

which are the survivors that you do not like?

Member Posts: 1,238

factors: it can be by the voice of the characters, their clothes / image, their lore or their perks.

I first: I do not like David King because I think he is just a cocky with muscles, and his perks besides giving me a rewards does not convince me to wear them always


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  • Member Posts: 14,110

    Jeff, โ€˜Nuff said.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    I find everything about Feng Min to be obnoxious, from her voice and cosmetics down to the people who tend to main her

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    Adam for sure.

    • Boring to look at
    • Boring to play as
    • Meh perks
  • Member Posts: 10,623

    David. Just because he reminds me of the supposed "tough guys" that like to hang out in pubs/clubs around here and start fights on a saturday night.

    Which I'm gonna guess is what BHVR were going for, but I still don't like him. :D

  • Member Posts: 909

    So much David hate here :( More for me!

    My least favorite is probably Meg. I can't really explain why, but I don't like most of her cosmetics and her cries of pain always annoy me.

  • Member Posts: 328

    Quentin: looks nothing like the cutie he's portraying. Boring clothes. No other cosmetics. Really lame perks.

    Jane: when injured, she sounds like straight up giving birth. Very annoying.

    Jeff: w a y too loud.

    Nea: I kinda dislike her constant edgy theme. Hate her base clothes. All her hairstyles are wack, except the green hair (but after the rework, that one also looks kinda bad).

  • Member Posts: 699

    Feng Min is the most overrated character in this game by far.

    Her voice rivals a fork being scratched across a chalk board.

    Hobos can afford better clothing than her. (don't you think it's funny one of the best heads for her that people agree on, is literally one you can't see most of her face)

    I hate how she is supposed to be an hardcore gamer, but she's a beginner character. If anything, her perks should be hard to learn and master, not BEGINNER BABY PERKS.

    When I'm a survivor and she's on my team, we all lose, and they do nothing.

    When I'm killer, she loops me for 2 gens, till I realize it ain't worth it, and move on. she also is the main reason I am gen rushed.

    Feng Min, if you somehow are reading this, screw you. you deserve your fate in the Entity's Fog.

  • Member Posts: 699

    your... welcome?

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    Meg, terrible voice and look, only her perks redeem her.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Nea. The only thing good about her is her perks.

  • Member Posts: 634

    I don't like how noisy and loud Jane is. I don't like Laurie (the character, not people who play her) 'cause the whole concept behind her is rather selfish. Your "powers" get greater the more who die around you, essentially. I also don't like Ace 'cause he seems way too chill about the situation. His smile just unsettles me. It's hard to explain.

  • Member Posts: 5,176

    Feng: I have a deep inexplicable HATRED FOR HER, HER COSMETICS, HER VOICE, EVERYTHING

    Nea: Most overrated survivor ever

    Meg: Idk why, I just hate her

  • Member Posts: 14,110
  • Member Posts: 2,270

    Ash. Words can't describe how much I hate him. I'm surprised there are people who don't.

    I guess it has to do with the fact how bad Evil Dead and Ash vs Evil Dead is. Gore comedy... that's something you enjoy when you're 12. Not something that fits this fine game.

    And of course: sandals and socks? That's a crime against humanity.

    Second is Feng Min. Squeaks like a rubber toy.

  • Member Posts: 28

    Meg is Amanda whereby the pig mask has actually been melded into her face with an exceptionally hot frying pan.

    Feng is a prissy little thing who looks like Dora the Explorer whose fringe is actually a separate wig because she has a bald patch after she fell asleep with her forehead resting on her melting computer which she had been playing Dota 2 on for a fortnight straight (I'm serious; if you look at her properly, the fringe looks like a seperate patch of hair).

    Quentin looks homeless (who are aesthetically disheveled, I have nothing actually against homeless people themselves) and has had eye replacement after they were pulled out of their sockets so hard by Freddy that his eyelids are permanently drooping outwards. And his lips look stupid too. I think he would make a decent clown though.

    Bill used his cigarette butt to stick white feathers onto his face using PVA glue. I bet his face would melt into liquid wax if you lit the feathers too.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Meg. Just meg.

  • Member Posts: 10


  • Member Posts: 407

    shhhhh... whisper i said we dont talk about that nea is the entity

    and ay, thats mean! she's my main and really beatiful! .. in some areas... I like her! But i also want to play Jane now because i love her booty ^^ Seriously everytime I play Killer and Im chasing a Jane it's sooo funny I always have to laugh when I see her fat booty it's so good :D

    My least favorite survivor is David. The reason is that most davids play like monkeys so everytime I see a David Im like "ok the game is over what ever"

  • Member Posts: 853

    idk why but i hate kate. also am i the only one noticing how her hair turns into a whopping helicopter sometimes?

  • Member Posts: 69

    Quentin because he just seems like a discount Dwight.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    Quentin for his face and annoying voice

    Adam, he's just not as interesting as others

    Claudette. I main her, but when I see any other Claudette as a survivor or killer, I will automatically think you are going to be a toxic survivor.

  • Member Posts: 748

    You're dissing, QUENTIN AND BILL!!!!

    Let's talk about Kate, doesn't have a realistic voice, sounds annoying and a 5 year old having a temper tantrum, a face that I REALLY want to punch, lame cosmetics, people that main her are weebs, people that play her are #########. I could go on

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    I hate all the female Survivors if I'm not assured.

