My opinion on Freddy now that he's on live

While I will quite miss the old Freddy as he's the killer I mained this new Freddy is interesting. He still has some mindgame potential along with something to help you in a chase. I'll go through what I think of the 3 powers and then the general sleep changes

Dream Projection is great for mindgames and most importantly, map pressure. Its helped out quite a bit in all the matches I've played today. Cooldown is rather long though and if I accidentally aim to the wrong generator then the power goes on a short cooldown and if the gen was close to being finished then it screwed me over, DARN. Still a pretty good ability tho, especially when combined with PGTW

Dream Snares are, questionable, I've had both success and failure with them. I see them work best near windows to force survivors to slow vault but besides that there's not really much more they work for. They help mess up survivors around long loops a little bit and I think they're more effective on short loops but most of the time they end up getting to a pallet anyway. I'd say have addons that increase the slowdown (perhaps to replace the underwhelming status effect ones?) or make an increased slowdown basekit

Dream Pallets are good, but if a survivor knows where the pallets are and takes notes of which are real while they're awake, they can be rendered useless, some maps also have few areas to actually place them so you end up having to break a lot first before being able to use them. They're a decent ability, better than the snares for sure

About the sleeping changes, I like them. I definently like not having to wait seven seconds anymore (although the Dream Transition mindgame is gone) and I also like how survivors have to waste time to wake up, they either wait for a skill check, look for a teammate to be woken up, or go all the way across the map to get their clock. These changes are pretty good.

Overall, I'll accept this new Freddy, some of the addons should be revisited (specifically the block ones) along with some numbers and I'll think he'll be in an awesome spot! Well done devs, although I will say this, why did you take away the orange and black thing with the faces old Freddy had in his hand when he pulled someone to sleep, it should've been kept for the Projection :,(


  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    He needs adjustements, its broken now.

    The range for the tp should be 32 meters or less not infinite. And he should either place snares slower or look down and stay in place like the other killers that puts traps. Being able to do that while moving and super fast its unbalanced.

  • Ashruu
    Ashruu Member Posts: 47

    This... This has to be bait right? I'm gonna assume it's bait. For my own sanity.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    Snares are only good at short loops, detecting survivors, and that is only if the survivor is awake

    it takes two consecutive Snares to match the slow down effect of a single Clown bottle and the slow down doesn't last nearly as long

    Nerf Freddy's teleport and he becomes a slightly more mobile Clown or Illusion pallet Doctor

    Aka. Worthless, it's the teleport and the pressure of it that knits everything together

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    So you want him to be back to his old self? Immobilized and everything? I don't see how his new self is broken. Yes he might be able to TP to a generator at infinite range, but that makes up for how slow it takes to actually get to the generator, and for how long it takes for the power to recharge, the snares are not even that good, half of the time the Survivor won't even step on them, and like the OP said, they usually work good on Long Loops or Windows, but half of the time survivors just ignore them. Fake pallets are really good, but that's just the extent to it, overtime, survivors are going to start teaching themselves to remember where each pallet was, what pallet has been used and what pallet they have used, and again over time, survivors will just learn that the next time they're in Dreamworld, they will remember which pallet they have the used, and when they see a pallet that's not supposed to be there, they will just use it up, and will just start putting them down so no one else falls for it.

    The Killers need another viable killer, Freddy is looking to have that potential in him, so any changes like you want on him, will sound like it won't do much on him, but when it goes live it will do a lot, and then you'll have the survivors complaining that they're just going against the same three killers, nurse, hillbilly and spirit

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Then wait until devs shows the data of freddy kills post rework. You will see that is very easy to get 4k with the current freddy. Im not here for trolling or anything stupid like many out there. Im just telling what looks like to me that needs to be changes based on matches i played with and againts him that all.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    Dude, Freddy's nothing more then another M-1 Killer that can teleport to a generator every minute or so

    He actually has much less going for him then Ghostface, right now. The only thing that's making him really deadly at the moment is bad survivor players that are dropping pallets left and right and crippling their team

    To activate dream pallets he has to use up an add on so he only has one free add on slot come to think of it

    Give it time, let people adapt and let him go against high rank survivors before you go and be like "Blah, he broken" he's literally been out for a day. If giving a killer the ability to remove his Red stain and TR at will didn't break the game or make him op, then a teleport feature won't make Freddy op either

    Chill thyself

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Yes the big warning he is about to use the TP is totally unfair. He should also have range reduced....

    Yes the most useless traps in the entire game should also have the equal penalty the useful traps have despite having none of those advantages. There literally traps to aid IN chases....


  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Freddy's teleport is very underwhelming. Nerfing that would just make him even worse.

    And why would a master of dreams need to bend down in a dream to place a dream snare? Makes no sense when you think about it.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    It makes perfect sense when you approach it from the standpoint that survivors don't want to face a killer who actually has useful powers.

    The entire reason he CAN teleport is because those snares are underwhelming. Imagine Pig with no traps or no ambush ability.

    You get a pretty large warning to start running away. Reducing where he can do that from just turns it into a gimmick. Why teleport to where you know they are and need to regain perspective if you can just walk up on them.

  • MassiveToggaf
    MassiveToggaf Member Posts: 37

    Dream Pallets are a good idea but the snares can go ######### themselves and like someone pointed out already using the Dream Pallets takes up an add-on slot, severely limiting his capability.

    I never thought I'd say it but I prefer old freddy at this moment.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    They've given him too many abilities. Tried talking to McLean about it on his stream, but meh.

    There are structural issues that are universal to all-purpose designs and Freddy has been re-made as an all-purpose killer. Anything designed with a general or all-purpose needs careful planning and a clear idea of what it is meant for ie; the Swiss-Army Knife is a design that has many iterations, many of which could be considered a joke because they're bloated with instruments that have no relevance to each other.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Please also remember the obvious counterplay of waking up frequently.

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183

    he's mid tier at best

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2019

    I agree, especially about blocks. Hemorrhage and Blindness are completely worthless. Why they don't redesign these status effects is beyond me.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    Data from the first week should be ignored tbh because it's going to be New Freddy killing people who are adapting to his power because they didn't play PTB. He's going to get a lot more kills than he should be getting the first week or two.

    Players are going to realize you can just start running once he starts channeling his teleport because it has a near 5 second delay.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited July 2019

    Any man who must say I am the pro player and fall back on "son" is no true pro player. Hours mean nothing if you can't engage in a debate. If your argument relies upon the crux of "I am the Pro Player I have played so many hours I know what's up and Freddy bad because I know game trust me he bad" and nothing else you have no argument. So please give us a post explaining your findings as objectively as you can

    Because as it stands Freddy is simply another M1 killer with the condition of having to either injure the survivors in order to activate his powers, or wait 60 seconds up to nearly 2 minutes if they used a Dream Clock before hand for survivors to fall asleep. His teleport is worth one of billy's chainsaw runs and you can counter the dream pallets before hand by paying attention to your environment and using the resources there before running off and risking going to a pallet that was always fake or applied over a destroyed one. He can't fake windows so window maps like Haddonfield will be very, very, strong against him

    So please give us a concise, objective, and detailed argument using actual evidence because I actually quite like to read them

    Post edited by BlueFang on
  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    What he said abiove and this always applies: anyone who thinks they are hot-stuff does not need to say it. If it's true, then they can depend on their ability to express a superior understanding that being an expert gives them, not bluff one.