High ranks survivors abuses

Emhyr Member Posts: 73

Hi guys,

I play killer since 2 years and have more than 1600 hrs of play (it is just for crybabies who talk about playtime)

The new Decisive Strike is really better than the first we got but since some weeks I see an abusive use of it you can't really counter especially if you play a mid tiers killer.

What i see : All the survivor team is playing DS (and dead hard) and they are unhooking behind you. The objective for them is to bodyblock you to not hit the unhooker and they do all they can to only let you hit the one who have DS active.

This is working well because they are doing it with 3 players, one is rushing the gens for the team and activate their skilled adrenalin. In the better matches you can find them with flashlights...

Well the new decisive is good but now i see a lot of abuses of the new system and you can't do anything as a killer.

Can we talk about it ? no trashtalk (i know it is hard here but please) ? no "play nurse or billy".

Can we just talk about it ?


  • Emhyr
    Emhyr Member Posts: 73

    i hit him but i can't do more. If i try to hook they will use DS and the others one are already far away so. It is just the behaviour, i rellay don't understand why this kind of player needs to play like that.

  • hanscardoso
    hanscardoso Member Posts: 83
    edited July 2019

    Well, where is the problem in using DS? if you go look for the person doing the generator right after hooking the survivor, you don't have to deal with DS. My suggestion is to go away from the hook. 2 people that are not doing gens, it's an advantage to you.

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    I agree with you. A few hours ago I played a game where 3 premade had decisive, dead hard and flashlights. Flashlights did nothing, dead hard only worked for 1 guy once, but OH GOD decisive strike scares me. It is stupid that a perk that let's you have a second chance can be activated by 60 seconds. It happened exactly as you said they tanked the hit then stunned me for 5 seconds and there you go, a free escape.

    Slugging isn't even that effective in these situations because the decisive is active for 60 seconds so there is plenty of time to get slugged, get healed and get downed again and is still ready to use.

    The problem with this perk is that there is no downside of not being the obsession(unlike the old one that you needed 35% of the wiggle timer for it to activate) and it stuns even longer and it isn't affected by Enduring(unlike before again). I see this as a problem because it is very abuseable by swf. If you think about it, in these cases, you get 15 seconds of doing literally nothing but being stunned in place. 15 seconds is A LOT.

  • Ghostul
    Ghostul Member Posts: 42

    DS is very easy to counter. All you need to do is slug the survivor. If you run a perk like Make Your Choice then you will know exactly when the timer for Decisive is out and you can go grab them.

    If its a swf then its even easier since they will most likely try and rush to get their teammate up, allowing for more pressure on them to heal and you can even get another hook on someone else.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Slug them or another option is to look in the area and if you feel there is nothing nearby you can eat it.

  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    The way you talk really makes me doubt that you are actually a 1600hrs players.... anyway, let's talk about this "abuse"

    First, it is not called "abuse', since the survivors did not exploit any bug or violate any rule. It is simply a combination of a skill and a swf strategy, which is very efficient to counter killer camping or tunneling. Whining devs to nerf DS is, at my view, not what a veteran player would do.

    How to counter this "abuse"? Most easy way is to learn how to truly "facecamp". Believe me, if you facecamp correctly, no one can block you from grabbing the unhooker. That means survivor have to sacrifice one to unhook one.

    The another way would be just simply hit the bodyblocker and the unhooker when they rescue the hooked one and keep chasing whoever you want after the unhooking. Remember, survivors have spent 3 people doing this unhook, leaving only one on the gens, and 3 of them are injured and one gets chased as the result. The rest two also needs time to get healed and get back on gens (unless most gens have finished or gate has opened, which means you already lost no matter the DS or bodyblock). So survivors waste tons of time on doing this rescue in exchange you suffer DS and the following chase. I would not think that this would put you at huge disadvantage. If you lose the game, you must have spent too much time on following chase, which is because either you are not good at chasing or you use a mid-low tier killer.

    This actually leads to the essential balance issue of DBD: SWF is too strong for most killers. If you are using mid tier killer without crazy add-ons to against high rank SWF, you will lose for sure, no matter how good you are or how hard you play. As long as they are not too dumb and have a good communication, they don't even need flashlight or any "abuse" to dominate you.

    So if you want to grant a win against a high rank swf, just use nurse, billy, huntress, spirit, and put on ultra rare addon and mori. If you use other killers, I have to foresee that you will lose for sure.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    If you don't like decisive strike there is a foolproof answer to it.

    Don't tunnel Surviviors off the hook

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    First of all, does anyone else have a big issue with DS, where a survivor who has it up will hide in a locker when they're about to be caught. If you grab them out of the locker, they can DS you, and there's no way to slug. The time waste from this specific play is god-awful.

    Another issue with Decisive Strike, in my experience, is that it lasts a long, long time (80 seconds?). I always have to be careful when juggling survivors because I can get one or two hooks in, and might still be chasing a person who has DS up.

    I understand the counterplay is to simply slug them and wait out the duration, but it's quite difficult to play and count one or two people's DS timers in my head. Oftentimes I'll slug someone who obviously has DS and chase someone else. By the time I catch the other person, the DS person is healed and back up. The perk is a free life for the survivor, often. The perk, simply by the possibility of it existing, can result in amazing amounts of time and effort wasted, even if the killer isn't truly tunneling, but simply carrying their momentumn properly.

