A very simple, but very effective change to Adrenaline

You are fuelled by unexpected energy when on the verge of escape.
Instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150 % of your normal running speed for 5 seconds when the Exit Gates are powered.
Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it should take effect and will activate when freed.
Adrenaline will wake you up if you are asleep when it triggers.
Adrenaline will not activate if exhausted
Causes the Exhausted
Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.
Unique to Meg Thomas until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors
This makes it so it becomes a true exhaustion perk. It will be the only one you run in the game, unless you want to risk being exhausted when the last gen is done. This will mean either the survivor doesn't have any other exhaustion perks to extend chases and waste time, this allowing the killer more time to intervene gens, or it will mean that they exchange in chase time consumption for end game second chances.
So give it a mega nerf? It isn't really that overpowered in the first place...
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It's not a massive nerf, and it is overpowered. The perk still Functions the same. The only difference is you can't run it with exhaustion perks.
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So you’re saying, even after the Exhaustion is gone it doesn’t activate?
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That doesn’t make any sense though.
You wake up from adrenaline..... but you get exhausted... but it won’t activate if you are exhausted...
The whole point of adrenaline is fight or flight mode.
It kinda takes away the meaning.
plus adrenaline doesn’t need a nerf. It rewards survivors for finishing gens and is ONLY activated at end-game.
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Very effective for killers he means. This would kill the perk.
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agreed survivors need a reward for doing the objective , killers dont deserve an ez endgame if the gens were powered
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If you aren't exhausted when the last gen is done it activated and gives you exhaustion. Like using an exhaustion perk.
Adrenaline needs a nerd. Period. It can and often does outright win the game for you. That's not balanced.
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If you're exhausted when the last gen is activated, then Adrenaline doesn't activate.
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No, it wouldn't. Like I said, it becomes an exhaustion perk. You don't run it alongside say, dead hard, or balanced landing like you see commonly. If you do, you risk the perk never activating.
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if adren is op then bbq is same level of op, it rewards killers for doing their objective, or rather "lesser" objective as hooking isnt killing everytime
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Adrenaline is fine. People that uses it are playing the whole match with one less perk at their disposal, try changing your play-style to apply more pressure instead of asking a nerf that isn't remotely necessary.
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The endgame is not an easy win for killers. Especially if they're all alive and at full health, which usually happens with adrenaline. You have to deal with multiple people working on doors with no way of punishing them without playing the 3 only viable killers.
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No, it wouldn't. Like I said, it becomes an exhaustion perk. You don't run it alongside say, dead hard, or balanced landing like you see commonly. If you do, you risk the perk never activating.
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Then Noed is also fine because the people that use it are playing the whole match with one less perk at their disposal.
See the double standard there?
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So lose a perk slot until endgame so never use it at all, and what if you are tunneled the whole game and needed the adrenaline? I don't think anyone else thinks it is a good idea.
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But BBQ doesn't guarantee a down in the same way that Adrenaline guarantees an escape.
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You're not understanding it. The perk will still activate as long as you're not exhausted. All it means is that it becomes an exhaustion perk. You trade shorter chases for a guaranteed escape at the end game.
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Say someone has Adrenaline and Dead Hard, and is tunneled the whole game. They are at the verge of a window and are downed. They are already exhausted, but the exit gates are opened. However, because you didn't get adrenaline's effect, you are now being facecamped. Adrenaline isn't OP at all, you could get healed and only a 5 second boost. your exhaustion is refreshed so you have to spend 40 seconds of rest to use other perks again, and this rewards hard work. It does not need a nerf.
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No it isn't. It awards the player the benefit because they have gotten to that point. If the killer can't kill someone at that point, who's fault is it other than his/her. It awards the survivors good play, and loses the game for the killer, which is answered because of their poor play.
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Then you shouldn't have used the dead hard and waited for the gen to pop. You can't complain about balanced not working when you already used your sprint burst. This is the same point.
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You don't understand. The perk is still useable at the endgame. This just means that you can't combine it with other exhaustion perks, meaning that previous chases will be shorter, and give the killer more time to intervene gens.
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You don't understand either. I'm not talking about your change, but that it isn't overpowered in the slightest and doesn't need a change. Killers are punished for their poor play, and if anything, just run NOED and see if you maybe can get 1 or 2. I just respectfully disagree.
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Yes, it is. It's basically a perk that says "pick this perk and you get a free escape at the end of the game"
You're not supposed to get anything for free at any point in the game. This was the problem with the old DS. It was a free escape just for existing. Same with adrenaline and noed, both of which shouldn't exist.
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Not exactly. NOED is only useful in the endgame if multiple survivors are still alive. If that’s the case, then the killer has done a bad job. Adrenaline rewards survivors for doing their objective. No one escapes death rewards killers who have failed. So in that respect they are very different
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More like "pick this perk and get your deserved escape since you were running 3 perks and yet killer didn't manage to kill you".
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Yet at the same time, Noed has a clear counter and adrenaline does not. Do totems and noed is useless. Tell me where the counter to Adrenaline is.
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Tell me where the counter to Adrenaline is.
The counter is to kill them before they pop the last gen.
NOED also helps, and if they cleanse the totems to prevent it then you got even more time to kill them.
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How does this kill adrenaline. Tell me.
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How about leaving it as it is, except that you need to hold a Med-Kit at the point that the Perk activates in order to get the free heal?
You'll still sprint and cause & ignore Exhaustion.
This is just me making up stuff for fun btw, I do that sometimes.
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I mean come on, it awards the survivor for playing well and punishes the killer for playing poorly. What else do you want? It's a 50/50 perk, and A KILLER should be able to kill all 4 before the game ends, if someone can't do it, well onto the next game.
