Please change the matchmaker

Can we add high priority matchmaking or something like that, im sick and tired of not being able to play as killer at rank 17. People sit there and say "just rank up your killer" but how am I supposed to do that if I CANT FIND A GAME! One way of doing this could be that if you search for 5 mins and dont get a game, it gives you the option to be matched against higher rank opponents in order for you to be able to actually play. Its not fair because I spent money on this game and I really want to play as killer but I can't. Some people also tell you to just be patient, but it honestly takes forever, i've had several times when ive been searching for an hour +, no one wants to wait anywhere near that long. Please do something about this.
Just to clarify, when I say 'waiting for over an hour' I don't mean it took an hour to find a game, I mean i stopped searching after that long. I haven't found a game for days as this rank, its ridiculous.
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No, she's fine as she is
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No its actually really funny because he's playing off the fact that you said matchmaker Instead of matchmaking. He's a genius. I was going to put a picture of her but be beat me to it. You need to get your head out of your arse. Just wait 10 minutes for a game like the rest of us. The devs are always improving the matchmaking. Complaining about it and being rude to people isn't going to make it better.
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Waiting for 1 hour+ seems like abit of a stretch unless your maybe talking about the PTB. Does this include times when ppl DO join you, but they leave because the ping is terrible? I know my GF's killer rank is also really low like that, but it still doesnt take anywhere NEAR that long, usually about 5 minutes.
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Im waiting from 5 to 15 minutes as a killer.
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Mate I have the same problem as him, what are you on about 'wait ten minutes like the rest of us'? We dont have control over how long the game takes to find us a game, im rank 18 and I cant find any games either, I've waited for up to 40 mins, no one joins my lobby and sometimes it doesnt even put me in one. Responses like yours do not help at all.
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Also whats PTB mate x
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LMAO omg that got me.