Furtive Chase, Please Explain

HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

So everyone has agreed that the perk is useless but I really REALLY want a Dev to share how they see it should be used. I really want a Dev to share why they thought it was a good perk to add into the game and can they explain a scenario that we can use it in. And I don't mean this in a sarcastic or condescending way like I usually do XD

As it is now Freddy is the only Killer who can use this to his advantage and get 0 meter TR while in a chase and that's only good for him specifically because he has Aura reading abilities. But the problem is that he's getting reworked and that's going away so we're left with a perk that serves no purpose and gives no edge in any circumstance that people can think of.

A lot of perks work in a TR as well as some abilities so having a smaller TR in a chase really doesn't help any of the current Killers. I guess the perk could be used so that Survivors can accidentally lead the Killer to their friends and those Survivors won't know they're being chased because the TR is either too small or 0 so they get surprised. But that's not a common occurrence so I really don't see the value of that especially since that means that since there is no TR they won't get off the Gen and that's bad in of itself.

Has anyone found any actual use for this perk? And I don't mean pairing it with MYC, that's an afterthought a sort of small bonus. Spirit Fury was made to go with Enduring but Furtive Chase was not made to go with MYC.


  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    I really tried to find a use for it, i was playing huntress and miachel myers so i could have 4 meter terror radius for huntress while full stacked and 0 for michael. Finding your obsession 4 times and hooking them is not worth the benefits it gives. I even tried to run Furtive chase with survilance so i can hear if someone is working at the generator nerby so i can spook him. It didn't worked for me even once. This crap don't help at chase and in tracking either. It shloud remove your red stain when you have 4 stacks. Also another annoying thing about this perk. A couple of times when i had 4 stacks, the obsession killed himself, and all the effort put to get these stacks is wasted. Im really dissapointed with this perk. Out of three Ghostface's perks. This one is the worst.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    My guess is that it was originaly intended to reduce the Terror Radius all the time but, they slapped the "in chase only" limitation on it to prevent it from stacking with M&A. Unfortunatly they didn't realise it made Furtive Chase completly useless.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I haven't tried it myself, but on Scratched Mirror Myers you could theoretically combine M&A and Furtive Chase to reduce your Terror Radius to a tiny 2 meters from 14 meters while in chase. If you also manage to get a good totem spawn you could also use Third Seal and prevent the Survivors from ever knowing where you are (they wouldn't see their teammates when you down them and wouldn't hear your TR even if you're still chasing them), but that's honestly it once Freddy gets reworked.

    Even in the very specific above case, the perk doesn't really help. It just makes you more spooky by keeping your TR tiny while chasing a Survivor.

    Honestly, with all the other requirements attached to the perk, it would be better to remove the chase requirement and just have it flat out reduce TR while the Obsession is alive.

    It still wouldn't be useful in most games given how reliant the perk is on hooking your Obsessions without killing them, but at least Killers could occasionally benefit from using it as opposed to getting what is more or less just an empty perk slot.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    There's only a couple killers that can consider using it. It's for Killers like Nurse. Killers that can break off one chase and immediately be on someone else.

    Thing is, those killers probably have better things to put into that slot.

  • nan1234
    nan1234 Member Posts: 131

    Well, I think that the size of your red stain is linked to the size of your TR, so the perk can help you mindgame when in chase with 4 stacks. maybe furtive chase meant to be a better beast of prey, but it’s still not worth it...

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    The only benefit I could see from this Perk is running it on Legion so that Survivors with Deep Wound on them can't have immunity to the timer going down by just being near you while you get looped.

    But that doesn't help Legion have a power, so eh.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Honestly, the best use I've found for it is making it slightly easier to find the obsession for addons and perks that require the obsession. The lowered terror radius is just a side effect, the main event is the killers finally having a bit more control over the obsession mechanic.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Its super fun when combined with rancor, you will have survivors sweating and getting nervous when having to unhook their teammates

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    The perk should be changed for something else, the Red Stain would be really cool but it might make Beast of Prey redundant which is funny since no one uses it anyway.

    If they had they changed it to be similar to Devour Hope it could be pretty fun

    2 Stacks reduced TR by 4/6/8 Does Not Stack

    4 Stacks You lose your Red Stain while in a chase

    You lose all Stacks when your Obsession dies.

    This way you can get an actual reward for 4 stacks but have a minor reward for 2. You might not get to 4 but you should always get to 2. If you pair this with M&A you will always have a reduced TR by 8 no matter what and then the perk is solely for the Red Stain.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I'd be fine with the perk if it didn't have the the stupid if your obsession dies you lose all your tokens condition. Would be niche but at least it would have a consistent use.

    The fact that it's benefit is already locked to being in a chase limits it significantly you didn't have to add another limit on to it.

    As people have said above the only Killers who really benefit from it our Killers who can very easily switch target nurse honestly being the only one who who is really prominent in that category. However there are a lot better things you can run on nurse this just seems rather mediocre.

    Legion can also benefit from here because terror radius doesn't affect feral frenzy so if you couple this with some killer instinct range boosters you could be able to to stealth up the people and they won't realise they're about to get frenzy hit until you're right on their back. Just like I said above there are a lot better things you can run on Legion.

    Stealth doctor would be the final killer dad can gain any real benefit from this and even then it's locked behind the specific build that you need specific add-ons to play. I think you know the pattern by now but there are a lot of better things you can run.

    So that's three Killers that it's mediocre on. The problem is

    1) It takes way too long to build up. You would have to chase down for interchanging specific interchanging targets and hook them up. If you spend too much time looking for the specific targets you're going to get gen rushed but if you don't focus them then you have the potential of accidentally putting someone on death hook who then becomes one of your specific targets meaning the perk progression is halted there as you can't hook them again without losing your tokens

    2) It's benefit is locked behind a chase so if your killer can't naturally switch between chase sadly the only killers who is really capable of doing this is nurse and Legion or you don't have a method to minimise trouble between switching is stealth doctor and maybe Hag however with Hag you're not going to really be catching anyone out because they could see you teleport.

    3) Losing your tokens for something that is is difficult to stack and very specific in its function doesn't work.

    Not as easy to stack as say Save The Best For Last or play with your food both which halt further progression if The obsession dies yet somehow still manages to have have a worst reward than both of those. How is that even possible.

  • TomTheSequel
    TomTheSequel Member Posts: 58

    It's to be used to switch your obsession around. I mean that's how I use it.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Think of PWYF but with even more of a penalty, less benefits and requires more effort.

    Furtive Chase is a garbage perk and I still can't believe the devs thought it a was good idea.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    Remember Me + Furtive Chase. down and hook obsession, down and hook new obsession. You have 4 stacks of Remember Me in a much faster and easier time frame than if you just had Remember Me without focusing one person the entire game who probably can loop well. That's what I use it for. I find it an interesting use of Remember Me, and I use it with Ghost Face. I also think it confuses survivors in a way because they expect you to be a certain distance when your TR is gone, but you can lower that. My main use for it however is it's synergy with Remember Me. When I down and hook the next to last survivor, and close the hatch, they're not opening the gates.