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The issue is adrenaline has no counter. This gives it a counter by taking away other exhaustion perks, and shortening chases. Giving the killer more time to intervene gens
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Oh I forgot about the super easy and universal counter "just kill them all"
All the world's problems are solved and this game is now balanced, thank you. NOED is balanced now, cause you just have to not get hit. Same with rancor, just escape. It's easy
But BBQ doesn't guarantee a kill the same way Adrenaline guarantees an escape. To top it off, BBQ has so many counters its only real use is the BP bonus. Adrenaline has no counters.
Considering who holds the power role in this game, it's amazing to me more people don't see that there needs to be less guaranteed ######### in this game. You have so many second chances that getting any kills against an optimal team is nearly impossible.
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Yes let's nerf the perks that actually reward the survivors for playing well. The counterplay to Adrenaline is to just not let the gens get done it's simple.
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Can we please stop touching survivor perks to nerf them? Since MoM we don't have busted survivor perks anymore. Swf is the only issue here, not adrenalin.
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Saying "The counter to Adrenaline is don't let the gens get done" is the same as saying "The counter to Noed is don't get hit." or "The counter to camping is don't get downed"
Do you see how stupid that is?
We'll stop touching survivors when they are actually balanced. The reason we see so many survivor nerfs and so few killer nerfs is because since the creation of this game Killers have been extremely underpowered. Only now are we starting to see an actual balance of power, and that's why everyone on the survivor side is getting salty.
9 times out of 10 a new survivor perk brought in is game breaking. That's why they get changed so much.
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If only it were that simple at high ranks against good survivors. It’s not like generators are hard to complete even while being pressured.
I don’t agree with nerfing Adrenaline though, since stuff like NOED, Rancor, and Blood Warden counter it anyways. But framing it as a “reward for playing well” is a bit silly. It’s a second chance perk.
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Second response cause it deserves it. No busted survivor perks? Dead Hard guarantees a loop when you wouldn't get one, making your mistake mean nothing. Decisive Strike makes it so you can play stupid and get caught, but get a free escape regardless, making your mistake mean nothing. Adrenaline makes it so you can guarantee your escape when the gens are done, no matter what the killer does, making any mistake you've made mean nothing.
See the pattern? You have so many second chance perks that it makes it nearly impossible to capitalize on survivor mistakes, something that is, especially lately with all the killer power nerfs that have hit, the only way for a killer to win. You take that away, and you take away the only way for a killer to win. That's why you guys hate Nurse so much, because she reverses the role. You have to capitalize on her mistakes, and she gets to dictate the flow of the game. You hate that, and then you don't see the issue when you do it to us.
See the issue? Probably not.
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Like seriously everyone play Spirit/Nurse with crazy stuff and you now want also nerf survivor's again, NO ONE EVEN PLAY SURVIVORS they're definition of #########. Rly man just GIT GUD
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While I agree Adren needs some sort of "nerf" I don't think this would be a good idea.
I just think that the insta-heal effect needs some sort of prerequisite. I suggested elsewhere that you should need something like 5k BP before you can get it. But you would get the speed boost/exhaustion regardless. This way players need to be active in the game to get the benefit of Adren and since it's BP and not like gens or something, they would need to farm just a little bit before popping the last gen, which means a longer game.
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I don't think any of those perks should exist either. Especially Rancor, it's a terribly designed perk and should be outright removed and completely reworked, to not even have a semblance of the same purpose.
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Anyone who's genuine response is just "git gud" doesn't have a valid opinion. Next.
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Replacing it as an exhaustion perk is what extends the game. With Adrenaline being an exhaustion perk that doesn't take effect until the end of the game, they are forced to run without an exhaustion perk for the rest of the game. This makes chases shorter, resulting in quicker hooks, more overall game pressure, and easier snowball potential.
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Why do you think this? What’s so poorly designed about Rancor? It’s strong but there’s also drawbacks, can’t get more balanced than that.
I think perks that help endgame plays for both sides are good for the game, they add variety and give second chances.
This game would get old quick without these perks or endgame plays in general. Most killers don’t have good exit gate pressure.
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As if Adrenaline actually needed a nerf.
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It really needs a nerf... Because op refuses to get good. :)
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I mean it's called ''Adrenaline'' for something , like everybody say just git gud instead of trying to ask for a nerf in the forums
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Fairly straighforward reason for my objection. Exhaustion is one of Meg's own perks, as is Sprint-Burst.
Meg has like most characters a thematic basis for her perks; she is an athlete and her perks are based on her fitness and agility. There is an achievement for using all of her unique/teachable perks in a match and escaping.
Looking at all of the unique perks for each character, some have better synergy together than others, yet not one of them actively conflict or cancel-out another: https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Perks
If this proposed change were to happen, it would be the first time this did happen: that a character's unique perks were actively co-detrimental. With Meg in particular, there is an issue of adding restrictions to perks which already have them. Sprint-Burst has no separate button to activate it: in order to conserve it the player must forgo running until it's needed. Adrenaline will cause exhaustion even if no healing or movement is done when it activates, hindering the use of Sprint-Burst.
So if this suggestion were used by the devs, it would no longer be possible to object when it was done to other characters and perks on the basis of how it destroys their theme or creates conflicts between their unique perks. I am a killer-partisan: I am of course thinking of the devastation that could be wrought on killers if it were possible to change their unique perks in the same way.
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I get to kill two birds with one stone, awesome.
Anyone who unironically says "git gud" in response to a nerf suggestion doesn't have a valid opinion. Next.
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You tell me what needs a nerf then.
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Not only do you just get to outright kill the obsession, something you didn't earn at all, but you also get to instant down them, and know where they're at. You didn't earn any of that.