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Killers are OP ASF!!

My whole house has one by one uninstall this game. Great concept poorly executed. I don’t care what perk you put one your going to get killed... unless you don’t save your friends and do generators. I understand it’s not all about surviving it’s about how much you contribute to your team and get chased but when all killers have perks like you do and have extra extras to them as well like throwing axes and spitting vomet or how about this putting a contraption on your head so now you have to drop the aspect of escaping an now you have more of a chance dying . It’s OOOOPPPPPPP and not very fun anymore. A killer can literally be on you in seconds swinging from literally 90 miles away and still hitting you. SLOW THE KILLERS DOWN. Show the survivors some love. Cut the face camping out to where you can actually take someone off the hook and not pay for it. I don’t care what anyone says if the killers hangs around a hooked body your defiantly going to get hooked again shortly after being rescued. Anyway games broken I’m done. Take the survivors out and just make this killer vs killer. Super unbalanced and everyone I play with says the same thing. I pretty sure someone will make a better version of this game and make it stable


  • killEr003
    killEr003 Member Posts: 19

    That last part I don't agree with. It's too much about learning ######### tactics that honestly ruin the immersion. I agree though about the lore. I love it.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Not necessarily, I was just mentioning that the game was not impossible to play. And people can play chaser or immerse as they wish. :)

  • Jaypierera1231
    Jaypierera1231 Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for the friendly input. I’ll look some stuff up YouTube. But man it can be a bit frustrating when I feel like the point of running is useless. They seem so much faster and to top it off the spirit and legion are by far the fastest and almost un jukeable. My son played killer for the first time and wiped the survivors out with one perk and 5 generators still to go.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Yikes yeah, play more and definitely watch videos. Most new people will feel like killers are OP and it's impossible to survive, but seriously if you stay with the game you'll learn soon enough that the survivors definitely have the upper hand against most killers 😪

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    You're new right? Play more trust me and look up guides about looping n stuff. Killer feels OP to newer players most of the time. That will change.

  • MarksmanSpecal
    MarksmanSpecal Member Posts: 117

    Wouldnt be surprised, if u just started with DBD.

    First of all, this game isnt really good in taking new players at the hand and showing them what to do.

    Playing at the lower ranks will make u feel, the killer is horrible op. Just cause of the reason, he´s faster than u, and the lack of good perks. This means, u barely have anything to counter perkwise, are really in need of other survivors to heal for example, and as the other survivors are also quite new, this becomes stressy.

    As NuclearBurrito explained, there are much possibilities for survivors, to slow down the killer by forcing him to go around obstacles where a survivor can vault through.

    If time goes by and u are more used to the chase machanics of DBD and proceed to higher ranks, u´ll find at some point a quite balanced gameplay.

    As u mentioned, your son played killer for the first time with just one perk (means to me Rank 20, first game), and did a 4k - 5 Gen, i can guarantee u, playin at red ranks switches this complete, and most killers feel unviable, not to say power- and useless. Playin a ######### map against a good team will result in 0k - 5 Gens done. Also, the learing curve is, imho, for killers a flatter one at the beginning than for survivors. Playing killer means at the beginning, u dont need to do mindgames, u r faster, so u always catch up (cause survivors dont know how to loop).

    I would suggest, to have a look into basic tutorial videos from YT, for example OhTofu did some vids how to use pallets and jungle gyms. Try to learn the different powers of the killers, and how to counter it. For example, Wraith gets a lil sprintburst when uncloacking, or Pig has a dash attack, where she´s sprinting to you. But, she has to crouch to trigger this attack. With this in your mind u can make decisions, for example leaving a certain loop and running to another one to counter the dash.

    Than, get used u turn around your cam while being chased, some of my friends got really headfucked by turning the cam, lookin backwards and kept running into walls and trees ^^

    And last but not least, try to get good perks. This means, level up survivors till their perk is teachable, unlock it and get this perk with your "main" char. Survivors have no certain power, means, no matter which one of the chars you´re gonna main, they are all the same and differ just with their clothings. This means - for example - play and invest the earned BP into Meg for Adrenaline, a great meta-perk. Same with Nea for Balanced Landing, or David King for Dead Hard. Maybe invest BP into Jake for Iron Will, and so on.

