Obsession Status is Getting Annoying

HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

So All Obsession perks say ''increases chances of becoming the Obsession''. But when NIETHER the Killer nor I have Obsession perks I STILL get chosen as the Obsession when SOMEONE ELSE has D-Strike or any Obsession perk. I just had a match where 2 other Survivors had DS and I didn't yet I was still the Obsession. How can a perk increase your chances when it gives it to another player who doesn't even have a multiplier to get it? I didn't ask for it yet the two people who have it did.

Now yes, you can argue that that is a good thing because the Killer might refrain from tunneling you off the hook. But I always think the Killer has Dying Light or STBFL or you know, an Obsession perk. It's a mind game that benefits no one except the people who actually have an Obsession perk.

Is this a bug? I have had dozens of matches with this happening, hell I get this when NO ONE has any Obsession perks at all, neither the other Survivors or the Killer. I double checked every perk and no one had any. I'm thinking it's a bug but it might be one of those accidental features.


  • Aztreonam78
    Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131

    I used 3 Lauries perks some time and I've always been the Obsession

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    A Dev has already come out and said that the obsession is picked at random because only Survivors are allowed #CoUnTeRpLaY, not Killers.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I agree with this, if they intentionally choose an Obsession at random then the perks should not say increases chances, that is indeed a lie and needs to be changed.

    Now that I know that it is a feature and not a bug then I am ok with it but it still sucks super bad that someone else could have D-Strike but the entire time I think the Killer has something powerful.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    Its a chance but never guaranteed much like a map offering.

    Its designed this way so the killer never truly knows which one out of the four is running an obsession perk.

    I understand why it is this way but I also dislike it when I am the obsession as being one who never runs any the rng god seems to love chosing me 🤓.

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    What's worse is that if the killer focus on you thinking you have DS and leave the others who actually run DS , MoM etc .. I also thought it wasn't matching the perk description . But it's a minor thing compared to all the bugs , Spawning spots of torems and Survivors and so on