The fifth slot only for the unique perks of the characters.

go1gotha Member Posts: 108

(Perhaps someone has already proposed this, but I do not know about it.)

The idea is that with the fifth perk you can only take the unique perk of the character you are playing. This will give some kind of individuality to the survivors + will slightly refresh the usual gameplay. The game for three years has received a lot of development and there are a lot of perks, it seems to me it's time to give players the opportunity to take more than only four of them from such a huge amount.

I understand that this will break the already fragile balance, but this can be corrected over time, look at the PTB and so on, as for me it's worth it.


  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I am still not a fan of giving the Survivor side an additional four perk slots while giving the Killer side only one.

  • go1gotha
    go1gotha Member Posts: 108

    Adrenaline can be taken by another character, and the fifth pitch is your unique one. + In the game, claudette and meg are already the most frequent characters to choose from, the problem is in the character model and the availability of their unique perks.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450


    Survivors are meant to be just skins and not have gameplay advantages

  • go1gotha
    go1gotha Member Posts: 108

    This is already an asymmetric game. The killer can not take 16 perks. Such a game.

  • go1gotha
    go1gotha Member Posts: 108

    Exactly. Maybe that's why the game is worth diversifying the game and changing it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I am aware of this. I just think the balance risks being thrown off (or thrown off more, depending on how you look at it) with such a change.

  • go1gotha
    go1gotha Member Posts: 108

    I already wrote about this in the last sentence of the post.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I think the balance changes that would have to be made to accommodate such a change would not be worth it. But that is just how I see it.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    This creates meta characters instead of just meta builds.

    If you look at the current meta perks they would just chose one char with one and then be able to use 4 other perks with no downside.

    It would create less diversity overall as some survivors have perks no one uses.

  • go1gotha
    go1gotha Member Posts: 108

    Now there are also characters that are taken most often, we do not lose anything.

    So each character must have at least one really strong perk for players to use this, this is already a question for those who are engaged in balance in this game. A bit of work and the game will really become more diverse than it is now.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2019

    Yes but people chose characters on looks alone right now so you do see more variety than your idea would create. You what little variety there is.

    It also makes survivors much stronger one perk may not seem much but on top of the current meta which is used primarily to help prolong a chase they can now take a perk for faster healing or action speed making it even more unbalanced and creates a larger gap between new and old players.

    More perks is just a bad idea as it makes balancing even harder as is making meta survivors.

  • go1gotha
    go1gotha Member Posts: 108
    edited July 2019

    I think my idea is bad and further discussion is pointless. Not because the idea itself is bad.

    Before introducing such big changes, it is necessary to put in order the game that is now, and this is being done so far and is being done very slowly, it is still far from ideal and the concept of "balance." Therefore, this idea is simply impossible at the moment, an impossible amount of work for these developers, maybe "someday."

    It was worth thinking about it before creating a discussion.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    This isn’t a bad idea in my opinion but I think killers should also get it, just to be fair.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    You mean, the exact 4:1 ratio the game has ways been?

  • go1gotha
    go1gotha Member Posts: 108

    I did not mean that it was only for the survivors, of course, the killers should receive it too.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    As Ace main I highly dislike this idea, not that I wouldn't like his perks but I would feel cheated from not having more slots when running meta builds from time to time.

    I would much rather see no perks/addons/items game mode at least for limited period of time. That would be far more fun then having more perk slots at least temporaily.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    The overall idea of making survivors unique is not bad at all its just very hard to do using their perks or lore.

    The idea has been discussed before in other forms such as they can only use their own teachables or them having a base difference using a percentage of one of their perks but the non meta ones. Like Claudette 5% further on empathy, Jake 5% quieter when injured, meg 5% less distance for vault notifications etc but some survivors still had less attractive attributes over others and it didn't make it worth using over others in reality.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    I'd prefer six slots for each character. :)

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362

    This creates a bigger problem for killers than survivors. Survivors are just skins, so you could just pick the survivor whos perk you want. Killers...arnt. Some killers have garbage perks, or perks that dont really help them in particular.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I love this idea, but it would be much better if the 5th slot only gave a part of the benefit of the perk. The reason I think this would be better is because it wouldn't break game balance, and it wouldn't cause an overwhelming character meta. Some examples of the partial perks:

    Self care: Heal at 30% speed. No efficiency bonus.

    Adrenaline: Instantly heal one health state when the exit gates are open. No speed boost. Exhaustion for 40 seconds.

    Dead hard: Same as before, but with 120 second exhaustion.

    Decisive strike: 30 second timer instead of 60 seconds.

    Barbecue & Chili: Full bloodpoint bonus, no auras.

    Hex: Ruin: Good skill checks pause the gen's progression, but no longer regress the gen.

    Enduring: 25% reduced stun time instead of 50%.

    Spirit fury: Requires one additional token to activate.

  • lostkq
    lostkq Member Posts: 162

    Me and my friend actually where talking about it a few weeks ago how that would be cool, i would like to see this added.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    I would make it so that a unique perk is slightly better if used by their owners. Kind of like a bonus. But I’d keep them at 4.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    I dunno. I could do a LOT of good with an extra perk on the killer.

    Most good players also don't use Self Care, so the best thing they can run on Claudette is Empathy, which again, is not particularly amazing for good players.

    Interesting idea, but some perks would have to be reworked in some way, since survivors like Quentin have crappy perks (and he also looks fugly). I'd actually, probably, play Jake Park more often.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    its a good idea , i mean every survivor or killer has that one good(but not so good)/niche perk that you wouldnt use otherwise like, adams pebble or bills unbreakable or kate dwm or woo, or billys tinkerer, spirits rancor , myers stbfl etc

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    So I guess I'd permanently run Shadowborn...

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Horrible idea, we dont need to further reinforce a meta by forcing people to play certain people just to perform well. Imagine loving a character but hating their perks and now you're stuck in dissatisfaction limbo

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    I believe he is saying the added perk space would be for only those perks that are unique to that survivor. You could still use all the other perks in the other four spaces, including teachable perks.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Then they wouldn't run Claudette; they'd probably run Meg for the free Adrenaline.

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    "United we stand, Divided we fall" sounds like a good name for a mode like this.

    Instead of five perks for survivors......just 3.

    Survivors get three perks and the third perk has to be from their chosen character.

    Survivors also can't be the same character as another survivor.

    Killers on the other hand, get 6 perks. This comes with a few rules though.

    Killers will be able to have specific slots for each type of perk (Max 5 specific slots.)

    1-deviousness perk (tinkerer, insidious, etc.)

    1-brutality perk (enduring, brutal strength, etc.)

    1- detection perk (Surveillance, barbecue and chili, etc.)

    1- obsession perk (Save the best for last, Rancor, etc.)

    1- character perk (Specific to killer)

    (The last slot is free reign to choose how you wish)

    Will the survivors work together and utilize their different strengths, or will they fall prey to the killer.