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Mods: Is there a way to block someone on here?



  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    Slap_Chop said:
    Slap_Chop said:
    Slap_Chop said:

    Rebel, you know we go way back and i have love for you, but you gatta stop letting a certain someone access your #########...

    He's stirring the ######### pot and your going to be the one licking the spoon babe.

    Nice twitch pic too by the way. Sexy as always. How's that F13 ban coming along lmao

    How do you know these things lmao
    And when did you get here?!! The ban is what it is, they can eat a dick. Did you watch the stream earlier?
    Didn't get a chance to
    By the time I drug my ass in there his stream was a recap I guess lol
    I'll go watch it later.

    So this doesn't seem like your normal kinda trouble ;) lol... Care to elaborate?
    Lazy lazy. But no, no need to elaborate, you already know how this ######### goes lol 
    Yes, yes i do. 
    Oh, the wife said hi the way
    When you gonna be on the game again?
    I'll be on tomorrow night 😁 and tell her I said herro lol 
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @SovererignKing said:
    Lowbei said:

    SovererignKing said:

    Lowbei said:

    SovererignKing said:

    Baphomett said:

    Given the number of blatant bait posts, posts with curses in the title, and outright player abuse, I'm fairly convinced there are no actual moderators on these forums anymore.  

    Murf sent me a warning for name calling. I guess straight up being an ######### as much as possible and doing nothing but trolling is allowed. 

    I warned you to stop being so rude.

    Murf is a good mod.

    Yeah, cause apparently doing nothing but ######### posting and calling everyone ######### at the game unless they kiss your ass is perfectly acceptable. 

    I dont know what “######### posting” means, but apparently its any time that @SovererignKing gets embarrassed and salty.
    EpicFailTryHard said:

    the benefits of sucking up to mods.  get to work, yo.  

    do not tell the mods how to do their jobs. thats rude and against the forum rules.

    IE : Not contributing to the post or discussion. You don’t give helpful tips or try to discuss anything. All you do is insult everyone you can and offer no meaningful thoughts. Not surprised you don’t know what “######### posting” is. You’re completely incapable of actual intelligent conversation. 

    Actually ######### posts are meant to be satirical or comedic. If you say someone spends their time being an ass according to you; just say they’re ASS POSTING

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Lowbei said:
    Nobody cares about your salty drama. Stop having a meltdown on our forum.

    Also, please send your boyfriend to make a new account to get all butthurt at us again. That was hilarious.

    Wait, what? Can you link me please? :')

  • F_Demiside
    F_Demiside Member Posts: 44
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    ### is going on here?! Holy #########, this got out of control.

    When i think for what ridiculous stuff i got banned on the steam forum...

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited July 2018
    I was just curious who this thread was about and watched someone getting cucked.

    I sincerely love the chaos on this forum.
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    I was just curious who this thread was about and watched someone getting cucked.

    I sincerely love the chaos on this forum.
    Me too 
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    Even I am oddly entertained by the direction this has gone lol
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Even I am oddly entertained by the direction this has gone lol
    We all like drama even if it’s just a little bit lol
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Lowbei said:
    Nobody cares about your salty drama. Stop having a meltdown on our forum.

    Also, please send your boyfriend to make a new account to get all butthurt at us again. That was hilarious.

    Oh #########, she really did it?

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    ThePloopz said:
    Even I am oddly entertained by the direction this has gone lol
    We all like drama even if it’s just a little bit lol
    Lol indeed! by all means, enjoy 😸 
  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611

    Eventually you learn to live in this Salt, maybe even thrive from it. To do so you must open your heart and let it pour in. Let it flow freely from your veins and consume your flesh. When you breathe do not gasp for air but the sweet pungent odour of the Salt! Become what you hate and experience a deeper understanding of life! Be free my friend and live as your destiny demands!

    May you know no pain, no emotional struggles in life! Praise be to our chalky, benevolent Salt!

