Buff Endgame Perks

Nerfing an ability because EGC?
Delete the complet ability, because EGC?
Rly it just was too much for Pig.
Blood Warden
Its rly hard to use, because survivors just 99% the gates.
This would be my idea:
The killer must hook all 4 survivors, then this perk will be active.
Then the killer can activate this perk in the EGC and can block both gates and the hatch for 2 min.
But the EGC timer is slow downed in this time.
Fire Up
The perk should start with some number.
10% + 4%*repaired gen.
Its fine.
Maybe add a totem counter for solo survivors in every match.
I dont like this perk, but I think its fine.
But Im not sure.
Remember me
16 seconds?
Did you guys nerfed it, because EGC?
Thats rly dumb, because 1 gate must be open.
I would say, this perk could have 45 seconds with all tokens.
But this perks isnt active, if the hatch is closed (1 survivor alive).
What do you think?
Which buff would you give Endgame perks?
I would buff the BP numbers on No One Left Behind, that's for damn sure.
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For remember me, you could just have the last survivor turn into the obsession. This would make them immune to the effects of remember me.
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Blood Warden- I think just pausing the timer rather than slowing it down would be a lot fairer for both sides, but good suggestion! :D
Fire Up- It really should have some starting value. It’s not like it would hurt either, especially if a Killer thinks they’ll be the quickest Killer in the West just for using your suggested Fire Up buff with Brutal and Bamboozle. They’d really just be wasting two perk slots, so I see no issue in buffing it at all!
NoeD- Controversial, but it’s alright. I would say that if there was ever going to be some nerf to this perk, which there won’t be from what not_Queen and Peanits always say, then there should always be some sort of nerf to Adrenaline to follow with it, but that’s a story for another thread.
Rancor- Honestly a fine perk, it’s just NoeD but with extra steps for the Obsession.
Remember Me- It was nerf due to the EGC introduction, but it really shouldn’t have, especially with perks like Wake Up, Spine Chill, and Leader existing to counter it. There should either be a slight buff to it or some sort of new feature to it to make it worthwhile.
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I dont want the timer paused, because survivor must learn 1 thing.
"Leave the game and dont waste time."
Everygame, when survivor get the gates open, they wait.
With the bloodwarden, they would die.
And then they would learn.
And the timer must be 1,5/4 or blood warden doesnt kill them.
Survivors must be punished, if they stay in the game too long.
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i made entire post about it.
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The only thing I would change about Rancor is that the ability to mori the Obsession is triggered by exit gates being powered, rather than the 5th generator.
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I rly didnt know that
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Can we buff sole survivor pls
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@thedevalex in what way?