Funniest Phrases You've Heard From A Survivor



  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742
    Mostly camper but survivors don’t like it despite it being a legit tactic. Leatherface is particularly good at it also franklins gets a lot of salt if they lose purple items like flashlights😂
  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    "Doc is such pay to win, no skill killer"
    This was before his buff btw.

  • sorrowen
    sorrowen Member Posts: 742
    JEWberry said:
    RSB said:

    @HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY said:
    Leatherface takes more skill than The Nurse

    Wouldn't say so, she is the hardest thing in this game to master.

    Depends on how u thibk about it. Yes a nurse will be WAY harder to master than Leatherface but, when both characters are learned and are in a rank 1 scenario, nurse slaughters while leatherface struggles due to palletlooping. This makes it so that it takes a lot more effort for a mastered leatherface to best good survivors in comparison to a mastered nurse against good survivors. I guess it just depends on how u think of skill but i agree with u both that nurse takes more skill.
    I main nurse because of the looping and as Marth has shown she is lethal when mastered. I haven’t used ever used 5 blink nurse yet 😅
  • JustZsolti
    JustZsolti Member Posts: 8

    "You noob with mori" -T-bagged and flickered her flashlight all the game(or as long she was alive xD), not to mention she was my obsession /Dying light/

    "Lots of russian bs"

  • ZiNc
    ZiNc Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 250
    edited May 2018

    I had one group that was so upset at my ability to eat a wall when picking up slugs, so they couldn't use their flashlights :p

  • DrDannieburger
    DrDannieburger Member Posts: 57

    "ez" - (despite them getting killed, or almost killed) - Every toxic prick ever

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited May 2018

    @only1biggs said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @MeowLux said:
    Back when BT was broken. (Before nerf) I hooked someone and the 3 other survs came to the hooked person and literally were standing next to the hook, waiting for me to leave it. Then in the post-game chat they called me a "facecamper" even though I didn't do anything else than stay at the hook due to them being at the hook. I mean like they gave me every reason to camp.

    Simply being on the map after hooking makes you a camper. I didn't get salt for this, but I hooked every survivor twice. I had an Ebony mori. Meg opens the gate, and teabags me after dropping a pallet to BM. But why are killers such #########? I'm so confused. Why would they be so harsh against such kind people?

    You lost the mind game if you're annoyed with people crouching repeatedly in games..

    Please enlighten me as to how you mind game an open gate at the threshold. I didn't say I was annoyed. I just said they BM'd and that this is why a lot of killers tend to stop caring about whether or not they play "fair".

    Lot of good phrases here. Keep 'em coming.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited May 2018

    @Caretaker said:
    Please enlighten me as to how you mind game an open gate at the threshold. I didn't say I was annoyed. I just said they BM'd and that this is why a lot of killers tend to stop caring about whether or not they play "fair".

    Lot of good phrases here. Keep 'em coming.

    To be fair, survivors that teabag are baiting you into chasing them.

    He's not wrong when he says killers that invest too much time into a singular survivor lose the mind game. You're letting the annoyance of 1 survivor manipulate your judgement.

    When exits gate are open at that point however then they are just bragging.

    Post edited by Mc_Harty on
  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @Caretaker said:
    Please enlighten me as to how you mind game an open gate at the threshold. I didn't say I was annoyed. I just said they BM'd and that this is why a lot of killers tend to stop caring about whether or not they play "fair".

    Lot of good phrases here. Keep 'em coming.

    To be fair, survivors that teabag are baiting you into chasing them.

    He's not wrong when he says killers that invest too much time into a singular survivor lose the mind game. You're letting the annoyance of 1 survivor manipulate of your judgement.

    When exits gate are open at that point however then they are just bragging.

    That's what I'm confused about. I didn't tunnel, I didn't let get teabagged all game either. I was just saying it's weird that I go easy and play fair and get BM, but the opposite gets me ggs. :P He's not wrong, just not fitting to what I was saying.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @RuneStarr said:
    "Every Michael Myers are so ass they evil within every single time it makes you garbage using a 1 hit killer"

    Yup apparently using the killers ability makes you garbage. That one made me laugh. 

    Everything is op, and an exploit if you play killer don't you know? :P

  • boogiewoogie
    boogiewoogie Member Posts: 32

    "I hope you die. Get revived. And die again. Bye"

  • MeowLux
    MeowLux Member Posts: 80

    @RuneStarr said:
    "Every Michael Myers are so ass they evil within every single time it makes you garbage using a 1 hit killer"

    Yup apparently using the killers ability makes you garbage. That one made me laugh. 

    Next you're gonna get flamed for using the Nurse's Last Breath or Hillbilly's chainsaw to traverse the map. 8-)

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @FSB75 said:
    Heard this today: "reported for camping gens"

    I'm guessing you were guarding 3 gens with the ######### doc build and stretching the game for half an hour?

    Yeah, that's always going to get you some hate, so don't be surprised by it.