    And than bump all your BP´s into your main chair to get the unlocked perks and be able to play with a useful build. Spoiler: the grind is ridicolous, even more, if u decide to play killer as well.

    Just saying, learning this game and getting good perks will last "a few hours" ^^

  • Farlan
    Farlan Member Posts: 11

    It's an asymmetrical multiplayer the killer is supposed to be stronger than survivors. Just practice the game until you're good at it and it's (mostly) well balanced

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    Unbalanced in favor of the killer tho? That can't be right...

  • Farlan
    Farlan Member Posts: 11

    it's a 1 v 4 how would it make sense to make the 1 weaker than the 4

  • Jaypierera1231
    Jaypierera1231 Member Posts: 3

    Well said fellas. I am new to the game and really love it. I’m shocked that most of the people that commented on my crying rant where very nice and welcoming. I will continue to play. Just need to be a little more crafty I guess and pay some serious attention to my perks. I know if I have any questions I can come here and not be punished for it lol

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited July 2019

    What? No flames?

    Damn I'm disappointed.

    But good luck mate! Just don't expect to get winning streaks right away. You will, at some point. Until then, be persistent!

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    The longer you play, the more you will realize that survivors have all the power. If you're feeling otherwise, it's because you didn't bring in the right perks to the trial.

    Even perkless, though, survivors have a high escape rate once they know what they're doing. As things stand, get yourself Self-Care on whatever survivor you like. You won't necessarily need it at higher levels, but it really helps as a safety net while learning.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Probably best Youtubers to learn from are Puppers, Monto, Trut3lent. No0b3 as long as you can deal with his language, but he is really entertaining. Good luck, both sides are really equal once you learn how to play both sides ;)

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    Low rank survivor solo play is painful as painful can be.

    Once you get the fundamentals down, it's not as rough.

    It feels good if you waste the killer in a minute-long chase and your team gets 2-3 gens done!

    You will have done your job right. :)

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    Conversely, distracting the killer for a long time and no generators getting done is one of the worst feelings in the world.

    Made even that much worse if you get basement hooked and your team proceeds to suicide in their attempt to save you.

    Makes anyone want to uninstall, I tell 'ya!


  • JnnsMu
    JnnsMu Member Posts: 249

    Seems like you haven't played for too long. Yes, bad killer players perform better than bad survivor players. No, killer is not OP. Just play killer, 4k your way to ranks 5-1 and you'll see how much survivors can do in this game. As for playing against Spirit and Legion: I understand that you're struggling with that. Both of these killers have tools that make them rather unconventional. When playing against Spirit, you have to be careful when she stands still and you should try not to be predictable. When playing against Legion, the point isn't not to get hit by his power. The point is to not hit when his power expires. Yes, Legion get's a free hit on you but he cant down you while his power is active. In terms of powerlevel, this just doesnt compare to billy's instadown or the Nurse's infinite free hits. Everything in this game has it's counters. Even camping does: just let the personslowly die on hook while the killer wastes his time there and do generators so that that kill is the only one. I get that this game can be frustrating to new players. I would recommend being smart about who to level and definitely getting to know both sides. It can also be helpful to watch some content on twitch or YT or to play with more experienced players. If you like the concept, taking your time to learn this game might very well be worth it.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I played a match against a Hillbilly, on the Pale Rose.

    The Hillbilly learned that I wasn't like other players, I knew loops, how to counter him and not to run in a straight line, he tried for 3 gens and gave up, every time he saw me, he'd scare me off a gen but he would never chase me, nor swing at me, he tried may of times.

    I was a Survivor who had power over a Killer who could down people in one shot, I should never have the power role, but I did.