    I'd honestly like it if Killers got a little timer on someone's icon if they have DS up, so both sides know. I think it'd be fair because things like Huntress's Lullaby and Ruin already give notifications to survivors when they're easily inferrable already- why can't Killers get that? I also think Decisive should just be flat out disabled if the killer hooks someone else while it's up. Right now, I'll say it again, DS punishes killers who make short work of chases.

  • Emhyr
    Emhyr Member Posts: 73

    Well thanks for your help, i just hope i can play all the killers and yes it is REALLY hard to play mid tiers killers at high ranks (can't reach higher than rank 3 with mid tiers). But even this is said, some good streamers reach the rank 1 with this kind of killers so... i try.

    I post that because it is really important to me to play fair, to let all players have fun and that's why i don't tunnel and camp. But i've seen this method too much recently and it's making me really angry and frustrated that a lot of players don't play the way the game is made to be play... It's the only thing, i want to talk about some practices i don't like.

    Yes it is counterable and yes i could play with others method that will work but i don't like to play like that.

  • kimukipi
    kimukipi Member Posts: 137

    @Emhyr I feel the same too. If its really meant to be an anti tunnel perk, it should be deactivated the moment killer hooks some one else. Also, 60 seconds is too big for an average dbd match.

  • paint1210
    paint1210 Member Posts: 95

    My suggestion,just play nurse by using 4 slug build.Problems solved.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    @kimukipi I suggested turning it off as soon as they start doing an objective. If your cleansing my totem, Im clearly not tunneling you.

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272
    edited July 2019

    Obsession perk which doesn't matter if you are obsession or not...

    So why do I losing tokens with save the best for last?

  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    Well, I am glad to help and sorry if I was a little offensive in my formal post since you sound like a nice guy. But most people play this game for win, which entails them using any strategy like looping, body lock, tunneling, camping, etc.. "play fairly and make both sides happy" is really a just a sweet dream. According to my experience playing both with and against veteran swf. Using mid-low tier killer with "healthy" playstyle won't earn you respect. Instead, probably they will think that you are pathetic and the game is boring.

    Also about the streamers, what they always show you is their "bright" side in their video. They only show you the match where they dominate the survivors/killers, but before this match, they might have experienced 500 matches where they dodged swf, dc, got triggered, or be dominated. You just never know. I do admit in the past some streamers achieved rank 1 using mid tier killers without add-on and no tunneling/camping. But under RECENT EMBLEM SYSTEM, i haven't saw anyone live streaming the WHOLE PROCESS using mid tier killers (no add-on and no tunneling) from rank 20 to 1. So you should not be bothered by unable to use mid tier to reach high rank. it's not your fault, but just because the game sucks at balance and rank system, and, unfortunately, devs don't understand how the game played at high rank and how the swf things work. So even devs themselves don't care, why would we, as players, concern so much about "fairness and health" of this game. Let's make ourselves COMFORTABLE FIRST!

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    One change I'd like to see for DS is that it would deactivate when you enter a locker or if you get grabbed from a locker. It's so abuseable to just jump into a locker with 30 seconds of DS left and making the killer either eat the ds or wait for 30 seconds to grab you.

  • MySpaceBarsBroken
    MySpaceBarsBroken Member Posts: 167

    You expect a survivor to roll over and die for you? It's one of the only perks that prevents tunneling and it's already been severely nerfed. Get good and start playing around it

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    “I don’t like a certain play-style, therefore it is deemed abuse.”

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446


    It happens WAY too often

    I down a survivor, hook the survivor, go look for another survivor, find a survivor who has DS active (previously unhooked and has been healed in the meantime), down THAT survivor and get stunned

    A similar situation can happen near the end: You hook a survivor on a hook near the gate, that survivor gets unhooked, you down the unhooker and hook them, first unhooked survivor comes back and unhooks the second survivor (safely possible with Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, instaheals). Now both survivors might have DS active, if you down one of them they have time to crawl out the gate and if you pick them up they can DS and also escape. This is an extremely dumb situation where as a killer you are getting punished for NOT tunnelling during the early / midgame: If you had then you could have gotten rid of the DS and avoided this situation altogether

    The second situation is much more specific and rarer than the first one but it is one that should never happen. The first one is very common if you are competent, especially at rank reset.

    Survivors make awful plays such as unhooking when the killer is still near the hook -> cry about tunnelling -> get dumb perk that screws over killers that don't camp or tunnel because of awful design

    The killer version of current DS would look something like this: "You automatically attack any survivor in your attack range. After being in a chase with one Survivor for 90 seconds, your attacks instantly put that Survivor in the Dying state and you can kill them."

    • Killer makes bad play, staying in a chase with the same survivor for too long (survivor equivalent: going for idiotic unhooks)
    • gets punished for playing badly by gens popping (survivor equivalent: teammate gets hooked again)
    • gets perk that is unfair to the other side because of crap plays another player is making but that can be avoided in very unfun way: just let the killer down you before the 90 seconds are up by running into them (DS equivalent: waiting out the 60s timer on your phone or whatever whenever a survivor is unhooked)

    DS is dumb and the counterplay (waiting exactly 60 seconds from the time a survivor is unhooked to the time you hook them) is super unfun, especially if you are going after multiple survivors