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Any tips on hag ?

I really want to learn her more but not sure what best perks are or if she’s even good in red ranks

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  • Member Posts: 1,519

    I use ruin, haunted, make your choice and bbq. you could try corrupt intervention instead of ruin and trap around the 4 gens that are able to be worked on. be sure trap common structures people like to run to (like shack) and try not to chase, instead focus more on having traps down. always spam ctrl as well for instant teleport giving survivors little reaction time. having traps in open areas with nothing around them guarantees you a hit if someone trips those traps

  • Member Posts: 107

    Thank you ! I’ll try that . I was chasing and doing bad with that

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    The hag is short and has a small terror radius, which can be made extremely small through Monitor and Abuse. Using line of sight blockers you can get very close to survivors for a first or even second hit without much of a chase at all. This couples extremely well with Nurses Calling letting you drop a chase and simply find them healing after.

    Ruin is a typical must have but don't put too much effort into protecting it. People say hag can protect her totems well but she can't, not to a worthwhile extent. If it's in an easily defendable spot then sure, but in most cases it's not worth the setup time.

    For basic gameplay you want to focus on using your traps for shutting down loops. Putting them near pallets and vaults are a given but around corners and in long hallways (between house and fence on Haddonfield for example), or under high drops (below upstairs windows, under holes in The Game, etc) are also strong places to put traps. You can't chase effectively so you need to use traps aggressively.

    While being looped it's useful to place a trap next to a pallet, then go around the long way to force the survivor through the pallet. They'll often turn back around after setting off the trap, and drop the pallet between themselves and the phantasm. If you don't teleport, that's a free hit. Smart survivors will leave the loop entirely but that's still useful as youve denied a loop and left it trapped for later.

    Hag excels at area control so start learning the map and find a good area to defend instead of trying to exert pressure across the entire map.

    Finally, it might seem good to slap a lot of traps down in a small area but don't go overboard, often times in that case if they set off one they'll set off all of them.

  • Member Posts: 835

    Solid Hag player with loads of hag info and videos:

    I have been rocking BBQ, Corrupted Intervention, Pop and M&A. I would argue that Corrupted Intervention is her strongest perk and rest can be what ever you like.

    Whatever you end up with perks, never use Corrupted Intervention and Ruin as they basically counter each others.

  • Member Posts: 107

    Yes it did ! I just suck with trap placement lol . I’m used to spirit mostly so hag is another beast after playing spirit and doing well

  • Member Posts: 107

    Yes it does thank you . I’m used to spirit now so going back and learning hag is a challenge . I am just Terrible with trap placement

  • Member Posts: 835

    She is one of the most tactical killer so map knowledge is key. If you know maps and how survivors generally play you should be able to pick up Hag fast.

  • Member Posts: 268

    I main hag and frequently get messages telling me to stop camp tunnel and slug

  • Member Posts: 61

    Hag main here, my gtg build right now is:

    Monitor and abuse, Franklin's, plague's generators perk( can't remember name) are core: they make your terror ratios quite small, nullify toolboxes and flashlights and let you open the game like you should.

    As for last perk I'm using right now "save the best for last", it's great to end chases quickly or fastly teleport after a hit

    Play defensively, guard gens and watch space coconut's YouTube guide. He's really good.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    Be sure to use "camera swing" to your advantage when possible. Whenever a survivor triggers a trap, their camera automatically looks at it. If they're already running away from you, then this can disorient them.

    A great example of this is at the Lery's treatment center. If you find 3 gurneys that make a dead-end 2 steps off the straightaway path, put a trap there. When you're chasing a survivor past that area later, the trap will trigger and they'll end up running right into the dead-end. You take your hit, and they might still be spinning around so much looking for the escape that they lose their chance to run through you.

  • Member Posts: 122

    Best Perks

    Monitor and Abuse

    Make Your Choice

    Best addons

    Reduce Setting Time

    Increase distance which you can tp to traps

    Increases tripped trap duration time

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