side of the pallet, THEN hit space and the Survivor will turn around to throw the pallet. Mashing space will cause you to throw the pallet early, making you stay same side and giving the Killer a free hit. In addition to this, there is also "deadzone" in the middle of the pallet where you CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT, throw the pallet.

This means you cannot just camp the pallet in the middle and easily react to which way the Killer approaches. You must choose the correct side, in order to not get hit. Which brings me to the next major difference...

2. Line of sight blockers have been added around most pallet locations in order for the Killer to perform more mindgames with his red stain in an attempt to throw off the Survivor and get a hit. With the combination of needing to be on the side you want to be on in order to properly throw the pallet as Survivor, this will give the Survivor less time to react to the Killer if he hides his stain properly, prompting the Survivor to first RUN TO THE OTHER SIDE in order to throw the pallet.

The Result

What these two changes will do is cause trades to happen much, much more often in the event you loop unwisely or guess incorrectly at which direction the Killer is approaching. This adds more layers to the pallet game and forces a little bit of skill onto the Survivor. And while it won't completely rid the game of looping, this is ok as the game will never be completely rid of camping. It's just a part of the game now.

But, looping will not remain a surefire method. Survivors will either need to improve their skill and reactions in order to eek out every inch of a loop, or they will need to throw the pallet earlier which severely cuts down on time wasted for the Killer. Likewise, the Killer will be given a few more options at their approach to the pallet, as well as being given a breath of fresh air if they make a good read with a reasonable trade.

Please keep this in mind when playing your matches in the PTB, and learn to adapt to the new incoming changes. This will be an overall benefit to the game for both sides, as it will make the Killer side less frustrating, as well as forcing Survivors to possibly open up to new tactics and builds to overcome the new changes, making them overall better at the game.
Post edited by weirdkid5 on


  • Member Posts: 52

    I appreciate the post friend

  • Member Posts: 37

    Thanks for the in-depth explanation. I never really relied on pallet vacuums so this should be fun to see who can run a killer now! <3

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