  • GunManSpy
    GunManSpy Member Posts: 50

    "Your pings sucks, stop playing dbd."
    Should of just left the lobby while you still could if the ping was bad.
    "I'm going to kill you!"
    Said some random Prestiege 3 David King that I mori'd and never saw again.
    "A**hole killer"
    But I do play the game fairly, so rude.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @only1biggs said:

    @FSB75 said:
    Heard this today: "reported for camping gens"

    I'm guessing you were guarding 3 gens with the ######### doc build and stretching the game for half an hour?

    Yeah, that's always going to get you some hate, so don't be surprised by it.

    You are correct. It wasn't intentional, simply "RNG" for gen placement. I expected a little bit of hate, but seriously, "camping gens"? What am I suppose to do, wander away from the only thing preventing the survivors from leaving? I ended up with a 4k and everyone had 30K+ in blood points. Based on the results, a strong argument could be made that a slower play style is what the Devs intended.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @FSB75 said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @FSB75 said:
    Heard this today: "reported for camping gens"

    I'm guessing you were guarding 3 gens with the ######### doc build and stretching the game for half an hour?

    Yeah, that's always going to get you some hate, so don't be surprised by it.

    You are correct. It wasn't intentional, simply "RNG" for gen placement. I expected a little bit of hate, but seriously, "camping gens"? What am I suppose to do, wander away from the only thing preventing the survivors from leaving? I ended up with a 4k and everyone had 30K+ in blood points. Based on the results, a strong argument could be made that a slower play style is what the Devs intended.

    If you play this way, it's not fun. Not committing to chases to go and kick gens is stupid and boring and it doesn't matter how many points everyone gets...people can get the same amount or more in multiple games with other killers. All that type of build and play style does is annoy people.

  • Nalam_Andii
    Nalam_Andii Member Posts: 5

    My own example to give people an example is someone who private messaged me saying "f you all, I did all the work", I just gave him a gg and went on to the next game. I have to assume he sent the message to the other survivors as well. For the record he was caught by the doctor near the end and camped as the gates opened. We had no chance to save him but I think he expected us to sacrifice just to fail at saving him

    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
                          Dwight after getting moried
  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited May 2018

    I just got told Killers are op cuz jungle gyms don't exist, neither do infinites, and that I'm a new player with 100% and 1000 hours played. Wew lads.

    Clarification: They claim infinites made killers not op.

  • boogiewoogie
    boogiewoogie Member Posts: 32

    Just had a game were I knew they were not very good. Leatherface:
    Downed 2 of them at the first pallet
    3 healing in a corner etc etc It was a mess
    Let them all escape

    End game: "BP farmer!"

    You can literally NEVER win

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @boogiewoogie said:
    Just had a game were I knew they were not very good. Leatherface:
    Downed 2 of them at the first pallet
    3 healing in a corner etc etc It was a mess
    Let them all escape

    End game: "BP farmer!"

    You can literally NEVER win

    You really can't. I'm sitting around green ranks from not really playing, and it's miserable. Gens pop stupid fast, almost everyone has adren. At least I'm getting a few ggs.

  • iOrangeStain
    iOrangeStain Member Posts: 81

    "hwo didu doo that!!!! IM SO MAD1111 ONLY KILLURS CNA SEEE THE WALLQ!!!!!" when I brought Warden

  • Setsune
    Setsune Member Posts: 71


  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @Setsune said:

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    @iOrangeStain said:
    "hwo didu doo that!!!! IM SO MAD1111 ONLY KILLURS CNA SEEE THE WALLQ!!!!!" when I brought Warden

    I gotta run that more.

  • Baxterchen
    Baxterchen Member Posts: 60

    i was just told "get good furry!" when i played huntress tonight

  • Fizz
    Fizz Member Posts: 71

    I once was told by a teammate I was repairing the "wrong" generator.

  • iOrangeStain
    iOrangeStain Member Posts: 81

    @Baxterchen said:
    i was just told "get good furry!" when i played huntress tonight

    Yet another DBD fur...

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    'Dude what the ######### was this match.'

    'lol whats the issue?'

    'You have to be hacking I didn't hear your heartbeat'

    I was playing Freddy with Red Paint Brush. Thankfully another survivor corrected him in chat.

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264

    @FSB75 said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @FSB75 said:
    Heard this today: "reported for camping gens"

    I'm guessing you were guarding 3 gens with the ######### doc build and stretching the game for half an hour?

    Yeah, that's always going to get you some hate, so don't be surprised by it.

    You are correct. It wasn't intentional, simply "RNG" for gen placement. I expected a little bit of hate, but seriously, "camping gens"? What am I suppose to do, wander away from the only thing preventing the survivors from leaving? I ended up with a 4k and everyone had 30K+ in blood points. Based on the results, a strong argument could be made that a slower play style is what the Devs intended.

    If you play this way, it's not fun. Not committing to chases to go and kick gens is stupid and boring and it doesn't matter how many points everyone gets...people can get the same amount or more in multiple games with other killers. All that type of build and play style does is annoy people.

