A very simple, but very effective change to Adrenaline



  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    That's actually completely incorrect.


    Dying light:, kill the obsession for a massive progress slowdown.

    STBFL: Keep the obsession alive but don't hit them

    PLYF: Chase the obsession, keep them alive, don't hit anyone.

  • My_Farewell
    My_Farewell Member Posts: 495

    Anyone who unironically says Adrenaline is a free escape doesn't have a valid opinion.

    The reasons against the nerf have been estated already, but since you can't handle replies which disagree with you then you get our simple but yet effective advice, which is to get good.

    Good luck.

  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    I have literally replied to every comment except one on why their counter wouldn't work. Try giving me actual counter arguments instead of being a dick.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I am aware of this but now explaining my position becomes more complicated, but it's still unchanged. I do not regard Myers' unique perks as originally designed or as they are now to be irredeemably co-detrimental.

    In a nutshell: you're asking me to look at Myers' perks in terms of how they are de facto used and the passive-conflict created by how they are used, rather than thematic consistency and active-conflicts. For clarity: I regard your proposal as introducing an active-conflict between Adrenaline and SB because they would block each other both ways. Currently, Adrenaline blocks SB by triggering Exhaustion but not the other way round; Adrenaline activates even with Exhaustion up. Why this matters is probably the reason why the devs made Adrenaline immune to Exhaustion in the first place: it is already situational to the point where it can not act as a stand-in replacement for another Exhaustion perk. Myers' perks belong in the passive category because all three can be used together and any conflict only goes in one direction, but if you use all three your direction of choice should be killing the Obsession ASAP and the two perks you are aiming to lose assist with that. Getting one person removed very early on usually gaurantees a 4k.

    Now the TL;DR bit.

    STBFL was changed since Myers was released, in my view all of the changes have been progressively worse and unjustifiable.

    STBFL as it was originally: "As long as your Obsession is alive, the cooldown of missed attacks is decreased by 14/18/20 %. The cooldown of successful attacks is decreased by 25/29/33 %."

    It made it easier to kill survivors, but that includes your Obsession. It was regarded as a strong mitigation to hook-swarming that was popular at the time. All of Myers perks enabled the swift killing of the Obsession and if that was made not-possible due to collective survivor behaviour, the build would make Myers(or any killer) much more dangerous to collective survivors. Dying Light provides a deterrant against survivors actively jeopardising the Obsession in order to give themselves an easier time against a killer no longer benefitting from the other perks.

    The changes to STBFL nudged towards the line for me, but do not cross it as your proposal for Adrenaline does.

    These are not unique perks which are conflicting, but presenting different opportunities according to how the match unfolds and who Myers manages to kill, which is rarely within a killer's direct control. If survivors are not being daft, PWYF is not something to be farmed for tokens but part of the decision-making of changing who your target is if it's a choice between the Obsession/Laurie or someone more vulnerable.

    If we go by the changes to STBFL as it is now, we must also consider the co-mutual changes in the Laurie perks, namely DS which has the function of changing who the obsession is. I actually can't find any reference for whether DS still makes someone the Obsession if the original one has already been killed and if so, if it affects how Myers' perks work.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    i can't believe this written today, how you can see that way at firstplace

    this game have noed which most killer pick to obvious counter it

  • dvsmal
    dvsmal Member Posts: 7

    LMAO, adrenaline is op. K.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    But then if the killer has add-ons that inflict exhaustion you can basically get screwed out of your ONLY exhaustion perk. They would basically render Adren completely useless. You're basically just nerfing Adren into oblivion by making that change.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141


  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    Main issues:

    • Add-ons (some yellow and brown, mind you) would counter a one-time use perk in its entirety
    • It wouldn't synergize well with Meg's other perks and her whole idea, really (she's a runner)
    • Adrenaline is a boost. Adrenaline keeps people pushing forward in dire situations. So it paying attention to if you're exhausted doesn't make sense.
    • It doesn't need a nerf.

    Most games you won't make it to end game as survivor. The effectiveness of the perk is largely dependent on the scenario, too.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    Personally, I would LIKE for it to be a buff to the move speed and a removal of the health state. Doesn't make sense thematically imo for the health state. It's not healing, it wakes you up. But doing that would basically just make it Hope. So we could do the opposite. Remove the move speed, keep the health state. It gives a reason to use Hope, and Adrenaline won't be as powerful as it is. I mean we can all agree Hope is pretty much useless because of Adrenaline as is. Or make Hope the health state and Adrenaline the move speed.

