Advice for Legion and/or Clown

I’ve just purchased the legion and clown chapters because I’m interested in their perks (both killer and surv) but I also fancy a change as I’ve predominantly been playing stealthy killers (GF & Pig) since I started.

So I’m looking for some tips for either. Suggested builds, play styles, and general tips.

now I know they aren’t the best killers, but that’s ok. I’m just looking to play them for fun, I’m in green ranks since the reset so I’m not too bothered about the risk of de-pipping.

Perks wise I have only teachables from Ghostface and Pig, plus Spirit Fury I have from the Shrine. I’ve almost levelled Nurse enough to unlock her teachables.

Thanks :)


  • TomTheSequel
    TomTheSequel Member Posts: 58

    Clown has absolutely no map pressure to work with. His add-ons are his only saving grace, all his purple add-ons are great and his pink add-ons are borderline OP if used correctly. Gen stall perks help a little but if you get a very large map like Family Residence or Haddonfield, it will be an uphill battle for you.

    As for Legion, I have no clue how to play him. I heard some of his add-ons dont work ATM but I'm not sure if that's true or not.

  • screamdreamsx
    screamdreamsx Member Posts: 213

    Yeah I’m guessing Clown is gonna be a challenge but I want that Pop Goes the Weasel!

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Clowns projectile is a grenade, the radius is spherical however. For example, you can throw a tonic at the ceiling of a house with two floors and still nail someone on the top floor. You can throw tonics over walls The throw distance is pretty good too. The tonic without addons is kind of lackluster but it still does the job.

    Legion plays best my screwing around. Slash as much as you can, run around like a spastic kid with too much candy and just be a general little turd. Legion is on of few killers who can pip (easily) without any kills. To make sure you don't miss a hit make sure you are practically breathing onto the survivors back. Break off chases now again, frenzy and run back to the survivor, it can really freak them out.

  • Otwell121611
    Otwell121611 Member Posts: 22

    The clown lacks hard map pressure but in a chase he is one of the best killers. Use the bottles to cut off loops or secure a hit. The general play style i use with the clown is to secure a hook, pop a gen, gen patrol to find a new survivor, chase them. Then the cycle starts over. Always make sure to reload either once you got a survivor downed or right after you hook them. Don't use bottles to get close to a far off survivor, the clown is deceptively fast so just chase them. Make good use of bamboozle to make the hardest of loops just disappear.

    For legion, I've found the best way to play them is to focus on slowing the game down. Use FF to make survivors have to stop working on gens, then once you got most of them with deep wound focus on one survivor to get a hook. Don't be afraid to use FF simply as a movement tool either. The pin add ons are basically useless and even Franks mixtape had its downsides. Playing legion and doing well requires that you just be a great killer so be prepared for a very stressful and taxing time.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    for the clown i would highly recommend perks that slow down the game or that help you find survivors, since he really lacks in both of those aspects.

    my personal setup for him is: BBQ&Chili, Save The Best For Last, Brutal Strength, Pop Goes The Weasel - i personally dont find myself having a hard time finding survivors, so i went for perks that increase my speed in chases, since clown can make survivors slower and therefore catch up even quicker to them.

    for add ons i would recommend you using the exhaustion add on, since it really gives you an advantage over them if you get the first strike with the gas.

    in general you shouldnt try to snipe survivors with the bottles, but instead cut off their path. throw it in loops and they eigther try to avoid the gas, therefore moving into a spot with bad positioning or they will be unable to loop as much as they would do with other killers.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318

    I'm a clown main that plays at red ranks, got about 500 hours on clown.

    My usual go to build is:

    Pop goes the weasel


    Brutal strength

    Franklin's demise if they have a lot of items

    Or sloppy butcher if they don't

    For addons I usually solvent jug and ether. Makeup kit if i wanna gas whole jungle gyms lol

    In a loop, you wanna try to hold them off of the pallet. Gas one end of the loop where they have to pass through to get to the pallet, juke one way, then the other, then go around for the hit ( always swing even if it looks like they'll reach the pallet first.

    At a jungle gym I'll gas the middle so if they pass through for the window, they'll get a medium vault... if they're in the jungle gym and they don't see you yet, gas one exit and enter from the other. A lot of times they'll instinctively move away from the gas and they'll run smack into you. Also remember the gas will mess up their vision. Its surprising how often a survivor will make a mistake based on the vision alone.

    If it looks like a survivor is eyeing a loop to the left or right during a chase and is planning on moving there, gas it ahead of time, they're likely to avoid it. A lot of hearding with gas is chance. They might panic or second guess cause of the gas at where they wanna go. Or they might flip you the bird and go through it if they know they have a pallet or window they can make.

    I usually only direct the gas AT them if were in a straight away and I know I can get them for sure if I just doink em with a bottle, shaving a few seconds off a chase.

    Also, throwing a bottle against a ceiling, tree brack, high part of a wall, roof, etc, will gas the entire damn area. It's brutal. A good place to use this is the killer shack ceiling or lérys pallet (you can gas both sides making mind gaming easier)

    clown on some fools.

    Keep it clown shoes my friend.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318

    Also! Remember, a direct hit with a tonic will interrupt unhooks and gate opening and totem cleansing. If someone is opening the gate and you're not close enough to smack them with madame butterfly, bottle em in the back of the head and then yank them off if they try to open again