    My heart is already open to the wrong things. I mean, I doubt it's surprising to hear of mentally challenged players. I am one of them. I suffer with highly functioning autism and depression, with a possible case of narcissistic personality disorder. Those mentally challenged wouldn't see it as clearly as a well minded player. I take every insult as a personal attack and let too much get to me. I'm very fragile, as our a lot of people in the gaming community. So Lowbei's comments do come off as personal attacks sometimes and as meaningless as the whining posts he hates so much. But some can shake him off, others like me can't.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited July 2018
    Tsulan said:

    ######### is going on here?! Holy #########, this got out of control.

    When i think for what ridiculous stuff i got banned on the steam forum...

    Meanwhile on many Steam forums.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    Jesus. ######### like this is why I dropped forums in the first place and opted for anonymous posting.

    Every forum has those members who need to make it all about them. I dont know what I expected of the dbd community. I guess having expectations at all was my miatake.
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Jesus. ######### like this is why I dropped forums in the first place and opted for anonymous posting.

    Every forum has those members who need to make it all about them. I dont know what I expected of the dbd community. I guess having expectations at all was my miatake.
    Yes it was lol this is still the Internet after all
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    If someone is being harassed, trolled and followed around through the forum by select individuals, is there some way to just block said individuals? Having to see other people's discussions Having nothing to do with the conflicting parties get derailed by people following someone just to harass and troll them is bad enough... but seeing the same individuals continue to do so to many other members of the forum has reached the point of being out right pathetic. Blocking someone and not having to see their comments or have them tag your name in comments and such sound be something of a necessity rather than simply flagging which the forum rules clearly state does not bring any immediate attention. Letting people avoid conflict prevents issues from escalating. 
    What pathetic is you just can’t stop 🛑 
    your the biggest troll here
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Paddy4583 said:
    ShesArebel88 said:

    If someone is being harassed, trolled and followed around through the forum by select individuals, is there some way to just block said individuals? Having to see other people's discussions Having nothing to do with the conflicting parties get derailed by people following someone just to harass and troll them is bad enough... but seeing the same individuals continue to do so to many other members of the forum has reached the point of being out right pathetic. Blocking someone and not having to see their comments or have them tag your name in comments and such sound be something of a necessity rather than simply flagging which the forum rules clearly state does not bring any immediate attention. Letting people avoid conflict prevents issues from escalating. 

    What pathetic is you just can’t stop 🛑 
    your the biggest troll here

    Well hello there Paddy! Was wondering when you were going to stop by 😸...

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    @Paddy4583 said:
    ShesArebel88 said:

    If someone is being harassed, trolled and followed around through the forum by select individuals, is there some way to just block said individuals? Having to see other people's discussions Having nothing to do with the conflicting parties get derailed by people following someone just to harass and troll them is bad enough... but seeing the same individuals continue to do so to many other members of the forum has reached the point of being out right pathetic. Blocking someone and not having to see their comments or have them tag your name in comments and such sound be something of a necessity rather than simply flagging which the forum rules clearly state does not bring any immediate attention. Letting people avoid conflict prevents issues from escalating. 

    What pathetic is you just can’t stop 🛑 
    your the biggest troll here

    Well hello there Paddy! Was wondering when you were going to stop by 😸...

    Just popping into to get me dose from the well spoken intellect, why were you wondering the post is baiting 
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Paddy4583 said:
    ShesArebel88 said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    ShesArebel88 said:

    If someone is being harassed, trolled and followed around through the forum by select individuals, is there some way to just block said individuals? Having to see other people's discussions Having nothing to do with the conflicting parties get derailed by people following someone just to harass and troll them is bad enough... but seeing the same individuals continue to do so to many other members of the forum has reached the point of being out right pathetic. Blocking someone and not having to see their comments or have them tag your name in comments and such sound be something of a necessity rather than simply flagging which the forum rules clearly state does not bring any immediate attention. Letting people avoid conflict prevents issues from escalating. 
    What pathetic is you just can’t stop 🛑 

    your the biggest troll here

    Well hello there Paddy! Was wondering when you were going to stop by 😸...

    Just popping into to get me dose from the well spoken intellect, why were you wondering the post is baiting 

    Sorry to disappoint lol
    There's more to this "discussion" having even being made in the first place... Along with some comments made on my behalf too. But this is in fact the internet lol it happens

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    sure what you’re trying to communicate there.

