Dead by Daylight: The Forgotten Sands (Fan-made Chapter)

New Killer: Khalid El-Sayed, The Pharaoh
Gender: Male
Pronunciation: kuh-leed ehl-sy-id
Nationality: (Ancient) Egyptian
Movement Speed: 105% (Slower than all but the Nurse)
Terror Radius: 24 meters
Weapon: Burnished gold sceptre with rubies adorning the top.
Realm: Tomb of El-Sayed: Burial Chambers (Indoor Map, Pyramid Internal)
Appearance: Mostly mummified with very small sections that are uncovered including parts of the fingers. Adorned with royal Egyptian clothing and jewellery from his burial.
Khalid El-Sayed was once a powerful, yet bitter ruler of Ancient Egypt. The Pharaoh was known for his love of public humiliation and executions whenever any subject were to step even a toe out of line, and because of this no one sought to try to rebel against the self-appointed “God Emperor”. The people had come to fear the dark power he had come to control from studying forbidden scrolls hidden within the Palace Library, and over time the bitterness towards his subjects turned into malevolence, and even sadism.
Khalid’s life was abruptly ended one fateful day when an assassin had snuck into his chambers and stabbed him clean through the heart. The Pharaoh woke but a second too late as the knife plunged into his chest, with the last thing he ever saw being the face of the man responsible for ending his life.
Now thousands of years later, the Entity senses the Pharaoh’s long forgotten dark power trapped beneath one of the great pyramids in a sealed tomb, and Khalid’s restless soul is offered a bargain. The gift of life in return for endless servitude to a power that exceeded that of his own. The decision hurt more than the blade that ended his life to begin with. He had never served or bowed to any man, let alone something more, and for the first time ever he had ironically felt mortal. The Pharaoh agreed to the pact on one condition, he were to be told the name of his assassin from all of those many years ago. The Entity remained silent for a few moments, and then finally whispered 2 words before vanishing.
“Asim Minkah.”
Withering Curse: The Pharaoh may chant a curse at a Survivor for 3 seconds. If the Survivor does not break line of sight they are inflicted with Wither. Movement speed is considerably reduced whilst chanting. Wither expires after 1 minute and once the duration is up the Survivor will take 1 health state of damage. Wither cannot be removed through any means unless they are hooked. Successfully cursing a Survivor puts the Power on a 10 second cooldown.
Lie In Wait: Whilst playing against the Pharaoh, all Lockers are replaced with Sarcophagi that function identically for Survivors but may be hidden inside by the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh has the option to get out slowly or burst out incredibly quickly, similarly to how Survivors may use them. The Pharaoh has a moderately reduced terror radius whilst inside a Sarcophagus.
Mimicry (Level 30): At the start of the game 1/2/3 random Chests will be trapped. Attempting to open a trapped Chest will give the player a moderately/considerably/tremendously difficult skill check to perform. Upon failing the skill check they will be instantly damaged by one health state and the Chest will become permanently locked for all Survivors.
Entombing (Level 35): Lockers within your terror radius cannot be interacted with for 3/5/7 seconds. Survivors already inside the locker will become trapped inside for the duration. You now see the aura of any Survivor inside a Locker within 4/6/8 meters. Each Locker has a cooldown of 30 seconds before it can be locked again.
Hex: Confinement (Level 40): Gain 1 token for each unique Survivor you sacrifice, up to 3 tokens. Upon the last generator being powered, a random Dull Totem will gain this Hex if any exist. If any Survivors try to interact with an exit the Entity will shackle around it and reveal the Survivor for 1/2/3 seconds. Each exit is shackled independently for 30/45/60 seconds after it has been interacted with.
- 1 Token: The first Door Lever will become shackled.
- 2 Tokens: Both Door Levers will become shackled.
- 3 Tokens: Both Door Levers and the Hatch will become shackled.
Musky Incense (Common):
- Survivors affected by Wither are also affected by Blindness for the duration.
- Slightly increases time required to chant Withering Curse.
Torn Papyrus (Common):Slightly reduces time required to chant Withering Curse.
Dead Locust (Common):Slightly reduces cooldown of Withering Curse after successfully chanting.
Coarse Sand (Common):Slightly reduces time required for Wither to expire.
Weathered Texts (Uncommon):Moderately reduces time required to chant Withering Curse.
Decaying Scarab (Uncommon):Moderately reduces cooldown of Withering Curse after successfully chanting.
- Slightly increases time required to chant Withering Curse.
Tattered Keffiyeh (Uncommon):The Pharaoh has considerably reduced terror radius whilst inside a Sarcophagus.
Fine Sand (Uncommon):Moderately reduces time required for Wither to expire.
Slightly increases cooldown of Withering Curse after successfully chanting.
Sacred Scrolls (Rare):Considerably reduces time required to chant Withering Curse.
Dusty Mantle (Rare):The Pharaoh has tremendously reduced terror radius whilst inside a Sarcophagus.
