Survivor safety pip needs to go

It's waaaay to easy to black pip. I tried it by myself: I played several matches without even really trying, t bagging the killer to get tunneled, farming survivors if the hook, not touching any gens and dying at the end -> black pip.
THIS is one big reason why potatoes are at high ranks. They don't pip everytime, but since they black pip everytime and get eventually a pip here and there they get to red ranks.
Please, this will solve many issues with all the frustration playing solo Q
I guarantee you that if you reach purple or red ranks safety pipping won’t be this easy.
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They tried making survivor pipping harder and it caused longer queue times at the red ranks.
I don't see how doing the same again will wield different results.
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Not how it works.
The way rank distribution works is they want a specific proportion of players on each rank range. That's how they determine how hard or easy ranking up should be.
I find ranking up as killer just as easy until purple ranks, unless you're playing one of the unfortunate killers with bugged emblems.
What needs to be done to improve solo play is to change some fundamental parts of game design, not change the ranking system. Especially considering the survivor system is fine when compared to killers (it should not be harder to rank up with some killers while having the exact same performance. A 4k as anything with an instadown can be a black pip, and a 2k with Legion will most likely be a pip everytime).
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Sometimes i have to rely of those safety pips when getting tunneled/camped or being paired up with potatoes.
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So you are being toxic just to prove something? There are other ways to do it you know.
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Who are you referring to?
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I agree. The notion of safety pipping is important in a game where your skill isn't the only factor on your success.
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I disagree with this. Some matches you will get a safety pip just because you were chased the whole match. Removing the safety pip will make staying at a certain rank much harder.
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Op obviously.
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If you think about it, safety pipping for both sides makes a TON of sense in this game.
There is no clear criteria for winning or losing on DBD. It's as subjective as it gets. You may have your own personal criteria (I'm decently happy when I escape as survivor, and very happy when I kill everyone as killer) but the game doesn't downright offer you a "victory" screen.
There are gray areas and safety pipping represents that.
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I tried to get some realistic scenarios. But please, if you know a better way tell me
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yeah make it harder for people to pip on survivors.. just push away more of the survivors from wanting to play.
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But did you not accomplish anything because you were bad at the game? Are you bad at the game if your team mates make no attempt to rescue? Are u bad at the game if u get camped to death after being in a bad area?
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He is not saying to be harder to pip, just less forgiving on losing a pip (there's a difference here).
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@LordGlint yes, i could be kept at low rank permently with bad players because i am forced to play with bad players. Would u want to be stuck at a rank where it's hard to do anything because of bad team mates and killers who only know how to camp and tunnel.
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well, you need to do some #########, if you want to achieve black pip. If you literally do nothing, then you idnt get it. And yes, surviving for 10+ minutes means that you do some, evading killer for example.
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It's one and the same thing. Not safety pipping means you will derank more so staying in the ranks and progressing towards the red ranks becomes harder.
This means there may not be enough players in those ranks increasing queues as before and another side effect is that it makes it easier for players to depip and bully lower ranked players.
Someone's pip is in the hands of other players as much as their own. How the killer and the other survivors chose to play can also affect how many points you can gain. It's not always how well you do but how bad the others play.
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The easy piping is what frustrates others in solo Q and pushes them away aswell.
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Promote SWF more with this, go ahead.
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That can't be farther from the truth.
Pipping "too easily" is literally the lowest on the list of reasons why solo queue is frustrating. Actually it's not even on the list because it isn't true.
Post your rank and maybe then you'll have an argument going.
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It is, it allows pototates to be at Red ranks. It's simple and logical.
Unless u want to make the claim that potatoes are allowed to be in red ranks. Do u want to make that claim?
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Don't make it too hard, you'll chase away the people who love getting their participation ribbons.
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ive done the same with killer (only facecamp and tunnel) and let me tell you its just as easy to pip or safepip, while also geting around 20k bp and 3k most games so id like campers and tunnelers to be low rank all the time
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Hopefully are ironical with the participation trophies lol
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Yeah, this should not get you black pips. Would then reduce the amount of killers in red ranks and then reduce the q times aswell. Win win in both sides.
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It's kinda hard when people don't know how to give up chase and then you run them for 5 gens and you just safety pip cause you couldn't do anything else so nah.
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Devs added pip points for that scenario. U get gen pips when u 5 gen run a killer. No clue what u talk about honestly.
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I know it hurts to hear the truth sometimes, but you're probably getting paired with fellow survivors on your skill level bud.
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I need that safety pip whenever I still get spawned right next to killer and get tunneled to death. Removing it will make the game harder.
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So you are saying majority of red ranks are actually good players? Good job, u lost every reason I should ever read a post of you again lol