Is it wrong of me to abuse the aura shadow glitch?

For those of you who don't know, you can see the shadow of survivors on auras such as gens and hooks. So a survivors outline will stand out on an aura.
I recently played a game of Nurse where I pulled 3 people off of gens using this, and 2 of them disconnected. Am I wrong for using the information this bug gives me or is it not my fault at all since I didn't look for or trigger the glitch. The glitch just happens and when I see it I want to naturally, as a Killer, go to the position of the Survivors.
I've been called countless times a cheater/hacker using a glitch I can't control.
Best Answers
I mean.... they're at the area so.... you can't just ignore them.
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Unfortunately it's a tough one. An oversight by the devs forces you to actively ignore survivors in order to play fair. Personally I've been talking advantage of it when I can but not going out of my way to do so.
I don't go out of my way either. It's usually right when the game starts and I see that first Survivor. The information this glitch gives you is straight up stupid. I hope it gets patched soon.
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It's not really something you can help. This isn't something you're doing to exploit stuff in the game, this is the game straight up giving you information without your input. This isn't wrong, it's not right, it's just there and it'll be nice if it's either fixed or they pretend it's an intended feature.
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Unlike other exploits, there's nothing you can do about this one. It's not something you use or don't use, it's just... there. In the base mechanics of the game that you can't ignore.
Hopefully it gets fixed soon but I don't think you should feel bad about 'using' it, as again you have no choice.
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It happens only when you are in a certain range, and its not always 100%
I don't go out of my way to use and abuse it.
My game style centers around chases and mind games, im also playing to mazimise points. I also play down to the least few gens anyway, I like the preassure. So yeah I use it, but not to the point im 4king with it. I use it if im near by and I need to get someone off a gen for a few seconds. I may even use it to help control which gens are getting done (which I would do anyway with Discordance, Bitter Murmur, Pop goes the weasel, etc.)
Besides If a killer is still bad at tracking, or bad in a chase, its not going to help them much (unless you are the Spirit or Nurse, but even then.)
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It's a interesting bug. It makes me laugh to realize gens I go to are being worked on a lot.
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If I notice a survivor and I think it would be a good idea to go attack them at the time, I will do it. It doesn't matter what made me notice them. This is not manually activated, so I don't think it could be counted as an exploit.
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Actually the aura is hard to see but if you know what to look for you can spot them cross map arms are easy to spot because they are moving just in my experience not saying I have dabbled in aura shadow sniping or that I've done it much, im just very observant as killer FYI survivors can do it aswell
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It’s useful for a stealth killer or a low terror radius killer. I’ve yoinked a few people off of gens with Spirit by getting within terror radius and phasing.
People aren’t purposely using it for an advantage but it’s not something you’re gonna ignore. Why would somebody ignore a survivor they know is on a generator?
Hopefully it gets patched because it’s an unfair advantage but it’s not a purposeful exploit. Killers can’t control it.
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To the one saying it only happens in a certain range.. what's the range? I've seen it across the map in Lery's - fun factoid if people haven't seen this personally, you can see survivor outlines on gen auras or any activation bubble (fast vaults, gens, or hooks) whether they're in front of or behind the visual notification. At first I thought it was only if they were between you and the bubble, but nope.
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You have no choice with this bug. We’re all forced to be exploiters till it is fixed.
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It's really frustrating having this bug, tbh. Like, I really don't want to use/abuse it, but it's hard to avoid being influenced by it when there is nothing you can do at all to avoid making it happen. Just turn the wrong way once and boom, I am getting information I am not supposed to get.
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I agree, this bug kinda makes surveillance useless and it is a favorite of mine.
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I didn't know this was a bug, i don't see it a whole lot so i thought maybe it's the games way of telling me i need a bit of help.
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You shouldn't feel bad about using this bug, it's not like a perk/add-on is bugged and you bring it on purpose to abuse it
It's a bug that needs to be fixed, and there is no way to avoid it
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Well, you can't really avoid the shadow when you look at gen Auras because it falls right into your eye.
Survivor mains probably: wElL, jUsT dOn'T lOoK aT gEnS tHeN