Survivor Dailies

HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

I hate them

All the damn Escape and Exit Dailies are almost impossible because my team, sorry, the other Survivors are complete selfish leeches with half a ######### brain. I'd keep going but frankly it feels like real Survivor players are so few and that most Survivors are toxic idiots who clutch their key like Harkonen is trying to pull their Heart Plug.

If I didn't have a Daily I wouldn't be so salty, I enjoy helping Survivors but when I have a Daily that that's specific I get immediately pissed off because the Survivors really love huddling together at the Exit while I'm on a hook next to another Exit that's already open. Oh you have BT? Pffff, that's for losers you Rank 20 peasant, get a real perk like Object of Obsession you uncultured swine.


  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    ive gotten on rank 4 on ps4 (deranked to 5 cuz mori) and i swear theres barely ever a difference in how good survivors are

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I know the feeling! BTW love the Harkonnen heart plug joke! I'm not gonna spill the source, but I'm curious how many others here on the boards get the reference... 😏

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I don't usually have a issue with them. 🤷‍♀️

  • t3hp0larbear
    t3hp0larbear Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2019

    The survivor dailies aren't too bad, it depends on the day. There's good days and bad days.

    Honestly I wish the game would stop giving me killer dailies. I'm in a house with shared wifi as my internet connection so I don't have the bandwidth and connection reliability to play killer until dedicated servers come out. Survivor games go fine, but every time I try to play killer lately, matchmaking takes forever and someone always drops while loading.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    I have no issue with survivor dailies. All of them are quite doable.

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  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @DeadByMoonlight I really want to play with Red rank Survivors to see what it's like because I've played with Purples and they are just as bad as the other ranks. Nothing but selfish players.