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    Exactly, killers shouldn't complain about Adrenaline when they get mad at survivors that complain about Noed and say it's fair.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2019

    @newavitar In real life terms, when adrenaline is rushing through you, you can’t be exhausted.

    Adrenaline is fine. If you feel like there is a problem with it then just use NOED. Survivors hardly ever cleanse totems and then complain about how they got hit with it.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Reading back my last post, I'm really not happy with it but will leave it up.

    I do however regard Myers' perks as originally designed to be equivalent in how they interfere with each other to how Meg's Adrenaline and SB are now: one cancels-out the other, but both don't cancel-out each other. You can use SB all-match and not be worried towards the end of it jeopardising Adrenaline, but Adrenaline will block SB. Myers' perks as they originally were on his release served the same purpose in regards to dealing with grouped-up survivors, even if they hindered each other outside of that.

    My position is consistent if it remains unchanged: I was opposed to all of the changes to Myers' perks at the time and my issue with Meg having her perks made totally co-detrimental just gives me another reason to think they were wrong. The devs should not have made Myers' perks less thematic and more de-synergised.

  • Nosplash
    Nosplash Member Posts: 77

    you just need to get better at the game and then wont feel the need to have adrenaline nerfed. gens are not always all done and if they are, survivors running adrenaline deserve th

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I want to note that just because I disagree with the OP does not mean I think the dishonest arguments being made in this thread are valid.

    Adrenaline has problems and survivors can not defend it as it currently is, at least not on a level playing-field, which is why we're having to read things like 'but whatabout X perk for killers then?'.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    If I were to nerf adrenaline I'd just make it only proc in a chase

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    The idea you have is interesting and to be honest isn't that bad. Just have adrenaline activate after the current exhaustion has ran out and while it's not as good for swf you can kinda control when it goes off in solo play

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    I play both sides (more often killer) with over 2k hours in the game.

    Adrenaline doesn't need to be touched.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213


    People in this thread acting like Adrenaline isn't one of the most used perks in the game because its so easy for Survivors to "genrush" to the end game. Going with one "less" perk for most of the game doesn't matter when you don't need any perks to help you complete your objective, just perks to help you survive and get out.

    I don't think this is a good change but let's not act like Adrenaline is balanced compared to many of the other perks Survivors have access too.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    It doesn't work like that. Those making arguments from experience and expertise are generally held to higher-standards than others, not lower; you have a much more difficult bar to reach than 'take my word for it because I got 2k hours'.

    Come up with a better argument.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    The perk is already not useful half the time. Meaning unless you are injured and in a chase, the perk used up a slot for nothing, which happens quite a lot in my games - especially if no one even gets all the gens done. Killers like you just hate on it because it's a good survivor perk that does something useful when it does come into play. You already got to self care and DS - guess you all figure it is time to try and knock adrenaline down to being a disadvantage instead of a perk.

    And stop crying 'free escape' - they obviously did a lot to trigger the perk, it's not 'free'. That's just sounding ignorant.

  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    I wouldn't mind that. It would still serve to extend the endgame cause they'd be forced to stop and wait for their exhaustion to wear off so they could get the proc. That's all I want, force survivors to slow down and move slower. This solution would solve both a slight slowdown of gen progress, *and* a slowdown of endgame

  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    NOED isn't fair, but at least it has a counter. If I had my way, Noed, Rancor, Adrenaline, perks like that wouldn't exist. Especially rancor. Outright delete that #########.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    The trigger for Adrenaline is the gates being powered. The trigger for Adrenaline is not the person who has it equipped necessarily having done anything to contribute.

    The perk not being useful at certain times is not an argument that it is balanced; you can't make that argument in isolation and ignore the context that it exists in. Several perks in the game for both sides are not useful even most of the time but have situational uses and their strength in those situations reflects it.

    I don't agree with the OP's proposal but his assessment of Adrenaline is accurate: much of it's excessive utility comes from the fact that it is able to over-lap multiple times with many other features the survivors have as options for 2nd-chances, snow-balls and rubber-bands. It has too much synergy, as is the case with many 2nd-chances the survivors have.