    I got cheap clothes for Meg, Nea and Claudette just so I could bare looking at them.

    I absolutely despise all the female characters right now, not a single one I could give care for.

    I used the hate Dwight but he's my main now, I play Jake, David, Ace (sometimes cause I have no good cosmetics yet) and Jeff. I like Jeff but I wish he wasn't so damn loud, like Iron Will is a must on him.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Dwight. They always look like they have no idea what they're doing.

  • Member Posts: 3,145


  • Member Posts: 968

    Meg, Jeff, Tapp, Adam, and Dwight. They all annoy me

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Adam, because he doesn't have any good cosmetics, Jake for similar reasons, Jane because I don't like her head cosmetics, and the only reason I use nea is her head case blue hair cosmetic. It's the only one that looks decent to me.

    Other than that, I'd play Jeff more if he wasn't so loud when uninjured.

  • Member Posts: 674

    Adam, Jake, Tapp, Quentin, Ash, David, Bill

    In no particular order.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    I feel like this thread has so much negative energy in it...

  • Member Posts: 415

    No one annoys me more than Feng.

  • Member Posts: 674


    You're not wrong, what chaddad said about Kate and Kate players in general kinda tilted me but i'd rather not respond to that xD

  • Member Posts: 1,113

    For me its Quentin, for some reason almostevery Quentin player i go against is a toxic teabagger with flashlight

  • Member Posts: 748

    Bruh, I hate all the females too, apart from Laurie and Jane.

    They really like making females ugly as ######### don't they?

  • Member Posts: 748

    Wow, ######### you too.

    Kate, Meg, Claudette, Nea, Feng, Laurie and Jane.

    Rated from I ######### hate the most to the one I can deal with the most.

  • Member Posts: 748

    Quentin is a licensed character from 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'

    Dwight is the first character on the survivor roster and him and Quentin don't look alike at all.

    One is still in high school, the other works at a pizza place.

    "Quentin is a discount Dwight" debunked

  • Member Posts: 748

    Sorry m8, I just hate Kate.

    Holy ######### I rhymed.

    How can you say this is "beautiful"?

    I made some adjustments:

    Ahhh, much better.


  • Member Posts: 674
    edited August 2019

    ######### is wrong with u lmao, not even i got that mad over u hating Kate and i'm obsessed w. her xD

    Especially didn't have to insult

  • Member Posts: 748

    Nah I'm just getting bored of the same typical Kate and Claudette and Meg players that treat the other characters like #########, put in the effort to play a different character before you call them #########.

    I've played every survivor and got them all to at least 50 (so far). And I basically judged them on their looks and their perks, I don't like the look of Kate and her 3 teachables are complete dogshit (apart from Windows of Opportunity helping you learn maps, otherwise it's useless).

    I main Quentin and I admit his perks are trash, but I like his look and his style and his voice. Same with Tapp and Bill and Ash, I main these 4 characters (because I like licensed characters) and another reason I play them is because NO ONE plays them. I'm sick of everyone playing Meg, Kate and Claudette because that's all people play, I want some variety is all.

    Then you like pretty much every Kate (Uhhhh I hate every male character).

    Do me a favour and differ from Kate players and please do try to loop instead of camping pallets

  • Member Posts: 674

    Can't expect others to like the same characters. And it's not like i said i hate everyone playing these characters lol. I just don't really like them.

    Not that it matters but i actually do play different characters. 7 at P3-50 with 4 close to fully perked (missing very few teachables so i get better perks on others faster) and one of them is Ace. So it's not like i hate every male character just because they aren't female.

    And no, i'm not like the majority of other Kate players (i know they can be really bad sometimes). The clip below has nothing to do with pallets or anything but i still thought it was a great play xd

    I do like how you want to give some more love to the characters which almost no one plays btw., but you didn't really have to insult me because i like Kate.

  • Member Posts: 748

    Well at least one of them is Ace ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Yeah, I apologise, I've played so many games with some really ######### Kate's that I assume pretty much every single one is the same.

    Whenever it comes to multiplayer video games I always play the characters that nobody plays because I don't want to be like everyone else, I want to play my own way.

    Guess I'm independent? Also that play was great ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Member Posts: 674

    Don't worry about it, i understand.

    I was like you when it came to Feng players ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Member Posts: 748

    Fengypoo? ๐Ÿ˜“

    I guess there's always gotta be one character you despise in a video game.

    I despise Kate and Spirit ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Member Posts: 674

    Also Spirit for me.. Not hard to play at all and way too rewarding and no counterplay. Off topic though since this thread is about survivors we don't like xd

  • Member Posts: 748

    Killers we don't like? ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Also even better, that clip you sent. That Spirit got what she deserved ๐Ÿ˜

  • Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2019

    Hate the most to least.

    Male: Dwight, Jake, Ash, Bill, Ace, Adam, Tapp, David and Jeff.

    Female: Claudette, Nea, Laurie, Meg, Jane, Feng and Kate

  • Member Posts: 1,238

    I love the hate jeje

  • Member Posts: 82

    Adam, because he is just strange and looks like a fish. After Fishface comes Meg, her mouth looks like Goofys one.

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