    The way I see it is if you come for someone and they come for you back it’s not harassment.

    though consistently trying to come up with ways to silence and punish people is pretty toxic and like attracts like.

    if you were consistent and could rise above the bait you wouldn’t be trolled so much.
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Paddy4583 said:
    sure what you’re trying to communicate there.

    The way I see it is if you come for someone and they come for you back it’s not harassment.

    though consistently trying to come up with ways to silence and punish people is pretty toxic and like attracts like.

    if you were consistent and could rise above the bait you wouldn’t be trolled so much.

    My profile was compromised in other words... But has since been resolved. Not going to even attempt to try to sift through everything in attempts to clarify misconceptions (because hey its the internet and its not like it even matters anyway lol) but in regard to that discussion where you and I had our first encounter, it was just an idea as a way to protect people such as my cousin who has mental and behavioral issues that make him suffer greatly when verbally abused... So it was an issue close to me if that makes sense. I get a little smartassey when discussing such matters lol that's on me and is what it is lol.

  • Slap_Chop
    Slap_Chop Member Posts: 25

    @Paddy4583 said:
    sure what you’re trying to communicate there.

    The way I see it is if you come for someone and they come for you back it’s not harassment.

    though consistently trying to come up with ways to silence and punish people is pretty toxic and like attracts like.

    if you were consistent and could rise above the bait you wouldn’t be trolled so much.

    My profile was compromised in other words... But has since been resolved. Not going to even attempt to try to sift through everything in attempts to clarify misconceptions (because hey its the internet and its not like it even matters anyway lol) but in regard to that discussion where you and I had our first encounter, it was just an idea as a way to protect people such as my cousin who has mental and behavioral issues that make him suffer greatly when verbally abused... So it was an issue close to me if that makes sense. I get a little smartassey when discussing such matters lol that's on me and is what it is lol.

    Lol yea it happens to the best of us. Want me to call out said individual?
    You know I have no shame
    I'll enjoy it actually, We can troll the troll!
    It will make our friendship stronger lol ;)
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    Slap_Chop said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    sure what you’re trying to communicate there.

    The way I see it is if you come for someone and they come for you back it’s not harassment.

    though consistently trying to come up with ways to silence and punish people is pretty toxic and like attracts like.

    if you were consistent and could rise above the bait you wouldn’t be trolled so much.

    My profile was compromised in other words... But has since been resolved. Not going to even attempt to try to sift through everything in attempts to clarify misconceptions (because hey its the internet and its not like it even matters anyway lol) but in regard to that discussion where you and I had our first encounter, it was just an idea as a way to protect people such as my cousin who has mental and behavioral issues that make him suffer greatly when verbally abused... So it was an issue close to me if that makes sense. I get a little smartassey when discussing such matters lol that's on me and is what it is lol.

    Lol yea it happens to the best of us. Want me to call out said individual?
    You know I have no shame
    I'll enjoy it actually, We can troll the troll!
    It will make our friendship stronger lol ;)
    Its a tempting offer but no lol
    Sad enough that snowflake got any attention to begin with... 
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    What am I crying about? Oh right, you’re one of Lowbie’s ass kissers. You’re just here to drop some pointless meme. 
  • Slap_Chop
    Slap_Chop Member Posts: 25
    Slap_Chop said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    sure what you’re trying to communicate there.

    The way I see it is if you come for someone and they come for you back it’s not harassment.

    though consistently trying to come up with ways to silence and punish people is pretty toxic and like attracts like.

    if you were consistent and could rise above the bait you wouldn’t be trolled so much.

    My profile was compromised in other words... But has since been resolved. Not going to even attempt to try to sift through everything in attempts to clarify misconceptions (because hey its the internet and its not like it even matters anyway lol) but in regard to that discussion where you and I had our first encounter, it was just an idea as a way to protect people such as my cousin who has mental and behavioral issues that make him suffer greatly when verbally abused... So it was an issue close to me if that makes sense. I get a little smartassey when discussing such matters lol that's on me and is what it is lol.