    The problem with that logic is that its not ok for killers to do effective un fun builds, but the majority of survivors pallet looping is?  
    Either no one can  do effective unfun thing or everyone can.  
    Its up to the devs to make sure that such unfun things are removed from the game for all sides. And at least the 3 gen doc build has a counter, split the last gen up. Its pretty hard to do though outside of SWF, there literally no counter to pallet looping short of only using nurse.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Spiritbx said:
    only1biggs said:

    @FSB75 said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @FSB75 said:

    Heard this today: "reported for camping gens"

    I'm guessing you were guarding 3 gens with the ######### doc build and stretching the game for half an hour?

    Yeah, that's always going to get you some hate, so don't be surprised by it.

    You are correct. It wasn't intentional, simply "RNG" for gen placement. I expected a little bit of hate, but seriously, "camping gens"? What am I suppose to do, wander away from the only thing preventing the survivors from leaving? I ended up with a 4k and everyone had 30K+ in blood points. Based on the results, a strong argument could be made that a slower play style is what the Devs intended.

    If you play this way, it's not fun. Not committing to chases to go and kick gens is stupid and boring and it doesn't matter how many points everyone gets...people can get the same amount or more in multiple games with other killers. All that type of build and play style does is annoy people.

    The problem with that logic is that its not ok for killers to do effective un fun builds, but the majority of survivors pallet looping is?  
    Either no one can  do effective unfun thing or everyone can.  
    Its up to the devs to make sure that such unfun things are removed from the game for all sides. And at least the 3 gen doc build has a counter, split the last gen up. Its pretty hard to do though outside of SWF, there literally no counter to pallet looping short of only using nurse.

    I play killer more and don't run such builds. As a survivor what else am I supposed to do but loop?

    I'm not sure why you're comparing the two :'D

    One is being a scum bag and the other is just surviving. Yes, pallets need to be adjusted, especially the safe pallets...and there needs to be less jungle gyms with see through walls or short walls so mind games can happen, but...yeah..there's no comparison.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @only1biggs said:
    One is being a scum bag and the other is just surviving. Yes, pallets need to be adjusted, especially the safe pallets...and there needs to be less jungle gyms with see through walls or short walls so mind games can happen, but...yeah..there's no comparison.

    there's plenty of ways you can survive without looping, looping is ABSOLUTELY being a scumbag

  • psinathedog
    psinathedog Member Posts: 18
    Not funny, but every time filthy survs tell me something like "u re ****** have chainsaw hack! reported!" - I fell sooo proud of myself! 
    When filthy survs report u just for how good u re :3
  • psinathedog
    psinathedog Member Posts: 18
    Oh, another one, I was "camper" u know for what? Claderine unhook her friends every time after I'm hook them in front of me! How dare u! What I'm supposed to do - just watch how u escape? Isn't it silly?
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @yeet said:

    @only1biggs said:
    One is being a scum bag and the other is just surviving. Yes, pallets need to be adjusted, especially the safe pallets...and there needs to be less jungle gyms with see through walls or short walls so mind games can happen, but...yeah..there's no comparison.

    there's plenty of ways you can survive without looping, looping is ABSOLUTELY being a scumbag

    I would love to hear what else a survivor can do aside from loop properly or be immersed.

  • onark
    onark Member Posts: 105

    A noob killer said to me "I'm going to report you for using speedhacks" (I escaped from him with the Meg's perk "Spring burst")

  • Cat
    Cat Member Posts: 43

    ''tryhard noob killer''
    ''go get a life''
    ''dont play this game, pls quit''
    ''your mother''

    an alot of dumb steam profile comments hahah

  • Mechkiller3425
    Mechkiller3425 Member Posts: 55
    its kinda sad how you guys complain about Pallet Looping, when its one of the easiest things to avoid.
  • Mask_maker
    Mask_maker Member Posts: 28
    A green botanical claudette w/ flashlight wrote: "Your a c***, I hope you know that. I'm the survivor and I have a right to survive"

    LOL so random as it was a standard match and nothing special happened 
  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    "totem camping noob" when all 4 survivors were at my totem the entire game.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2018

    "Killers can loop too"

    "You're supposed to respect the 5%"

    "You tunneled me but I looped you so I understand"

    The last one boggles my mind

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615
    edited June 2018

    Not too long ago I was solo queing and the one survivor that DC'd on my team said and I quote:
    'I didn't die'
    'I dc'd'
    'git gud #########'
    What a (insert bad word of your choosing)

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    “You trash, used ability on last survivor!” I used leatherface chainsaw on him....with speed limiter (2 hit) with gates powered....on Haddonfield.

  • MyFreddyIsBae
    MyFreddyIsBae Member Posts: 39
    " Freddy is not UP if you know how to use him x) "

  • FuelSauce
    FuelSauce Member Posts: 125

    After grabbing a survivor trying to jump into the hatch, they DC'ed. They told me in chat that I was a "######### dream crusher".

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    “Can you use lube next time? My ass is sore from that ######### you just pulled off.” That’s was after this gem of a comeback.
  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    Someone on the forums here recently said something along the lines of "If you let the survivors power the exit gates then it's your fault, you lost because you are just bad."