- Slightly increases time required to chant Withering Curse.
- Slightly increases time required for Wither to expire.
Imbued Sand (Rare):Considerably reduces time required for Wither to expire.
- Moderately increases cooldown of Withering Curse after successfully chanting.
Bone Necklace (Very Rare):Survivors affected by Wither are also affected by Mangled for the duration.
- Considerably increases time required to chant Withering Curse.
Linen Shawl (Very Rare):The Pharaoh has no terror radius whilst inside a Sarcophagus.
- Moderately increases time required to chant Withering Curse.
- Moderately increases time required for Wither to expire.
Royal Sandals (Very Rare):Removes movement speed penalty whilst chanting Withering Curse.
- Tremendously increases time require to chant Withering Curse.
Sceptre of the Damned (Ultra Rare):Bursting out of a Locker when within 12 meters of a Survivor will make you sprint at 150% of your movement speed for 3 seconds.
The Pharaoh inflicts Exhausted for 5 seconds during this sprint if he successfully attacks a Survivor.
Iridescent Pendant (Ultra Rare):Withering Curse now takes 6 seconds to successfully chant.
- Withering Curse now takes 90 seconds to expire.
- Withering Curse now inflicts Dying on the Survivor upon expiring.
- You may no longer burst out of a Locker at full speed.
Memento Mori
Grabs the Survivor’s neck with his left hand and raises them slightly above the ground. With his right hand he raises an open Sarcophagus from the ground. He then slams them inside and breaks their spine at the neck in one movement whilst waving his hand to magically drag the Sarcophagus shut. It then sinks slowly beneath the ground with the Survivor’s screams getting more and more muffled until eventual silence.
New Survivor: Nubia Minkah
Gender: Female
Pronunciation: nyoo-bee-ah min-kah
Nationality: Egyptian
Appearance: Tan complexion. Hazel eyes. Long, wavy brown hair. Wears a light, dusty T-Shirt, a brown leather jacket over the top, navy jeans ripped at the knees and brown walking boots. Her idle stance comes off as nervous, but determined.
Nubia Minkah is an aspiring archaeologist with a deep interest in the Egyptian Pyramids. After tracing her lineage back through time she was able to work out that one of her ancestors was alive during the reign of the malevolent Pharaoh Khalid El-Sayed and has been determined to see his burial chamber for herself one day.
One day after being dragged around a tour near the Pyramids by a very uninterested tour guide she decided to slip away from the crowd and sneak up to the nearest Pyramid’s base. Upon reaching it she began to slowly walk adjacent with it with her fingertips gliding freely across the crumbling sandstone. Suddenly out of nowhere she tripped over a loose stone and stopped herself from falling by reaching out for the nearest brick, which unbeknownst to her happened to open up a secret passageway into the Pyramid. Knowing that this must be fate she took one last breath of fresh air before walking inside, only to have the exit immediately close behind her. There was no turning back for her now.
Master Scavenger (Level 30): An additional Chest will spawn in the Basement at the start of the game. Chest searching is 25%/50%/100% quieter and Chests opened by you will automatically close after 150/135/120 seconds and may then be opened again for another item. This effect may only occur once per chest. The timer does not start until there are no items currently inside the Chest.
Cartographer (Level 35): Moving within a 4/8/12 meter range of a Generator, Locker or Totem will reveal its aura to you for 20 seconds. Objects you interact with for at least 7/6/5 seconds have their auras shown to all Survivors for 3 seconds.
Daring Explorer (Level 40): Jumping out of a Locker whilst in the Killer’s terror radius causes you to sprint at 150% of your movement speed for 3 seconds. Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
Thank you for reading my chapter concept!
Please feel free to leave me any constructive criticism or opinions on anything to do with the concept, and if you have any questions I'll gladly answer them!
Finally please keep in mind numbers can be changed, so try to keep the general theme into consideration over the numbers as they can be buffed or nerfed as needed.
It is nice to see some great ideas in the forums.
I’d love an Egyptian style Dlc especially a map. I had an idea of ‘The Minotaur’ which I posted a few days ago. His map would be also in a Egyptian/sandy Maze sort of style, so these would go well together in that sense
I actually like the idea of The Pharaoh however not sure about the way his ability would work. So he looks at you (similar to Myers) and curses you. You are slowed down, then he can hit you as a normal killer would.?. Not too sure about this.
I’ve also just had a suggestion for you to change the name of the dlc to ‘Sands of Time’, or even play on words and change the spelling to ‘thyme’ and maybe link the power to the herb ‘thyme’.
Definition: a low-growing aromatic plant of the mint family. The small leaves are used as a culinary herb and the plant yields a medicinal oil.
I like the trapping chest perk, that would be so evil, but so satisfying as a killer.
I don’t like the killer hex appearing at the end of the match. Which perk would get priority if you used that and noed at the same time?. (Thyme lol).Master scavenger sounds good, I like that one.