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Dedicated Servers and upcoming changes

Maj33y Member Posts: 236

Hello ,

I want to talk about the Changes that Will come with dedicated Servers , As of Now many killers Use Dirty Tactics Such as Disconnecting .. Watch Survivors perks and items on the end game screen because with Regional restrictions they guarantee to connect to the same people again especially in High Ranks which gives them an advantage to adjust their perks , I even had someone challenge me that He'll "Snipe me" and it's true after a long time of wait I always ended up in his lobby , not 1 person .. I've had several do this .

. And then while in game They camp / tunnel and most of them Run Game slowing perks like Hex ruin or Thana and so on .

And the only way now to punish them is by Disconnecting .. they get less Hooks = less BP and it also effects their Ranking . So it's good . Putting them in the place where they belong .

But I'm afraid with The changes coming it'll have no effect on them anymore . Instead of encouraging the killer to play fairly . And not cheese their win or make the game unfun for 1 person .. with "sniping" or follow "War of attrition" strategy by camping / tunneling 1 person after the other with Game slowing perks . There's too much pressure to handle for the survivors and the game becoming unenjoyable . So I heard you'll be adding a Husk of Survivors who DC for the killer to hook and get BP off of it after someone have Disconnected . I hope this change won't happen unless other things get addressed first . Like disconnecting and seeing the build / adjust to it and then play the next game again after having exposed survivors build . Many killers do it on PS4 with their stats set to offline . It gives them an advantage which by any means they should have not had in the first place

-----------------------------This isn't a post about Survivor vs killer so if you want to start a Rant go somewhere else .

I don't care about Camping / tunneling eventhough it's unfair combined with strong perks and 1 shot add-ons . Which Coincidentally many killers seem to be doing even in High Ranks.

Everytime the killer was showing as offline in the end game screen I've known them and played them several times before , I've had around 5 killers or so I know them by their username . But I'm not going to mention anyone here . Got Camped / tunneled / Mori'd + Followed by hate mail .. So if the upcoming changes with the Husk going to reward these kind of killers , it's pointless playing as Survivor and I'd rather play a different game


Please make Rational changes and Realize the effect it has on the community .

(Side note) I also play on PC yet I've never experienced much Toxicity and Hate as much as I had on PS4 .

Beside the Horrible Errors and Queue times . You end up in one of those games . It destroys the game for me .


  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    I don't experience much camping killers on PS4, however tunneling is not a thing. That is a survivor error being capitalized upon. don't unhook in the killers TR, and this goes away, especially if you run We'll Make It. If there's a camping killer, Borrowed Time helps. Game slowing perks are NEEDED. Play killer vs survivors and you'll understand, and this is not toxic gameplay, as it's a perk in the game. DCing is a problem, not a solution, and DCing to prevent the killer from getting stacks/bloodpoints is toxic behavior, not running Ruin/NOED.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    You are punishing players for playing their playstyle by taking their points?

    You sound like a entitled survivor main and a terrible person to get to know.

    Punish killers for camping with DOING gens and escaping.

    It's much more of a punishment then DCing, if all 4 survivors DC because the killer camps, they might just pip.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Dedicated Servers based on what the Dev's say:

    "Excessive use of Leaving the Game while the game is in session will result in a ban."

    So they will end disconnecting when it comes out.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,286

    Didnt realize perks designed to slow the game down were considered Toxic. Is kicking the gen in general "Toxic" or ONLY if their using game slowing perks like overcharge and pop goes the weasel. Do you think that MAYBE ppl use these perks weather or not they see your name pop up in their lobbys? Like MAYBE someone DIDNT go "Oh, i was GOING to use monstrous shrine, but Maj33y is here, so lets REALLY screw with him and use Thanatophobia instead".

  • Arik13
    Arik13 Member Posts: 67
    edited July 2019

    an idiot who disconnects to "punish" killers thinks he has a right to an opinion lmao. the killer probably laughs their off while you're just being a salty child. try getting good at the game instead of complaining, if the killer is camping then do the ######### gens lol, i still dont get how people complain about tunneling with perks like DS and BT everywhere like come the ######### on

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    You're the one who is misunderstanding !

    For example : I am a killer and you're the Survivor you join my lobby .. I'd dc take a look at your perks .

    Because i am more than certain You'll join my lobby again so I have adjusted my perks to counter your build .

    When in the match I'd face camp you after hooking you even if other players would escape but the fact is they won't , because I am also running Game slowing perks .

    You finish the first match ...

    Then I'd get you for the 2nd time , 3rd time and ruin all your games then send you hate mail telling you that you suck and that you're a loser .

    How'd you feel about that ??!

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Just going to point out when you DC the killer loses 75BP. 500 sacrifice + 200 hook vs 625 quitter bonus. You save the killer time since he doesn't have to hook you.

    You are an idiot, you are punishing your teammates not the killer. Keep up the good work you are a treasure of the community

  • harpuia
    harpuia Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2019

    Maybe this is due to the region i am playing on, but is EXTREMELY RARE for me to get the same killer or survivor in a row. I believe this only happened to me once or twice since i started playing the game almost a year ago. lol

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Also going to point out bragging about intentional DCs is bannable now I believe. Idc but someone will prob report it. Might wanna remove that part. JUst a heads up

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    When you hook a Survivor 3 times you get more blood points I believe than if you were to Hook them once or receive the quitter bonus.

    Devs can for sure adjust the blood points to compensate for the DC'd Survivor or include any change in the future .

    Since I believe you get a safety pip if someone DC .

    All the comments above didn't really understand what I meant and thought I was being salty about camping / tunneling .

    It's more about the Cheating of Lobby sniping certain people Several times to ruin their games .

    There are many people who Join Survivors with their killer friend ( this should not exist in the game ,and farm Random people )

    I'm not good with the terms but i believe they call it "Stream sniping" , I don't stream but i got snipped several times by killers who played me before , Several times in one day .

    I won't DC against any killer , only if they deliberately meant to ruin my games because they knew me .

    And if me getting Disconnected was hurting my teammates more than it hurt the killer . Then there should be a way to discourage killers who target one person .

    But to reward killers for it would encourage these acts to remain in the game .