    I went to save my friend, pulled them off, they escaped and no one saved me because of NOED, he got one kill, I even 4%'d off the hook and tried to Dead Hard away, the door was too far away, he got only one kill, if I never saved, I would have left, I never expected an insta down Killer to have NOED. Huh.

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183



  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Yesterday i had a game where a ghostface found me at the beginning and by the time he downed me there was 1 generator left. I even many to outrun for the whole of his instadown timer. That game ended poorly because he got into a super long chase with a stealth killer. DbD is easy to pick up but hard to master and i'm still learning. At the beginning you will run across killers who think it's best to tunnel and camp, with inexperienced survivors that does ring true. What's worse is the the experienced ones intentionally deranking to bully me people and a imperfect match making system. If you can find people to have private games with you might be able to learn the skills needed in a more forgiving environment.l

  • samer88890
    samer88890 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2019

    They r super bad players but devs made them op now ... they did a pretty gj there

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608

    HybridPanda does some great vids, though he can make some really boneheaded mistakes when playing survivor... but then again, don't we all.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Are you new?

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Your son did that because if it's his first time picking up killer its also the survivors first time picking up survivor and im guessing your son played survivor before killer so he already had that experience therefore the better knowledge of the game wins out which is how it should be (also 20-17 survivors suck at doing gens anyways)

  • MrBriteside2323
    MrBriteside2323 Member Posts: 1

    Anyone who does not agree with the the fact that killers are at this point too op is either a killer main or a Developer. I played a long time and can say that they never give out any good stuff for a survivor. Killers don't even need skill anymore. It used to be so fun to be a survivor. I quite playing not because I wanted to. I suggest anyone who mains survivor do the same. It's the only real solution.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    75% survivor main, killer is not op. Survivors have the power to loop, juke, and gen rush, and have so many great perks. Just learn how to counter killers, will you?

  • Dirtyhennessy
    Dirtyhennessy Member Posts: 3

    Nurse, Spirit and Huntress don't give a damn about your loops. New Freddy,hag and clown have tools to shorten loops. At red ranks all you get to see are the killers that do well against loops.

    A lot of the popular perks in the past where nerfed (some rightfully so) and are left with a fairly niche use (DS and BT).

    In stead of getting most of the killers on the same middle ground like Meyers has been we end up with killers power creeping their way up. Nurse and BIlly have been high tier killers from day one while Trapper and Wraith have consistently been weak. For me Freddy(with blood pools) and Meyers are on a good level and the stronger killers just need to be toned down just a little by either adjusting their base power slightly or toning down the strong addons.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited July 2019

    Survivors have most of the power in the game, especially SWF. It's just inexperience or a refusal to learn from that experience that would make anyone say killers are OP - save OG nurse mains. Still counterable, still difficult.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Will you just stop with the the complaints about killers being op plz. They are not op at all and I'm a killer main and some games I win and others I lose.

    Also either you learn to play better or just go play another game. It's up to you.

    Also everyone else is getting tired of seeing these type of threads about killers being op and survivors being op. So just stop and git gud:D

    Also if you happen to uinstall take my salt:(

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Yes, they can avoid loops, but still playable. There are many survivors that survive against these killers. Nurse, you can take advantage of her fatigue to lose line of sight and distance. Spirit, you can mindgame her easily. Huntress, I find more difficult, but her hatchets can be dodged easily. Freddy, just wake up. Clown, just be unpredictable where you are going and you can dodge the gas. Hag, flashlights and pay attention to where she trapped her pallets. Same with Trapper.

    Just learn, don't just hit the nerf button if people are managing to play against them.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Also I'm going to stop you right there buddy. For one I play both roles mostly killer but I play survivors too. I'm going to guess your new right?

    Also killers are not op. But survivors can juke, drop pallets, rush gens, and body block you.

    Also do not spread your hate towards the game just because your bad at the game doesn't mean you should spread it to other players and expect them to feel the same as you do. So just stop if you don't like it then go Play another game.

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