    Lol yea it happens to the best of us. Want me to call out said individual?
    You know I have no shame
    I'll enjoy it actually, We can troll the troll!
    It will make our friendship stronger lol ;)
    Its a tempting offer but no lol
    Sad enough that snowflake got any attention to begin with... 

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    Eventually you learn to live in this Salt, maybe even thrive from it. To do so you must open your heart and let it pour in. Let it flow freely from your veins and consume your flesh. When you breathe do not gasp for air but the sweet pungent odour of the Salt! Become what you hate and experience a deeper understanding of life! Be free my friend and live as your destiny demands!

    May you know no pain, no emotional struggles in life! Praise be to our chalky, benevolent Salt!

    My heart is already open to the wrong things. I mean, I doubt it's surprising to hear of mentally challenged players. I am one of them. I suffer with highly functioning autism and depression, with a possible case of narcissistic personality disorder. Those mentally challenged wouldn't see it as clearly as a well minded player. I take every insult as a personal attack and let too much get to me. I'm very fragile, as our a lot of people in the gaming community. So Lowbei's comments do come off as personal attacks sometimes and as meaningless as the whining posts he hates so much. But some can shake him off, others like me can't.
    You are ok :)
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Lowbei said:
    JammyJewels said:

    MegaWaffle said:

    Eventually you learn to live in this Salt, maybe even thrive from it. To do so you must open your heart and let it pour in. Let it flow freely from your veins and consume your flesh. When you breathe do not gasp for air but the sweet pungent odour of the Salt! Become what you hate and experience a deeper understanding of life! Be free my friend and live as your destiny demands!

    May you know no pain, no emotional struggles in life! Praise be to our chalky, benevolent Salt!

    My heart is already open to the wrong things. I mean, I doubt it's surprising to hear of mentally challenged players. I am one of them. I suffer with highly functioning autism and depression, with a possible case of narcissistic personality disorder. Those mentally challenged wouldn't see it as clearly as a well minded player. I take every insult as a personal attack and let too much get to me. I'm very fragile, as our a lot of people in the gaming community. So Lowbei's comments do come off as personal attacks sometimes and as meaningless as the whining posts he hates so much. But some can shake him off, others like me can't.

    You are ok :)

    See we can all get along :p

  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149

    What the ######### is going on here

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    Slap_Chop said:
    Slap_Chop said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    sure what you’re trying to communicate there.

    The way I see it is if you come for someone and they come for you back it’s not harassment.

    though consistently trying to come up with ways to silence and punish people is pretty toxic and like attracts like.

    if you were consistent and could rise above the bait you wouldn’t be trolled so much.

    My profile was compromised in other words... But has since been resolved. Not going to even attempt to try to sift through everything in attempts to clarify misconceptions (because hey its the internet and its not like it even matters anyway lol) but in regard to that discussion where you and I had our first encounter, it was just an idea as a way to protect people such as my cousin who has mental and behavioral issues that make him suffer greatly when verbally abused... So it was an issue close to me if that makes sense. I get a little smartassey when discussing such matters lol that's on me and is what it is lol.

    Lol yea it happens to the best of us. Want me to call out said individual?
    You know I have no shame
    I'll enjoy it actually, We can troll the troll!
    It will make our friendship stronger lol ;)
    Its a tempting offer but no lol
    Sad enough that snowflake got any attention to begin with... 

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    What am I crying about? Oh right, you’re one of Lowbie’s ass kissers. You’re just here to drop some pointless meme. 
    nobody kisses my ass. just because you got all butthurt at one person doesnt mean that everyone who disagrees with you is doing so for that person.
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    guest602 said:

    What the [BAD WORD] is going on here

    Just typical run of the mill fuckery lol
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    @guest602 said:
    What the [BAD WORD] is going on here

    Just your average day in the DBD forums.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611
    Lowbei said:

    Eventually you learn to live in this Salt, maybe even thrive from it. To do so you must open your heart and let it pour in. Let it flow freely from your veins and consume your flesh. When you breathe do not gasp for air but the sweet pungent odour of the Salt! Become what you hate and experience a deeper understanding of life! Be free my friend and live as your destiny demands!

    May you know no pain, no emotional struggles in life! Praise be to our chalky, benevolent Salt!

    My heart is already open to the wrong things. I mean, I doubt it's surprising to hear of mentally challenged players. I am one of them. I suffer with highly functioning autism and depression, with a possible case of narcissistic personality disorder. Those mentally challenged wouldn't see it as clearly as a well minded player. I take every insult as a personal attack and let too much get to me. I'm very fragile, as our a lot of people in the gaming community. So Lowbei's comments do come off as personal attacks sometimes and as meaningless as the whining posts he hates so much. But some can shake him off, others like me can't.
    You are ok :)
    So are you.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    Lowbei said:
    What am I crying about? Oh right, you’re one of Lowbie’s ass kissers. You’re just here to drop some pointless meme. 
    nobody kisses my ass. just because you got all butthurt at one person doesnt mean that everyone who disagrees with you is doing so for that person.
    Sure, that’s just why where ever you are posting crap, @Theploopz and @F_Demiside are sure to follow. @ThePloopz is actually quite punctual about it. Usually no more than 3 post behind you. 
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited July 2018
    Lowbei said:

    Eventually you learn to live in this Salt, maybe even thrive from it. To do so you must open your heart and let it pour in. Let it flow freely from your veins and consume your flesh. When you breathe do not gasp for air but the sweet pungent odour of the Salt! Become what you hate and experience a deeper understanding of life! Be free my friend and live as your destiny demands!

    May you know no pain, no emotional struggles in life! Praise be to our chalky, benevolent Salt!

    My heart is already open to the wrong things. I mean, I doubt it's surprising to hear of mentally challenged players. I am one of them. I suffer with highly functioning autism and depression, with a possible case of narcissistic personality disorder. Those mentally challenged wouldn't see it as clearly as a well minded player. I take every insult as a personal attack and let too much get to me. I'm very fragile, as our a lot of people in the gaming community. So Lowbei's comments do come off as personal attacks sometimes and as meaningless as the whining posts he hates so much. But some can shake him off, others like me can't.
    You are ok :)
    So are you.
    You did it, you tamed the monster, you are the chosen one. 
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited July 2018
    Lowbei said:
    What am I crying about? Oh right, you’re one of Lowbie’s ass kissers. You’re just here to drop some pointless meme. 
    nobody kisses my ass. just because you got all butthurt at one person doesnt mean that everyone who disagrees with you is doing so for that person.
    Sure, that’s just why where ever you are posting crap, @Theploopz and @F_Demiside are sure to follow. @ThePloopz is actually quite punctual about it. Usually no more than 3 post behind you. 
    Damn you’re still salty I disagreed with you lmaoo ok keep on crying then. Silly boy
  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    @Jack11803 said:
    Silencing is just asking for more issues. And lowbei isn’t stalking you. Just like me, he’s an omnipresent force on these forums. I wouldn’t give my self the flattery of saying I’m worth stalking.

    You're worth blocking though ;)

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    This discussion is now giving off a "saltaholocs anonymous" vibe lol let it all out people... Let it alllll out 😹😹😹

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010

    This discussion is now giving off a "saltaholocs anonymous" vibe lol let it all out people... Let it alllll out 😹😹😹

    Some of it is old stuff that people are still salty about for some reason lol
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @ThePloopz said:
    ShesArebel88 said:

    This discussion is now giving off a "saltaholocs anonymous" vibe lol let it all out people... Let it alllll out 😹😹😹

    Some of it is old stuff that people are still salty about for some reason lol

    There's so much new salt being thrown tho!! Oh the possibilities 😹

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited July 2018

    @ThePloopz said:
    ShesArebel88 said:

    This discussion is now giving off a "saltaholocs anonymous" vibe lol let it all out people... Let it alllll out 😹😹😹

    Some of it is old stuff that people are still salty about for some reason lol

    There's so much new salt being thrown tho!! Oh the possibilities 😹

    Honestly these forums can be more interesting/entertaining than the actual game at times
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    *When the salt is so strong it stings

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @ThePloopz said:
    ShesArebel88 said:

    @ThePloopz said:

    ShesArebel88 said:

    This discussion is now giving off a "saltaholocs anonymous" vibe lol let it all out people... Let it alllll out 😹😹😹

    Some of it is old stuff that people are still salty about for some reason lol

    There's so much new salt being thrown tho!! Oh the possibilities 😹

    Honestly these forums can be more interesting/entertaining than the actual game at times

    Sad but true lol 😸

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    ThePloopz said:
    Lowbei said:
    What am I crying about? Oh right, you’re one of Lowbie’s ass kissers. You’re just here to drop some pointless meme. 
    nobody kisses my ass. just because you got all butthurt at one person doesnt mean that everyone who disagrees with you is doing so for that person.
    Sure, that’s just why where ever you are posting crap, @Theploopz and @F_Demiside are sure to follow. @ThePloopz is actually quite punctual about it. Usually no more than 3 post behind you. 
    Damn you’re still salty I disagreed with you lmaoo ok keep on crying then. Silly boy
    Nope, not salty at all. Why would I be salty? I’m perfectly fine knowing I’m not like some garbage person(s) who find enjoyment in the misfortune of other, as well as actively try and make others miserable by trolling them. 
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited July 2018
    ThePloopz said:
    Lowbei said:
    What am I crying about? Oh right, you’re one of Lowbie’s ass kissers. You’re just here to drop some pointless meme. 
    nobody kisses my ass. just because you got all butthurt at one person doesnt mean that everyone who disagrees with you is doing so for that person.
    Sure, that’s just why where ever you are posting crap, @Theploopz and @F_Demiside are sure to follow. @ThePloopz is actually quite punctual about it. Usually no more than 3 post behind you. 
    Damn you’re still salty I disagreed with you lmaoo ok keep on crying then. Silly boy
    Nope, not salty at all. Why would I be salty? I’m perfectly fine knowing I’m not like some garbage person(s) who find enjoyment in the misfortune of other, as well as actively try and make others miserable by trolling them. 
    You clearly are salty because you keep crying about the same thing that happened what weeks ago at this point, so obviously you have not gotten over it yet. Don’t worry though I’m certain you’ll grow out of this type of behavior eventually.
  • Slap_Chop
    Slap_Chop Member Posts: 25

    Have to give @Slaytanicus_1987 some props tho for going all "white knight" to defend his woman's honor!
    There aren't many men out there who actually respect women now days
    Chivalry does still exist ladies ;)

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    lol in here

  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234
    Slap_Chop said:

    Have to give @Slaytanicus_1987 some props tho for going all "white knight" to defend his woman's honor!
    There aren't many men out there who actually respect women now days
    Chivalry does still exist ladies ;)

    He didn't know what was going on which makes his chivalry even more amazing 😸 up voting this for chivalry sake
  • ShesArebel88
    ShesArebel88 Member Posts: 234

    @Lowbei said:
    lol in here

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited July 2018
    ThePloopz said:
    ThePloopz said:
    Lowbei said:
    What am I crying about? Oh right, you’re one of Lowbie’s ass kissers. You’re just here to drop some pointless meme. 
    nobody kisses my ass. just because you got all butthurt at one person doesnt mean that everyone who disagrees with you is doing so for that person.
    Sure, that’s just why where ever you are posting crap, @Theploopz and @F_Demiside are sure to follow. @ThePloopz is actually quite punctual about it. Usually no more than 3 post behind you. 
    Damn you’re still salty I disagreed with you lmaoo ok keep on crying then. Silly boy
    Nope, not salty at all. Why would I be salty? I’m perfectly fine knowing I’m not like some garbage person(s) who find enjoyment in the misfortune of other, as well as actively try and make others miserable by trolling them. 
    You clearly are salty because you keep crying about the same thing that happened what weeks ago at this point, so obviously you have not gotten over it yet. Don’t worry though I’m certain you’ll grow out of this type of behavior eventually.
    Grow out of being a decent human being? Nah, not likely. Sincerely hope you and the others learn to grow up yourselves and stop acting like grade school kids who desperately need validation of their egos by belittling others to feel big and strong.